
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Sweet Surprise

I almost missed it.  I have been working in the front beds, and have not been working in the main rose bed.  That bed has already been pruned and weeded.  Nothing there to see.  Or, so I thought.  But I needed to move some plants from a failed bed (weeds overtook and I didn't have the energy to fight them all).  Since the main rose bed was the closest, I decided to put some of those plants there.  No other reason - just slothfulness and laziness prevailed.

That's when I saw them.

Bulbs are amazing things.  You plant them, forget them, then one day - poof! - they come up after you've forgotten about them.  I had certainly forgotten all about planting these crocus bulbs.  But aren't they adorable?  I cried out with delight when I saw them.  That purple color!  I love it!

Look!  I have a yellow one coming up, too!
Gardens can bring such sweet surprises to the gardener sometimes.


  1. I love crocuses! I haven't gotten around to planting them yet at our new house, but at the old house I had a slope full of them. Around here, they're one of the first things to bloom and really brighten up the dull winter landscape.

  2. Dear HG, I found a snowdrop today in my zone 5 garden, so I know how excited you felt. I planted about 100 new crocus bulbs last fall, and can't wait for all the snow to leave, so I can check if there are any signs of them. Yours are such a pretty color. P x

  3. Shannon - a whole slope full of these must have been beautiful! This is my first year for crocuses. I know now why gardeners love them so.

    Pam - Isn't it exciting to see something come up and actually bloom after winter? It is quite thrilling! 100 crocus bulbs - that will be gorgeous! I bought these out of boredom last year, but I'm going to buy more this year. I even love their little striped leaves!

  4. Every fall I say "Bulbs don't last too long and then I have to hide the foliage." And now is when I say "Why didn't I plant more bulbs because color this time of year is incredible!" Great shots and a great discovery.

  5. Crocuses are so lovely, so cheery!

  6. Masha - thanks. I am becoming quite enamored with them.

    ONG - I, too, overlooked bulbs for many years because of their short time frame. I'm glad I finally decided to plant some.

    Kelli - Yes, they are the face of spring, aren't they? Yours are beautiful, too.

  7. Those are gorgeous! Have added crocus to my bulb shipping list!

  8. GardeningBlog - I am adding more to my list, too! ;) Thanks for commenting.

  9. Crocuses just opened today all over my garden, and I am very excited.

  10. Carolyn - They are so small, I haven't quite figured out why they are so exciting. Perhaps because they are all the colors of spring we have been missing so much. Whatever it is, I am head-over-heels!

  11. Hello, again. I thought you would like to know I linked to this post on my latest posting. P x

  12. My crocuses are always a welcomed sign that winter is coming to an end! Hooray for spring :)

  13. A sweet surprise with stunning colors!!! Thanks for sharing.

  14. Pam - thanks so much for the honor! I will definitely check out your post.

    Rebecca - Hooray for spring, indeed! I was really tired of winter!

    One - I don't remember ordering these bulbs, (I vaguely remember planting them), so I don't know if I chose the colors or if it was a 'mix', but I was thrilled to have purple - one of my favorite colors - and the yellow one actually turned out white! I love it! It's the little things that thrill us, isn't it?

  15. I never expected Texas to have crocus in bloom at the same time of year as ourselves in Scotland. Very beautiful and your enthusiasm is infectious.

  16. Alistair - isn't that interesting? I think they are blooming all over! It will be fun to compare our plants as the year progresses.

  17. Yesmam, love these surprises!

  18. Darla - yes, and as I get older (and more forgetful), it seems I get more and more surprises! hahaha

  19. The surprises are my favorite thing about bulbs. Well, that and the color and the greenery and how early they are. But I never keep notes of what bulbs I've put where, just to enjoy that very pleasure you shared. :)

  20. Stacy - I'm so glad you said that! Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only gardener that just plops things, without marking where they are. I love the surprises, too!
