
Monday, February 7, 2011

Weather Report

Finally the ice is melting.  Our cat, Mystery, sinks the ice in the pond:

Need to go on a diet, Mystery?

We had over 100 hours (4 days) of consecutive freezing temperatures.  Not usually something in which we have to contend.  The high of 20 F for Feb. 2 was a record in Dallas.  The cold front affected most of the U.S., but the weather here has been national news because of the Super Bowl being held in Dallas this year.  And the reports are right - we are hopelessly ill-prepared for this type of weather.

The good part?  It's over.  For now.  Hopefully the next cold front won't be as cold.  The insulating snow, I believe, helped my plants weather through this one.  I was mostly concerned about the China rose 'Mutabilis', but she looks fine.  Here is 'Mutabilis' from last year:

The only plant that really looks dead from the cold is an oleander (except the expected tropicals, of course).  Supposedly oleanders are really tough and will come back from the roots.

In fact, the only damage I can attribute to the big snow storm that came through is to the dog house.  The winds blew the dog house completely over, shattering a portion of the side.  Don't worry - the dog was residing comfortably in the garage.

February is a strange weather month for us Texans.  Some days are hot, some days are freezing.  I'm ready for some good old 'work out in the garden' weather.


  1. That's some cold weather you've been having in TX; Northern Ireland has had a crazy cold year too (we don't cope well with snow either). I read through your old posts... big hips was funny (roses). Do you use the moon/cycle for planting. My grandparents did that in KY for years. Feel free to drop by my little irish garden, Kelli.

  2. I think Mother Nature is making up for all those mild winters we have had the past several years. It seems to be colder all over the globe this year.

    I do use the moon cycles for planting, just in case it makes a difference! I'll definitely drop by your blog. Thanks for commenting.
