
Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 2011 Hope Grows Day

Sweet Bean Gardening has come up with a great idea!  Called Hope Grows Days, these are the rules:

Post a photo of something in your garden that you are looking forward to in the next month.  It could be a plant you're hoping to see bloom, a project you're hoping to do, really anything that you are hopeful to see/do in your gardens.  Next month (on the fifth), come back and show us:
1.) the results of what you were hoping for, and
2.) what you are looking forward to for the next month

Well, I am hopeful.  There are buds on my crab apple.  I'm hoping that soon they will open like this picture from last year:

I am also hoping my crossvine will bloom.  It puts on a magnificent display when in bloom.  Again, another picture from last year:

However, my biggest hope comes from the newest little bed I've planted.

This little area has given me lots of problems.  Situated 1/2 in shade, 1/2 in full sun, I wanted not only a miracle plant, I wanted flowers!  So, I came up with a plan:  bulbs.  All kinds of bulbs.  Bulbs for the entire year.  I planted as many bulbs as I could squeeze into this tiny space (actually, I probably planted more than would really fit).  This is what the space looks like now.  It is full of grape hyacinths (muscari), with just a couple of crocus bulbs starting to show up.  It's a little messier than what I had envisioned, but the blue bulbs show up well, even though they are tiny.

Since this is my first year for this experiment, I am a bit curious which bulbs will come up next, and of course, very hopeful that this area will have more blooms next month!


  1. I do like how your new little garden looks! What a great idea to have bulbs for all the seasons. I am looking forward to seeing them come up. I bet your cross vine is spectacular when it is in bloom!

  2. I too plant bulbs or all seasons, but I loved your images from last year, so much to look forward too.

  3. Karin - I am truly hoping it turns out well, and not a big mess! I'm realizing that it could go either way. The cross vine is truly beautiful when in full bloom. The hummingbirds love it.

    GWGT - Right now, there is a lot to look forward to, with spring coming! Of course, every year there is something to change in the garden, and something that can be improved upon. That challenging aspect is one reason why I love gardening so much.

  4. What an unusual idea to plant a bulb bed! The muscaris are looking great. I am excited to see what bulbs are in bloom next month! Very tasteful sundial by the way!

  5. I hope your bed works out - it would be interesting to see it changing throughout the year. Your crabapple is so full of promise - I think it will look gorgeous very soon!

  6. love the bulbs...our challenge areas seem to always perplex's to the meme but have so much to hope for the snow to stop and melt...can't wait to see your bulbs in April

  7. What a sweet little bulb bed! What bulbs do you have planned for it? Or maybe I'll just have to wait and see! :)

  8. I also got curious - what bulbs will show their blooms next. What a great idea!

  9. Hello. I found your blog through blotanical. We're mostly vegetable growers, but I do love flowers. Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing! Stop by when you can.

  10. Your vine looks so beautiful against the brick wall. I love the idea of planting so many bulbs in that spot. It will be fun to see what comes up next.

  11. Christina - I'm hoping this idea works out! I've tried several things here. I'm hoping the bulbs will be foolproof!

    Masha - I hope it works out, too. We never know, do we, until we give it a try! I'm thinking the crabapples will be in bloom within the next week, or two.

    Donna - thanks for the hope! I planted bulb on top of bulb on top of bulb. Really, there isn't much dirt there - just a lot of bulbs! I hope I didn't plant too much and it all has room to grow!

    Hanni - I went through the bulb catalog and picked out a bulb for each month or so. I'm hoping something will be in bloom at all times (or at least most of the time). I hope it works out as it would be impossible to add or subtract without disturbing most of the other bulbs.

    Tatyana - I tried all different kinds of bulbs, things I've never tried before, so I'm not sure what will come up next, or even what will succeed vs. fail. It is truly an experiment.

    Loretta - Thanks for coming by. I will visit your blog. I grow some vegetables, but flowers are my love.

    Hocking Hills - Thanks for the comment about the cross vine. I love the way it grows up the wall. They do very well here, but are not invasive like some of the trumpet vines.

  12. Love the idea for the bulb garden -- especially in a spot that is challenging for growing any one kind of plant. Please post more pics of that little garden as the seasons change.

  13. PlantPostings - I am going to try to take a monthly picture of this area. It will be a fun way to determine if my little experiment worked!

  14. A really nice idea to have that small spot with bulbs, they are gorgeous when they bloom. I love your sundial, soon the blooms will make it a more outstanding feature in your garden. See you next month!

  15. p3chandan - I have an idea in my head what these blooms around the sundial will look like. It will be interesting to see how it really turns out! Thanks for the comment.

  16. Your crossvine is so beautiful! I hope it is as beautiful for you as last year. Lovely post!

  17. Thank you, Carol. It should bloom soon. I'm sure I'll post pics, and we'll compare. Thanks for commenting.
