
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Miss Bateman

I went to high school with a Miss Bateman.  She was one of the popular ones.  Pretty, lively, cheerful, and sweet.  Quite enjoyable to be around.  I loved the times when I was in her company.  She always brought a smile to my face.

The same is true of 'Miss Bateman', my clematis.  Isn't she a beauty?

Clematis are a little tricky.  They fall into three groups, with different pruning requirements for each group. Confusing?  Yes.  Especially if you're like me and don't know the names of most of the clematis in your garden.

I know 'Miss Bateman' is a group 2.  Pruning on a Group 2 clematis is to be done after flowering.  But, like most plants, they will usually survive the gardener's mistakes or inattention.  In fact, I read all sorts of contradictory advice on clematis, so if you prune yours differently, that's probably o.k. too.  The first few years a hard pruning is usually advised to give the clematis a bushy form.  That has never been a problem for me, as I usually break the vines moving them around the first few years.

'Miss Bateman' is a fairly popular clematis to have in the garden.  This is her third year in my garden.  (Second year in this spot.)  She grows in zones 5 through 9.  I look forward to her growing larger and multiplying her blooms.  Unfortunately, she is placed in a spot where she doesn't receive a lot of sun, so hopefully she'll continue to be happy.  Clematis like their roots cool, so I always place a rock on top of the soil to mark their planting spot.  The rock also serves as a reminder to me where they are planted while they are dormant.

There are so many different varieties of clematis, and some have the most incredibly unusual blooms.  Although 'Miss Bateman's blooms are not so unusual looking, they are lovely.  Cheerful.  Sweet.

While she is blooming, I am going to enjoy the company of 'Miss Bateman', the clematis.  Just as much as I enjoyed the company of Miss Bateman, my high school friend.


  1. It is stunning. I put in two last year but am kind of regretting now not getting a white one. Really like it.

  2. Your 'Miss Bateman' clematis is absolutely lovely! I was growing the same variety when I was gardening in Northern California, zone 9 together with a 'Iceberg Climbing' rose and I really miss it. I don't know if clematis will grow here for me in Zone 10, San Diego, but your post reminds me that I should try it out. They are certainly worth it!

  3. Jennifer@threedogsinagarden
    Thank you for introducing us to Ms. Bateman. She looks every bit to be the sweet beauty you describe. I have also misplaced many of my clematis plant tags and agree that they seem to do alright, even when neglected.

  4. I have learned so much. Thanks for the intro to Miss Bateman and the great tips.

  5. I have Miss Bateman and it is one of my all time clematis favorites. Nice photos.

  6. What a lovely clematis Miss Bateman is. She really looks wonderful against the brick wall.


  7. uh oh, I have a clematis which I have no idea of its name, but I don't trim it off at all. Perhaps I should be doing this.

    I really am a pitiful gardener (who likes pretty plants).

  8. Cher - You can always add a white one to the mix!

    Christina - I bet that was lovely with climbing Iceberg! What a wonderful idea! I have most of my clematis growing up arbors or trellises. I need to mix more with my roses.

    Jennifer - The 3 groups was and still is so confusing to me. I generally just treat them like plants - and they seem to do o.k.!

    Tufa Girl - Maybe you'll try one? Or do you already have clematis?

    GWGT - It's easy to see why she is a favorite. Very pretty clematis.

    FlowerLady - I needed something against that wall. I wasn't sure she'd make it, it's quite shady there. She has exceeded my expectations.

    lifeshighway - Don't worry! I have one intwined with my crossvine. I don't know it's name, either. It does fine. They find a way to survive, despite us gardeners!

  9. Beautiful, lots of blooms and obviously happy despite being moved around and all:). I prune my type 2 as type 3 and it is still alive:). If there is anything rose growing has taught me it is that plants are resilient and can (usually tough not always) survive the gardener's mistakes:). Thank you for showing such a beautiful plant!

  10. Masha - You are so right. Thank goodness plants are so forgiving! It would be scary (at least for me) to have to learn first, then do, instead of the other way around!

  11. Cute idea for a blog post! I thought you were going to say you went to school with Justine Bateman. :) Your Clematises (is that correct for plural) look very healthy!

  12. NellJean - She has exceeded my expectations!

    PlantPostings - haha! No, I don't know anyone famous. :)
