
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Best Perennial, August 2011

I'm picking the best rose, the best perennial and the best groundcover this month for their outstanding performance in our extreme heat.  Apple Blossom Flower Carpet Rose won in the rose category.  And today I'll unveil the winner for the best performer in the perennial category.

Drum roll please.......  (You have to imagine that - there is no sound here.)

And the winner is.....

Pavonia!!!!  (Here's where you jump up, cheer, and clap.)

The vote was unanimous (of course, I was the only one voting!).

The heat has not fazed this beauty one bit.  It continues to grow, bloom, and spread.  It's oblivious to the harsh climate it is being subjected to this month.  It's a real joy to see it blooming so abundantly each morning in the garden:

I've written a post on Pavonia HERE, so I won't bore you with details.  But, if you want more information, just click on the link.

Since Pavonia can't speak, nor write, there is no acceptance speech.  So, on to the next award.  Tomorrow I'll tell you the best groundcover.  And you'll probably be just as surprised as I was!


  1. Ślicznie kwitnie Twoja pavonia.Kwiatki są podobne do kwiatów hibiskusa. Pozdrawiam

  2. Holley, your pavonia is such a lovely plant. It is amazing that it is capable to bloom so well in your heat. I will put it on my perennial wish list, since it should do well for me, too, when it does for you. I don't recall seeing it here in the nurseries, though.

  3. I've never even heard of pavonia before but can see why you love it. The color is wonderful and if it can survive a summer like we've all been having this year then it certainly is a winner.


  4. Wow, what a tough yet pretty flower! Do you have to trim it back or do you let it grow free?

  5. Giga - That closeup makes them look much larger than they really are. They are much smaller than the hibiscus blooms, although you're right - they are very bright and do look similar.

    Christina - I hope you can find it. It is not easy to find, although I've seen it showing up more and more. Late summer is a good time to try to find it.

    Flower Lady - It would probably do well for you, too, as it's hardy to zone 11. It is very reliable and loves heat!

    Bumble Lush - As you see, I don't trim it back as much as I should! I hack it down each spring (it just looks like sticks then), but just let it go wild otherwise.

  6. Dear Holley, I did jump up, and cheer and clap -- Honestly. Beautiful blooms. P. x

  7. I too am unfamiliar with Pavonia, but it is pretty. Great that it is so tough in this crazy weather.

  8. Ah, yes! Pavonia is a favorite in my garden as just keeps on going through this wicked weather!

  9. It's always great to have that sort of garden staples that just go on and on, no matter what. And it looks like a great performer.

  10. This is new to me too. I am zone 8 wonder how it would perform's very pretty.

  11. my first impressions was a Lavatera so had to look it up and they are related but Pavonia a new one on me. Gives a lot back to you for so little effort. Well deserved of the acolade Holley (and so especially was your chosen rose). Now I'm wondering what the groundcover surprise it...await next instalment

  12. Pam - haha Glad you got into the spirit of things!

    GWGT - I love this plant because nothing fazes it. I love reliability!

    Malar - I love its color, too. So cheerful.

    Cat - Isn't it a great plant? I am impressed with it every year!

    flaneurgardening - Yes, it is wonderful to have garden staples, especially ones that can take our heat!

    Darla - I bet it would do well for you, as long as your winters aren't too harsh. You should give it a try.

    PatioPatch - Pavonia was new to me when I bought it on a whim. I'm so glad I did! Just goes to show, sometimes those little unplanned purchases can be the best!

  13. Have you experienced any reseeding yet? If not, you will. The seedlings come up everywhere. That is my only issue with the plant. I decided to remove mine a couple of years ago, but I still have seedlings popping up. Still, it is a pretty and tough plant.

  14. Bluestem - I've had this for several years, and yes, it does reseed. But mine reseeds nearby, so it helps to fill in that area, and the unwanted ones are easily pulled. I haven't found it reseeding outside this area.
