
Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Moment in Time

My garden is pretty in the spring, when the roses have their first flush.  But my garden is truly a summer garden, with many plants coming into bloom later in the season.

The area I call the walking garden has mesmerized me this year.  Just mature enough to be filled in, but not overgrown.

My main rose bed is not quite there yet, and other areas are still being tweaked.   I look forward to seeing what next year will bring.

But this area of the garden is giving me immense pleasure right now.  Can you see why I love this part of the garden so?

For one brief shining moment in time, my garden is ethereal.  This is its peak.  Its best.  Right before it begins to go into decline.  A small second of perfection.  I fantasize that even Monet would have been envious!

I'm linking up with Tracie for Cottage Flora Thursdays.


  1. Your garden is beautiful! So vibrant and colorful. I'd love to sit by the pond. :)

  2. Wow! You're right about it being at its peak. Everything has a bloom or is adding a color interest to the palette. I guess your roses were the prelude. What will be the postlude?

    I wonder what mine look like. I'll see next Tuesday when I return home.

  3. Monet would be jealous and I am too!

  4. HolleyGarden, it sure is lovely, and really, your peak should be more of a high platte, shouldn't it? At least a month - or more? I hope so. Since I'm new to these companion plants, I never know what results I'll get from deadheading, but the coreopsis responded well, blooming heavy again. The first cutting I cut blind, but the second I could see the new growth and could tell better how far down to cut. In fact, it's time to do them again. Don't know about the echinacea. Last year I just let the seedheads go black on the plant, hoping they would reseed. They seem to have a finite number of flowers in them, but I'll be more diligent about deadheading them this year and see what happens. I do think Monet would be proud of you and your garden. I know I am.

  5. That is truly a wonderful, colorfilled cottage garden. I love it! So much joy of life.


  6. oh my goodness that's gorgeous. such a fountain of colour that brings an instant smile. If Monet isn't jealous I am!

  7. I love moments in the garden like this! When this happens, a gardener can finally sit back and drink it all in. Thanks for taking pics and sharing.

  8. Holley, your walking garden looks like my dream garden! You can be so proud of yourself, that you have achieved a garden like that. It is such an art form to plant a garden densely, so that it looks really lush and full, but not to over plant it so doesn't come across as unruly or overgrown. Thanks for sharing this magical moment in time of your garden.

  9. Lovely photos. You have with a talent with gardening and photography!

  10. Monet would set up his easel and start painting! What a truly luscious place -- and YES, I can see why you love it so!

  11. He would have his easel and paints and set up shop right there by those roses. Gorgeous. I love all the different colors playing together in harmony and contrast. Just awesome.

  12. Wow! Beautiful! I love the chartreuse green and purple combination. I definately think Monet would be envious.

  13. Bumble Lush - Sitting by the pond is nice because of the sound of the water. Of course, I also enjoy seeing the fish. And the flowers that bloom in the summer. I guess I like it all! lol

    Marcia - I hope your garden is perfect when you return home. The postlude? I have just started acquiring camellias for the fall, so hopefully they won't let me down!

    Ginny - :) Thanks!

    Sherry - W are quite a bit ahead in the season. Already we've seen very high temps - those that are usually in July or August. Our average temperature, although we've cooled down a bit, is still almost 5 degrees above what is considered normal. So, yes, the garden peaked early this year. As for deadheading, I do go to deadhead the roses! I get far behind on deadheading perennials, and pinching things back gets put vey far down on the list. Perhaps one day I will have that sort of time and dedication. I know the garden would do better.

    FlowerLady - And the garden gives back to us so much, doesn't it? Just looking out the window gives me joy. I have selective eyesight, too. I can completely ignore the weeds!

    Marguerite - I am actually jealous of Monet -for having help working his garden! :)

    Kate - It doesn't last long, so we need to enjoy it as much as we can!

    Christina - I have been making notes as I go around the garden. Next year a lot of things will get a severe haircut to keep them in control! But, I think I'd rather do that than wait years again for it to fill out.

    Fabiana - Thanks so much for your sweet comment.

    Hanne - When I put this garden in, I really had no idea in my mind what it would turn out to look like. So, I'm pleasantly surprised. I'm just waiting for the rest of my garden areas to catch up!

    Cathy and Steve - I have absolutely no painting talent. Zero. But if I could paint, I would love to paint the garden like Monet did his.

    Grace - I used to have this garden in just a few colors. However, over the years, I 'expanded' the color palette (because of my impulse purchases) to include every color in the rainbow. Some may think it clashes, but I actually like it better like this.

    Ramona - Behind that salvia is a golden barberry. I love that shrub - it gives so much interest, especially in semi-shady areas. Thanks for commenting.

  14. It is very beautiful. Different parts of my garden come into their prime and I stare and stare trying to drink it all in during its brief moment of glory!

  15. It's lovely. I don't quite understand about a peak in June and then that's it? No Texas Superstars? No tropicals for July and August? Do you take a trip?

  16. Carolyn - It only lasts a short while, so you have to enjoy it while you can! I'm thankful for photographs.

    NellJean - This is the peak of my garden, when everything still looks fresh and pretty. After this, it's usually so hot things look a little ragged for a while. Usually that's in July and August, but the temps here are so hot, it is as hot as our usual July. Of course I still have some bloomers, but not the majority of the garden blooming all at once such as this.

  17. Wow, these are pretty images of beautiful parts of your garden. You mentioned something I was thinking about today. The breaking point where are garden is full and before it is too full. I was pondering that today and here you were too.

  18. Beautiful images. Your garden is so full and lush - looks just like those in the magazines.

  19. GWGT - Yes, it's hard to find that perfect balance. Especially as it takes years for things to fill in, then suddenly, you have to start cutting things back!

    Tufa Girl - And just like magazines, I can show just the parts I want you to see! ;) I'm anxiously awaiting when the rest of my garden will be as full as this area.

  20. Oh, Monet would be jealous, and so am I! What a beautiful garden. I love the roses and all the colors just working together, it truly is like a painting. Your garden should be in a magazine. I'm reworking our main perennial bed because it is overgrown, but mine never looked as beautiful as yours. You have an artist's eye for color and form.

    Thank you so much for your comment on my blog...I really appreciated all the support. :')

  21. Karen - I'm reworking my corner bed now, too. (not this one) Things are never constant. Thanks for your sweet comments. I hope you can find someone that can really listen.

  22. It's interesting to hear about people's favorite seasons in their gardens. I feel kind of euphoric about my garden in May, but really it's fantastic from May through October. Each month has its benefits. And looking out at it in winter isn't bad either. ;-)

  23. PlantPostings - How nice to feel that way about your garden! I think that's what we're all striving for. Right now I'm on the euphoric high. Next month, I'm not sure how I'll feel!

  24. I love it! I especially love what appears to be a lack of carefully orchestrated color, a wilder look that is just beautiful.

  25. It's glorious and indeed perfect. Monet is pleased with its beauty. Love all those colors.

    Your comment today sure made me laugh! Very cute!

  26. Masha - lol It "appears" to be a lack of carefully orchestrated color, because it is! :) I just started throwing things in that bed, but I love all the rainbow of colors.

    Tina - And always, I look to next year. What is good now, what can be changed - gardening is so satisfying and challenging at the same time. I love that.

  27. Your garden looks gorgeous. You've been able to capture its peak in photos.

  28. Crafty - It's so nice to have these photos, too. I can look back and remember what's coming when December gets here!

  29. Monet would be jealous indeed or at the very least want to paint it. It's beautiful. I love how stuffed full it is. I hope you can make it last longer ~ it's a shame to have it peak this soon but I know how hard the heat (without rain) can be.
    Thanks for finding my blog and leaving me such a nice comment.

  30. Kathleen - The peak has been lovely to see. And although some things won't bloom again, other plants will keep blooming throughout the summer. These are the workhorses of my garden, and I am thankful they keep on going!

  31. Oh - i would love to visit your garden! Everything about it sings to me! thanks for sharing over at Cottage Flora Thursday's garden party! xoox, tracie

  32. Tracie - Thanks so much for your sweet comment. The garden has been very satisfying this year. All those years of waiting for the plants to mature has finally started to pay off!
