
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Honest! I don't how they got in the cart!

Like most people, we went shopping before the big snow storm hit.  Anytime we go shopping, I consider it not just an opportunity to buy bread and milk.  It's a garden buying opportunity, too!  And anyone that knows me knows I go to the garden center first!

Look at all the goodies I got!!!

Clematis - 'Henryi' (white, early blooming) and 'Warsaw Nike' (red, mid blooming).  I have so many places they could go, but probably they'll be planted on the arbor going into the walking garden.

Asparagus - for the vegetable garden, and eventually eating.  I was very excited to find these!

Siberian Iris - these grow great around here and I needed more!  Probably will just throw them in the walking garden.  The walking garden is where I usually plant things I pick up compulsively.  I'm about to run out of room to squeeze things in there.  I'm planning a new garden area so I'll have a new place to plop things!

Bearded Iris - these don't do so great here, but this blue one was just too enticing, and I was weak.  Probably I'll put these in the main rose garden.  The blue will be beautiful there.

Cinnamon ferns - to fill in where the azaleas were dug up by the armadillos.  Ditto the Mammoth Elephant Ear bulb.  Have you ever seen one of these bulbs?  Quite intriguing.  I've never seen a bulb so large!

Peonies - a 'Sarah Bernhardt' because it is supposedly one of the few peonies that can take our heat, and a 'Festiva Maxima' because it was such a pretty white.  These would never fit in the walking garden, so in the main rose garden they will go.  Wow, I really do need that new garden area - soon!

These also jumped into my cart:

Just to bring a bit of warmth into my home while it's so unbearably cold outside.

All in all, a very successful milk-and-bread run.  Interesting to note:  while there were long lines of people stocking up on groceries, I was the only customer in the garden center.  And I would have bought more, but they had very, very few actual plants.  Don't they know gardeners shop year round?  Even with the approaching threat of a major winter storm?


  1. Haha, I love that - "I don't know how they got in the cart"! I buy so much gardening stuff too. Ten years ago I spent all my money on clothes - now I but plants and gardening "stuff"! How times change :)

  2. GardeningBlog - Yes, my gardening budget is much more than my clothing budget. I even buy clothes thinking "when this wears out, it will be good to wear gardening". Now, that's sad!
