
Monday, April 25, 2011

Are You Boring?

Gardeners are boring.  Well, at least we can be.  We can talk on and on about one little leaf, one little bloom, one little plant - well, you get the idea.  For people not interested at all in these things, we must seem like the most boring people on earth.

That's why I was so excited to be introduced to a community of gardeners and garden bloggers at Blotanical.  Pam at Pam's English Cottage Garden invited me to join, and I am so grateful to her for opening up a world of bloggers talking about their gardens.  You see, talk like that doesn't bore me.  It exhilarates me!

And although I haven't met any of these gardeners in person, I feel like I know a lot of them.  I get caught up in their chickens, their statues, their photography, their roses, their vegetables, their weather, their lives, their books and their blooms.  Even their yard art!

Not only do I now watch gardens grow in the north and south, east and west, and everywhere in between in the United States, but also in Africa, Germany (translations available) and two different blogs from Malaysia!  And they have welcomed me with gracious hospitality.  Other gardeners have tagged me in a meme (always fun!), mentioned my blog, list it as a favorite, or link to it on their blogs.  (I wish I could name you all - please just know I appreciate you!)  I am elated to know that my little blog about my little garden (with my little leaves and my little plants) interests other people, too!

And now!  Guess what?!?!?!!  Hold your breath!  This is exciting!  I mean, this is

Hanni at Sweet Bean Gardening is doing a Before and After on my garden!  Hanni has featured several Before and Afters in her series, and I am so thrilled and excited that she is posting my walking garden's transformation.  Let that sink in.  She's showing pictures of my garden!!!  Please click HERE to check it out!  Thanks, Hanni!

Yes, Blotanical has opened up an entire world of gardening for me.  Boring, boring, boring to anyone not interested in plants.  But very, very, very exciting to me!

And for your information:  all pictures in this post are from my walking garden this season.  All links go to an interesting garden blog!


  1. The most boring gardeners of all? Rose gardeners. ;-) Just kidding! I felt the same way when I joined Blotanical -- suddenly I had dozens of gardens to read about, and lots of people to share my thoughts with. Fun stuff!

  2. Wonderful post and it has been our pleasure getting to know you is where you can go to let Stuart know you have done a post about Blotanical so you can receive the coveted Red Star...Hanni's post was wonderful too...

  3. I agree, blogging is exciting. I met a lot of people through blogging too, and learned more about gardening. I am always amazed at how much of a blogger's personality is revealed in the blog.

  4. You did a great feature on Blotanical, Holly. I am a Blotanical newbie as well, and I feel as welcomed and excited as you.

  5. Blotanical got me connected last year and it was wonderful!! Glad you've joined our 'boring' group.

  6. Now that I've been blogging for a while and have a group of friends that love gardening as much as I do, I don't have to talk so much about it with non-gardening friends and watch their eyes glaze over!! Blotanical is a wonderful community and I'm glad to have found you here.

    Thanks so much for linking to my Macro in a Mason Jar post. I appreciate the love ~ <3 Cat

  7. The elephant in Africa appreciates your visits ;~)

  8. Alan - Yes, I agree. Rose gardeners are the worse! :) Thanks for the laugh.

    Donna - Thanks for the link. I will enjoy having that little red star by my name!

    Masha - Yes, it's funny that just through talking about plants our personalities shine. They also come through in our garden design and plant selections. Each of us is different, and our gardens are different - I love it!

    Sage Butterfly - I had no idea such a garden blogging community existed. I thought I would be all alone blogging. It's been so much fun to find this community. I feel lucky to have found it.

    Jenni - Bore me, bore me! I love it!

    Cat - You're welcome. Your photography is amazing.

    Elephant's Eye - And it's always interesting to visit you, too.

  9. Holley, its like a weight off my mind, I knew I was boring having it confirmed is a release. Anyway I love your blog and all other boring stuff associated with it. I agree with all you say about blotanical and you will deserve a red star.

  10. So I have been falling asleep at night with my mind drifting off to how I can write a Blotanical post (nothing so far)...and here I find nearly a perfect example. :)

    I was HONORED to feature your walking garden! It's beautiful, and I am so glad to have met you through blogging.

  11. Alistair - Sorry I had to give you the bad news. But, if you love my blog and all its boring stuff - well, you know what that means! (kidding) Thanks for your comments.

    Hanni - Probably not anywhere near perfect! I loved being featured in your before and after series. It was fun, and I hope inspirational in some way to others.

  12. Fun post, thanks for including me. Some of the most charming blogs are simply someone's daily garden journal notes.

  13. Hi Holley, I know exactly how you feel -I have the same great vibe about Blotanical. and I feel so privileged to have "met" you here and develop all these wonderful relationships with other 'boring' gardeners! it's been so much fun! long may it continue and I hope we have years of sharing with each other xxxx

    off to see your garden on Hanni's blog!

  14. I totally agree about Blotanical--joining was one of the best things I've done in the past few months. It's great fun getting to know people like you, Holley. Thanks for the "north" tag! This was a fun post--checking out all the links! Cheers!

  15. I refuse to admit I'm boring! :) I too feel slowly but steadily that I know all these virtual people as if I've actually met them. It is such an odd thing to know so much about a group of people that you've never laid eyes on!

  16. oh, and thanks for the link!

  17. Thanks Holly for linking my Yippy post. It was fun seeing with whom you set up a link. Blotanical has been fun for me also, and since I started, have 'met' so many great bloggers. You are right, it is difficult to name them all, but fun to visit them all.

  18. Nell Jean - Yes, and since gardens change daily (at least to the eyes of the gardener), just a journal can be intriguing and informational.

    GardeningBlog - I only wish we all lived closer together so we could actually meet! Other than that, I'm so glad to have this community of people to talk my 'boring' garden talk with!

    PlantPostings - Glad you found your link. My only regret was that I couldn't link to everyone!

    Jess - Unlike most of us, you are definitely not boring! ;) I talk about everyone to my husband as if I know them. He's getting to know everyone, too! And you're welcome.

    GWGT - It is amazing to me all the different gardens, different plants, zones, weather, and personalities. But we all love to garden, and that makes them all so interesting!

  19. Where is the like button for all these comments! I am so grateful to have found such a wonderful blogging group of friends through Blotanical =) I'm still a newbie too, but feel like its opened up so many doors already, I love getting to know you all through your blogs, wonderful post Holley!

  20. Congrats on being selected for the Before and After spot! I know you gardeners love their hard work to be recognized.

    Thanks for the link. I was surprised and very flattered that my little game would show up in a glowing report about your Blotanical love.

    Oh, and well yes I am a bit boring.

  21. Julia - Yes, it seems like an ever-growing circle of friends here. Thanks for stopping by and chatting!

    Lifeshighway - It was thrilling to me that Hanni asked for a before and after of my garden. Only gardeners would find it interesting. You, however, are never boring. You are always a blast!

  22. I don't know what a blog is, but I enjoy reading all these stories about gardening. I am trying to create an edible landscape in my Oakland, Ca home. It is coming slowly. I really don't know what plants go with which plants best. I want a look of an English cottage garden but with edible plants in them.

    1. A blog is short for "web log", meaning any kind of journal on the internet. Good luck with your edible landscape. I think it could be very, very pretty. There are a lot of different companion flowers you could mingle in with your edibles. If you google 'flower companions for vegetables' there should be lots of combinations you could apply in your garden. Good luck. I think it sounds like a wonderful idea!
