
Monday, May 16, 2011

Where There's Smoke....

I'm here to tell everyone that GBBD (Garden Bloggers Bloom Day for those that don't know) is dangerous!  Dangerous, I tell you!!!

No, it's not the envy of beautiful plants and flowers that bloggers all over the world flaunt on the 15th of each month that's my concern.  No, this meme hosted by May Dreams Gardens can be detrimental to your health!  Take care!

Donna of Gardens Eye View recently posted about distraction.  But, this was not distraction that almost caused calamity.  It was concentration.  Full and complete concentration, on GBBD.

You see, I was so wrapped up in looking at everyone's posts, drooling over their blooms, listing plants I would like to consider for my own garden, noting everyone's remarks about their weather, checking their planting zones and whether their gardens were in early spring or early summer, when I was interrupted.

As you can see, I had a lot going on with those GBBD posts!  And I was totally unprepared for the sound of someone yelling "What's on fire?".  That's right!  Fire!  But, it wasn't fire, really.  (You can relax a bit.)  But there was a lot of smoke.  How could I not have noticed?  How could I not have seen?

Because I was concentrating on GBBD!

I had cooked a fine lunch, and so anxious was I to check out GBBD posts, that I completely forgot to turn off the burner.  (OK, Donna, maybe a little distraction here.)  The beans that were green were now black as soot.  No moisture left in the pan.  The entire kitchen flooded with smoke, and that smoke was billowing throughout the entire house.

But I never saw it.  You know what I was doing.

So, beware!  GBBD seems like an innocent prancing of beautiful flowers.  But you must not forget - turn off the burner first!


  1. Ha ha, I burnt peas the other day and the smoke scent lingered for days! I fee your pain!

  2. I LOVE your post!! This was great! (fortunately, only the green beans were harmed...and the stinky smoke smell may have taken a while to dissipate).

  3. I did the same thing--with a pan of chocolate chip cookies in the oven. They came out like hockey pucks and the house definitely lost the wonderful 'Cookie Aroma'. You had me worried, but glad it was only a green bean fire.

  4. Haha, most amusing post! When looking at beautiful plants it's best not to multi task :) Hope everything's been cleaned and sorted now and got rid of the smoke smell in the house.

  5. You need a laptop, that way you can bring the computer into the kitchen with you. No more burnt beans! Although, I have noticed that the keyboard tends to get sticky....

  6. Next you'll be saying that GBBD is detrimental to your health. That's why I limit myself to viewing a very few number of those posts. Too overwhelming to look at them all but I know I'm missing a lot by being so circumspect.

  7. Oh girl, been there done that. I now turn on the kitchen timer for about 5 to 10 minutes (depending) to get me out of internet garden land.

  8. Yikes! thank goodness it was only the beans and there was someone there not distracted by blooms.

  9. My gosh, I never knew GBBD could be dangerous. Thanks for informing!

  10. Kelsey - Were you on GBBD too???

    Shyrlene - I've never seen beans (or anything else for that matter) so black! They were burnt all the way through! I was actually impressed that the pot hadn't melted!

    Karen - Green beans are one thing, but to lose some chocolate chip cookies - that's tragic!

    Mark and Gaz - It took a while for the smoke smell to dissipate. I had to leave the house for a while. Needless to say, no one wanted me to cook supper!

    Shannon - sticky keys! haha I'm afraid I would burn everything I tried to cook if I did that!

    Marcia - Obviously it is detrimental to my health! For some reason, I couldn't see the smoke or smell the burn, I was so engrossed! Not to mention the drain on my pocketbook, time, etc., etc. Gardeners, beware!

    Tufa Girl - That's a good idea. There's always one more post I want to check out!

    Marguerite - Yes, I got strange looks when they realized I was just sitting there, staring at the computer, and didn't notice the smoke! I was really in my own little (gardening) world.

    GWGT - That's why I felt other gardeners needed know! However, I suppose the blame could be shifted - to the green beans!

  11. Oh dear! GBBD: hazardous to your lunch. Glad it was only the green beans that got it - I've lost a pot this way once before. And at least you had (at some point there) remembered that you did need to eat and ought to make something...if that falls by the wayside it might be time for a GBBD intervention =)

  12. redgardenclogs - haha Yes, I did remember to feed my family, although they may have had to remind me a few times! :)

  13. I seem to recall another post of yours recently about the dangers of gardening... You may want to look into hiring a bodyguard!

  14. Oh no! Thank goodness it was only the beans and not something extra yummy like chocolate cake! Blogging is distracting isn't it? Since I've started, my kids give me such a hard time about being on the computer all the time!

  15. Stacy - Yes, I admit it - I'm a klutz! I haven't even gone into my story of cleaning the sharp gardening shears with my bare hands, and you guessed it, slicing open my thumb. Would a bodyguard save me from myself?

    Cat - Oh, I would have been crying if it had been anything chocolate! I think we all get a hard time from someone in the household. Blogging's addicting!

  16. I scare myself doing stuff like this sometimes....

  17. I am sorry your dinner got burnt :). I burnt mine too the other day, but I was in the garden deadheading roses - something I couldn't find time to do earlier because I was spending too much time on blogger too...

  18. Sorry about your experience, or should that be experiences. Yes, maybe a bodyguard...

  19. Jess - Glad I'm not the only one!

    Masha - Deadheading is a chore I've fallen behind, too. Perhaps we should just quit trying to cook! :)

    Mac - I didn't realize I had so many dangerous experience until I started blogging! Now, if you want a real story, ask me about my dad and the chainsaw...
