
Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Welcome Winter Sight

Walking around the garden is a daily pleasure.  Every day brings some joy.  Whether it is a bulb bursting forth from the frozen ground, a butterfly flirting with the wind, bees wallowing in pollen, or an evergreen bough silently reminding us that the garden is still alive in winter, every season has something different to enjoy.

It is no secret that I seek out the pleasure that roses bring.  The scents, the form, the color and beauty that roses provide are soothing to my soul.  But winter is a dreary time for rose lovers.  So it was a pleasant surprise when I walked around the garden yesterday.  Many roses lose their leaves in the winter; that is to be expected.  I have some classes of roses that remain evergreen, and that is a soothing sight, but still, I have learned to expect a full bush in some areas of the garden.

So what was so surprising?  The rose 'Red Cascade'.  It was still blooming!  :

What an enchanting sight.

'Red Cascade' is a climbing miniature rose bred by Ralph Moore in 1976.  I have 'Red Cascade' in a pot, where it does as it claims - cascades - down the sides.  Looking for a rose for a hanging basket?  I would definitely recommend 'Red Cascade'.  Just remember, plants in pots are about 1&1/2 zones (or 15 degrees F) colder than those in the ground. Thankfully, 'Red Cascade' is hardy to Zone 5, so mine is safe.

May you find roses blooming in your own winter garden.

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