
Monday, July 11, 2011

The Pond - By Demand

Several people have asked to see my pond, and so I will show it:

My pond was an experience in concrete construction.  Digging the hole was easy.  My son helped.  After that, he decided to visit friends for a few days!  The concrete work was a bit harder, but still satisfying.  (At least for me.)  My dad was intrigued by the concrete mixer, and decided to help me - for one day.  After that day, I didn't see him until the project was complete!

I usually make a mistake on every project, and this one was no exception.  The mistake was changing my plans in the middle of construction.  I had planned to use 12" square concrete blocks to cap it off.  When I got to the garden center, they looked so small, I decided on 16" square blocks instead.

I thought it'd be an easy change.  But, it wasn't.  It threw off my design.  So, it ended up not fitting exactly perfectly.   (Why didn't I think of that when I was at the garden center?)

But the worse thing about changing to larger blocks was that I could barely pick them up!  (Why didn't I think of that when I was at the garden center?)  Twelve inch square blocks would have been a piece of cake to work with.  The weight of the 16" square blocks, though, made it almost impossible for me to properly work with them.  It's a wonder any of them are level!

Still, I love my pond.

It has a cooling effect.  It attracts birds.  It gives a relaxing feel.  It makes a soothing sound.

I love seeing the colorful fish swimming around.  I love feeding them.

I love the water plants in the pond, too.

Maintenance is not hard.  (After finally getting the right filtering system - but that's another story.)

It may not be perfect, but it represents several weeks worth of hard work.  And I enjoy it daily.

What more could one ask for?


  1. I think it's fantastic and am totally impressed with what you accomplished. Beautiful work and it looks lovely with your plants and of course the fish!
    Cher Sunray Gardens
    Goldenray Yorkies

  2. It looks dang near perfect to me! I really like the way it is shaped.

  3. All that in just a couple weeks. and I think about the months I've taken just to complete a garden bed! It's a really beautiful pond, is it my eye or is there two levels?

  4. What a lovely pond and well worth your hard work. You did a wonderful job.


  5. Cher - It doesn't look professional in my eyes, but it was an accomplishment, and I do enjoy it.

    Darla - Thanks. I wanted something a little different, but still geometric.

    Marguerite - It takes me longer to complete a garden bed, too! In fact, I've been working on a new bed for months now! The top blocks are all the same level, but the water depth is different in each area. The big box is almost 4 ft. deep, the small box at the top is about 2 ft deep, and the bottom of the T connecting the two is only about 8 inches deep. I love watching the fish swimming back and forth between the areas.

    FlowerLady - Thanks. I really didn't mind working with the concrete, but those blocks were too heavy! I know now not to get anything I can't easily pick up!

  6. LOVE IT!! You really do have such an inspiring garden!

  7. Your pond is absolutely gorgeous! I don't see the flaws at all. I can even feel the serenity it must bring you through your photos.

  8. I think you did a beautiful job with your pond. We women do change our minds once in a while. LOL! Water in a a garden is so soothing to watch and hear. It will bring you years of joy for your hard work.

  9. Your pond looks like something from a formal garden at a fancy old house. Beautiful! Now my pond is much more laid back, nothing formal about it at all, like me! And by the way some fish did survive the heron raid. They've been hiding very well.

    I'll let you know when I dig daylilies. It may be in cooler weather.

  10. Wow, Holly, that's really impressive for a DIY project. I laughed when I read about your family members disappearing along the way leaving you to finish it all. You did a great job, it look perfect!

  11. Oh Holley, like everything you do in your garden, it is just perfect!! I LOVE it! (Sigh, I really need to redo mine - or at least upgrade it! Now I am way too embarassed to "show and tell" mine!)

    PS: I giggled all the way through reading this - funny how our "tough guys" dissapear when they jobs are tough, he he! Absolute respect for your handiwork! I KNOW I could not do this by myself.

    Regards, Christine

  12. Wonderful! You did a great job. I think I would enjoy the fish most of all, but I'm afraid some of our predatory birds might like them too! I have always wanted a pond and assumed i would have to hire professionals to do it, which is why I still don't have one. Could I do it myself? That I don't know, but you have made me consider it!

  13. nice work, looks like it has a liner.? bought a stock tank for my new project. will paint the bottom and inside. Will paint the inside black to reflect light at night.

  14. Erin - What a sweet compliment! Thank you! I do enjoy my garden, and think that's the only think necessary for a garden to do - give enjoyment to the owner.

    Sage Butterfly- It is quite soothing. It's the first thing I see in the morning, and the last at night. A nice sight to start or end the day.

    Lona- I do like to hear the water splashing, and see the fish swimming about. Thanks for reminding me women are notorious for changing our minds! :)

    Marcia - I had an informal pond at one time, but since it's so close to the house, I like the formal design better. If it were farther out, an informal pond would look better. Glad your fish are hiding from the herons! They can empty a pond of fish in no time!

    Masha - In their defense, it was quite hot that year (the day I finished it was 105). They've learned when I say the word 'project' it won't be an easy one, and for some reason, I always start them when the weather is unbearable! I'm trying to change that last part!

    Christine - Oh, I hope you do show and tell yours! I would love to see it! I think every pond is inspiring. I'm never afraid of starting a project, even though sometimes I get in over my head! :)

    deb - This pond is close enough to the house that we don't get a lot of big birds up here. Otherwise, I would probably have just a reflecting pool. You can do it! It just takes time and patience.

    greggo - No liner. The bottom is concrete, painted with a waterproofing paint. Your new pond sounds like it will be beautiful. I hope you will have some lights to shine down on it at night.

  15. Well, that looks so professionally done, I'm having you over to design my next project! And here we are working on the same project since April and still no end in sight (and we have two people working on it). This is a beautiful pond!

  16. Lovely pond! You are really good in arranging the pond!

  17. It is a really nice pond Holley and amazing you did all that work. The fish are such a nice addition to the garden. I like feeding them too. When they see me they really swim fast to be the first one to greet me. Actually it is all about the food, but I like to think they care.

  18. Dear Holley, Wow! I am so impressed! Your pond is gorgeous. P. x

  19. Karen - i have a project (a new garden bed) that I've been working on since around April, too, and it is far, far from being finished! I hope to get it done this year! :)

    Malar - Thanks. After I changed the size blocks, my husband had to help me figure it out. I still wish I would have stayed with my original 12 inch square blocks.

    GWGT - haha You may want to think they care, but it really is about the food! Mine come up to me with mouths open, even when it's not feeding time! I'm just the maid to them!

    Pam - Thank you! I love having a fish pond. I can't imagine a garden without one. Of course, I live in a warm zone that doesn't require a lot of winter maintenance!

  20. It's really nice Holley! You're industrious to be able to complete the pond in just a couple of weeks! It's amazing how much life a water feature brings into the garden!

  21. Wow! I guess we're our own worst critics because I don't see any mistakes in your pond. It's gorgeous! It looks so peaceful. We have a very, very small pond too, and the sound of running water is quite soothing. :)

  22. Cat - I agree that a water feature, no matter the size, brings so much to a garden. Just a small one can bring movement, sound, and reflection to an area.

    Bumble Lush - I love that sound, too. I think the wildlife loves it, too! I really do think we have more birds around because they hear the water moving.

  23. A bit late to the party but you have a gorgeous pond, love it! :) And as you know I'm partial to ponds and water features in a garden :)

  24. So HolleyGarden,
    I really hadn't given much thought to even wanting a pond...that is until I saw your post!
    Beautiful, just beautiful.
    Thanks, I think,lol

  25. Finally got to see your pond, its so lovely with all those water plants! All those hard are worth it right! Love the beautiful colour of the fish and the reflections of the lights and greens are wonderful!

  26. Your pond is lovely and although you have some reservations about the larger blocks, I think they work just fine. Best of all, if you ever decided to put some pots on them, your container garden would be much more lush - those few extra inches make a world of difference!

    Good for you for going ahead and building it yourself. Don't you just love the way help disappears! Happens around here with housework too LOL.

    Thanks for showing us your pond. I Love it!

  27. Mark and Gaz - Your pond will be fabulous when you're finished. It is worth it. The fish are so much fun!

    Karen - I think a water feature of some kind is nice. A pond, a reflecting pool, a jar with water running down the side, anything will give you that sense of movement and reflection. I say - go for it!

    p3chandan - I like all the water plants, too. Just another place to garden, with different type of plants!

    Cathy and Steve - lol - Yes, housework is one chore we all hate! I'd rather work with concrete! :)

  28. Wow! You'd never know! I think it looks amazing!!

  29. Very impressive!

  30. Allison - Thank you! I appreciate your commenting.

    redneckrosarian - Thanks so much for the compliment! Less room for roses :) but I enjoy the soothing sounds of the water.

  31. Soooo worth the effort isn't it? I can say the same thing about my ponds. Yours is outstanding.

  32. Grace - Oh, yes, I agree! Any pond is worth a little trouble!

  33. Thanks, Mac. Appreciate you commenting.

  34. Oh, your ponds are beautiful!! I dream of having such a pond...someday! :)

  35. Farmer's Wyfe - I hope you get a pond someday. They are wonderful features. I do enjoy mine.
