
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Guess Who's Coming To Dinner

We were eating lunch yesterday when we noticed - we had company!

No, they didn't ring the doorbell.  In fact, they were trying to be very quiet.  They didn't want us to know they had come for dinner.  In the middle of the day.  In broad daylight!   Uninvited.

That may just look like weeds to you, but in actuality it's our vegetable garden.  Do you see the lettuce hanging out her mouth?

Not just one, but three!

And where was The Protector?  Was he protecting the property as he is supposed to do?  Defending our food source?

No, he was asleep.

They seem to have a system - one looks out while the others chow down.  It didn't seem to bother them that we moved from inside the house to outside on the porch.

Finally The Protector barked - once.  It startled us, too.  But since he didn't bark again, it really didn't slow them down.

I suppose they finally got full, as they eventually sauntered off.

Want to know what is most disturbing?   We never ran them off, either.  We just ran to get our cameras!


  1. Looks like quite a banquet! Time for some deer fencing, or you'll be running a 24 hr buffet I think. Cute that the dog is oblivious.

  2. That photo of your weimaraner made me laugh out loud. Ours is 13 now and spends almost all her time doing just that.

    So true about running for your camera. Saw a big dog fox sniffing about the chicken house the other day - ran for the camera.... there's bloggers for you.

  3. Kate - It's a large area, and fencing would be expensive, so we've put it off. We really thought the dog would run them off!

    David - Haha - you're right. Anything could happen - and we would just go for the camera!

  4. I had to laugh also at your Weimar asleep. Hey he probably figured he wouldn't catch them anyway. My Yorkies would have been in pursuit. :)

  5. I had a feeling when I saw the title. These girls look a little brazen. Think they will be calling their friends?

  6. What a lovely post!! And what wonderful hosts you are to not chase your uninvited guests away! :)

  7. Cher - I can imagine your Yorkies would not allow these shenanigans!

    GWGT - I hope they don't know anyone else! Hard to see, but I believe one is a male! He better watch out come deer season! (just kidding, I only shoot with a camera.)

    GardeningBlog - Yes, disappointed at the dog - then we didn't do anything either! Didn't really 'teach them a lesson' did we?

  8. Good thing you had some extra lettuce to share! This post was so much fun I laughed out loud and then had to explain it to my husband. He thought it was fun, too. Thanks for the grins!

  9. I thought the deer were cute until I saw the Protector. LOL! He's charming!!! I would have done just the same. Taking the camera and trying not make sudden movements...Oh well, looks like you may have to grow more lettuce. :)

  10. PlantPostings - It's been so hot here, the lettuce was about to bolt anyway, so I'm glad they ate it instead of something else! We might have defended a tomato plant!

    One - When I started taking pictures of the deer, I wondered where the dog was. I couldn't believe it when I looked around and saw him snoozing! In fact, when he barked, I think he barked because we were on the porch, not at the deer! Some protector!

  11. Sounds like we were in the same predicament...I saw a deer grazing in our "back 40" and I put on quite the production to scare her off. Didn't seem to do the trick! Next time I'll have to run & get the camera, too!

  12. Hanni - haha - I can imagine you out there trying to run them off with them not paying you any attention. Maybe you need a dog - obviously, not a Weimaraner! ;0

  13. It would be a hard call, save the veggies or save the moment!

  14. Please give the Protector a big scritch behind the ears for me--he clearly earned his rest. OK, maybe he didn't earn it *that day*, but at some point in his past, I'm sure he did a noble deed and forgot to get his nap in afterward. It's a pity deer are such pests, because they're so camera-worthy!

  15. The Protector is a very handsome fellow but yeah, a smaller yappy-type dog would have been in pursuit. I could always send you one [or three] of my neighbor's mouthy dogs :}

  16. Lovely photos of graceful creatures ... it's a shame that they're so destructive.

  17. Carol- I suppose we should have worried a bit more about the poor veggies. As the season gets farther along, and more vegetables start producing, we might defend them a bit more!

    Stacy - I can tell you're a dog lover, taking up for the Protector! Don't worry, he's old, and quite spoiled. Later on, I took him for a ride in the truck - his very favorite past time! And he did get to bark at a (human) visitor later on - all in all, a very big day for him!

    Lynn - Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass! How lucky you are! You probably don't have to worry about deer! :)

  18. Connie - I agree. They are so pretty. Only after getting all the photos, I realized we should have been running them off! If they had been chewing on my roses, I would have!
