
Garden Blog Memes and Blog Link Parties

Are you a garden blogger?  Here's a handy-dandy guide to the memes or blog link parties in which you can participate.  If you know of any others, please email me.  If any of these are discontinued, please let me know.


 1st - Walk in the Gardens with This Grandmother's Garden - Take a walk then show and tell what you saw.

 1st - First Views with Town Mouse and Country Mouse - Long views of the garden.

 5th - Garden Bloggers Harvest Day with The Gardening Blog  - Show off your vegetable harvests.

15th - Garden Bloggers Bloom Day with May Dreams Gardens - Show off your flower blooms.

15th - Garten Blogger Bluten Tag by Seepferds Garten - German version of Bloom Day

16th - Foliage Follow-Up with Digging - Instead of blooms, this meme concentrates on the foliage.  (Leave your link in the comment section.)

20th - Garden Book Reviews with Roses and Other Gardening Joys - Tell us about the garden books you've read.

23rd - Garden Bloggers Foliage Day with Creating My Own Garden of the Hesperides

Fourth Wednesday of the month - Wildflower Wednesday with Clay and Limestone

Fourth Friday of the month - Salad Days by Veg Plotting

31st - Best and Worst of the Garden with Bumble Lush - A recap of the month's best and worst of the garden that month.

31st - End of Month Review by The Patient Gardener


Harvest Mondays with Daphne's Dandelions - Show your weekly vegetable harvest
Thursdays Kitchen Cupboard with The Gardener of Eden
Flaunt Your Flowers/Fertilizer Fridays with Tootsie Time - Show off your weekly blooms
Blooming Friday with Roses and Stuff


Lessons Learned - Quarterly by Plant Postings - Seasonal lessons learned from the garden
Seasonal Celebrations - Quarterly by Gardens Eye View - Signs and observations from each season


How to participate in a blog meme:
Write a post.
Make a link in your post to the blog hosting the meme.
Publish your post.
Add a link to your post on the host blog's page.
Don't forget to add a comment on the host's blog page!
Most blog memes are open to add your link for a few days past the date of the meme.
Be sure to visit the other participants' posts, too!