
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The First Iris

The first iris of the season has bloomed!  I was surprised to see it open this morning, as just last night I walked around the garden.  I knew there were buds on the irises, but thought it would be a few more days before they opened.  The little bit of a shower we received last night must have prompted it to open.

The rain drops weigh heavily on its fragile petals:

I have iris in several places in the garden.  I can't wait for more of them to open.

In fact, I am so thrilled with the form of the iris - the spiky leaves which give such a wonderful contrast to most other plants' leaves in the garden; the tall, regal way in which the blooms raise up to be seen; the fleur-de-lis shape of the bloom - that I am wondering if I should move the dianthus in the front and replace with iris (it needs a little more height there).  I'm pretty sure I should.  Now to figure out where to put the dianthus!

A plan is beginning to form in my mind.  Of course, that is the way it always is, isn't it?  One wonderful bloom and suddenly we want that flower all over the garden!


  1. The iris is admirable, but I am taken with that nice trickle of muscari.

  2. Those white Iris are stunning! I'm kinda jealous, dont think my transplant went to well last year, not seeing any signs yet of life...sniff sniff!
    Please post a pic when garden is in full bloom, it will be gorgeous...Cheers Julia

  3. It is only the beginning and how exciting is that? Love that iris.

  4. I can't wait for the irises in my garden to bloom! I especially love the white ones. It will be another month or more before they begin to bloom here.

  5. So true! Do we ever have enough room for all the beautiful plants we desire?! What a treat you woke up to this morning. I'm peeking at the columbine in my yard daily waiting for it to pop its blooms...they are almost there!

  6. I too have an iris bed, followed by asiatic lilies. I always anxiously await their arrival. The whites are my favorite, but I do have some almost black.

  7. I am surprised how early your beautiful white iris is blooming! Mine are just producing bigger leaves but there are no buds in sight, yet. For some wired reason irises don't grow all that well in my garden, but I keep trying. They are just too lovely to give up on them!

  8. The iris is really special and striking, wonder if it makes a good cut flower?

  9. Hi Holley, thanks for stopping by my blog. Your post made me smile, I often find myself wanting to move something to make way for my new favourite thing.

  10. Iris are one of my favorites, too. Whenever someone is giving them away, I say, "I'll take some."

  11. Nell Jean - You make me laugh! I was reading you blog where you state muscari doesn't do well for you. I hope mine continue to trickle!

    Julia - don't give up hope! I have just a couple of iris blooming right now, but most are not showing any signs of buds. I'm surprised these bloomed as early as they did!

    ONG - You are right! It is exciting to see the life coming back into the garden. It makes me delighted to know the garden will soon be in full bloom.

    Ginny - I don't think my iris bloomed so early last year. The white ones are new to my garden, and I am very pleased with their color.

    Cat - That's right! We gardeners want it all! Good luck on your columbine! I have not had the courage to try those.

    GWGT - The asiatic lilies are lovely, too. I planted more last year - I hope they all come up. The black iris sounds so sophisticated! I think it would show off in the garden splendidly!

    Christina - I am surprised they are so early, too! There are different kinds of iris - perhaps try a different kind?

    Kelli - I have no idea on any of my flowers' cutting properties. I can't bear to cut them from the garden, even though everyone tells me I should bring some inside. I'd rather go outside to see them!

    Plantalicious - Yes, I find myself moving things a lot more than I should, probably. Sometimes it's for the benefit of the plant. Sometimes just one of my whims!

    Marcia - I'd take them, too! I don't think a garden could ever have too many iris!

  12. Lucky you! My Dutch iris have had buds for days and days but they are not opening yet. I can't wait. I love your iris with muscari, they look great together.

  13. So nice you can be enjoying iris already. Mine bloom next month. I can't wait.

  14. I love your white iris, so lovely and full of promise for more blooms to come!

  15. GardeningBlog - it's kind of sad the rain weighed it down.

    Masha - I was expecting this one not to open for a while, but it was anxious!

    MotherNature - They are worth waiting for. Thanks for coming by and commenting.

    p3chandan - yes, I can't wait for the all to open! We always want more, don't we?

  16. Not even a bud in my garden in Central TX. I feel this may be a reflection on my care of the iris, as I am in zone 8, also!

  17. Cynthia - no, it's more a reflection of the iris. These white iris have always bloomed early. I have a purple iris (not Siberian) that always blooms late. Don't ask me what kind they are, though - all I know is white and purple!! ;)

  18. How wonderful to see such a beautiful iris - I love my roses and iris, but it will be months until I see thank you for yours

  19. Gloria - I hope when yours does finally bloom, they are splendid. Thanks for commenting.

  20. wow you are so far ahead of us here in the NE...lucky you

  21. Donna - I do feel lucky to live in the South, with our short winters. I don't think I would do well with a long winter.

  22. You were right - I went out of town for a few days. When I returned - multiple white blooms!

  23. Cynthia - glad you got back in time to enjoy them!
