
Monday, April 4, 2011

They Make a Handsome Couple

Plants that compliment each other, placed together, are a gardener's dream.  Some gardeners can do this instinctively.  Others learn.  Then there are those of us that just get lucky and do it accidentally!

I am pleased to have some pairings of plants in my garden that I feel are really quite pretty.  This accomplishment, though mostly through accident, still gives me great joy.  Just look at what's popping up in my garden:

Dianthus and roses.  This particular pair was accidental.  I just needed something to fill in here until I decided exactly what I wanted to plant with these roses.  I bought the dianthus as an annual, (unnamed mix) last summer. When the rose above it bloomed (a Knockout), it amazed me how close the two colors blended.

I could not have picked a better match if I had tried!

The second pairing I love is dianthus 'Fire Witch' with boxwoods.  The contrast of the bright green of the boxwoods, the grey of the dianthus, plus the pop of bright pink against the green make this a very cheerful pairing.

They surround the rose 'Ebb Tide', which is grown here as a standard.  The color above is not accurate - Ebb Tide is more purple, while Fire Witch is more pink.

Another pair of beauties is a purple iris (unnamed) with May Night salvia.  The two purples play off each other and really draw the eye.

This last pair is my favorite.  A complete accident, it thrilled me when I first saw this combination.  'May Night' salvia rises above the groundcover phlox 'Candy Stripe' in a delightful combination.  I'm going to use this pair in more areas, now that I see how pretty they are together.

I can't wait to see which plantings make great couples this summer!

Do you have a favorite spring plant pairing?


  1. These are some great color combinations here...I could learn a thing or two from you.

  2. Seeing so many fantastic garden posts in the past couple days - i'm amazed that many are enjoying sunshine and green in their gardens - you my dear are even enjoying blooms! It's rainy rainy rainy here & my tulips look closer to blooming - which means the rain will most likely tip them over......(sad face) - i adore your dianthus and rose combination! Your right, couldn't have been a more perfect match! xoox, Tracie

  3. Some really great complimentary colours. I'm probably a bit of an accidental gardener myself. I really like the rose and dianthus in the top photos, really striking colour.

  4. ps - hope to see you link up to Cottage Flora Thursday's this week! oxox

  5. I have a book here by the RHS called "summer plant combinations". It is full of beautiful, inspiring combinations - all of yours would fit beautifully into this book!

  6. You have some great combo's there. I guess if I had to pick a combo favorite here it would be the first and last. Sorry can't pick just one.
    Goldenray Yorkies

  7. Very pretty. It looks like your garden is at its spring peak - mine is still weeks away (sigh of envy).

  8. Oh, I love the May Night with the Iris. Great textures together. I will have to remember this combination.

  9. I am loving your pairings, not to mention your pretty! especially love the dianthus and boxwood. What a lovely combination, cant wait to find a spot to try that in my plot =)

  10. How perfect that I came by when I did...I was gifted with some iris and happen to have a spot by my may night salvia - yippee! Beautiful combination!

  11. Darla - You flatter me. Most of these are accidents. I'm learning from my own garden!

    Tracie - Sorry you're having bad weather. It's always so disappointing when we wait all winter for spring then the blooms are ruined for some reason. We are in late spring here. (We have a long summer season.) Thanks, too, for the link.

    Kelli - I like that one, too, and wish I knew the name of the dianthus!

    Gardening Blog - Thanks so much for that compliment. I have books on combinations, too, but for some reason never seem to grow or find the combinations presented.

    Cher - I like the first because it's a 'hot' color combo, and being in the strong-sun South, those hot colors show up well. The last, though, is more traditional pink and blue, which I find very appealing in spring.

    Masha - I'm surprised you're so far behind. I actually would have thought California would be ahead. It does, however, get very hot here, and the plants go into spring mode very quickly.

    Tufa Girl - The photo doesn't do that combination justice. In real life, it is very eye-catching. Of course, I love purples in the garden.

    Julia - The dianthus and boxwood was probably the only combination I actually planned!

    Cat - I hope you love your iris and salvias together as much as I do mine.

  12. Love it...I am terrible at combos and usually just shove plants together! The dianthus and boxwoods together are my favorite. :)

  13. I'll have to consider some of my pairings when they finally bloom!

    I think I will pick some of my spinach that you commented on tomorrow for dinner. We had a lovely warm day today but it won't last. Tomorrow its to be in the 40ºs!

  14. As a relatively new gardener I find this one of the hardest design parts... I'd be delighted should you decide to do a series on this :)

  15. Doesn't May Night look good with almost every color? I planted rosy-red and peachy-orange tulips near my May Night, if they all bloom together the color combo should be eye-popping. Or hopefully May Night will still be showing color when my golden Stella d'Oro daylilies bloom. I love those rich colors together. Or I planted lime green 'Green Envy' coneflower near 'Caradonna' salvia (similar to May Night in color) and the color combo was wonderful.

  16. Hanni - I just shove, too. Sometimes even stuff all stuffed together looks good! Isn't that what mother natures does?

    Marcia - 40's! Brrr. Enjoy your spinach!

    Jess - I'd love to do a series, but since these are mostly accidents, it's not like I really know what's going to emerge! :) I will, however, continue to post any pairings that I think are pretty together.

  17. VW - I agree. I think May Night looks good with almost everything. I would love to see your lime green coneflower with it!

  18. Yes great, you got some serendipitous pairings there. They look so healthy and beautiful. Thanks for coming over my site.

  19. Thanks for sharing your plant combinations, I may use your idea of interplanting box with dianthus, I love it. Christina

  20. Andrea - Thanks for commenting. "Serendipitous pairings" - what a wonderful way to phrase it.

    Christina - I hope you do try it, and that you love it.

  21. I love all the colour combinations of your plants. They do make handsome couples!

  22. I love these combinations! I never understand why some combos work because they're so similar, and some of them work because they're so contrasting. I LOVE the one with the irises and 'May Night'--the way the spiky shapes echo one another.

  23. Wow, you got some great combinations there. My favorites are the purple iris with the 'May Night' salvia and the last one of 'May Night' salvia and the 'Candy Stripe' phlox. "Painting with plants" is so much fun!

  24. p3chandan - I am delighted, and this has given me a new way to look at my garden, and a new challenge!

    Stacy - Sometimes mine clash - which sometimes I like, other times not so much.

    Christina - "Painting with plants" - something every gardener does. I love all the challenges of gardening, with textures and colors and design - so much to learn and master.

  25. Love the may night and irises idea! Looks wonderful!

  26. Kelsey - Thanks for commenting. That purple iris is my favorite. Wish I had more of them.
