
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Happy New Year?

This is the time of year when gardeners start planning for next year.  An assessment of the garden is usually performed and decisions are made: where plants are needed to fill in, which plants did well, which plants did not, design changes, additions, subtractions, etc.

"We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched.  Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives... not looking for flaws, but for potential.  ~ Ellen Goodman

I have not started the fall assessment of the garden yet.  Plants are still dying from the heat and drought that have overtaken most of Texas this year.  The potential of the garden has been impossible for me to imagine.  

But since we received that little 1/2" of rain (and one night of lower temperatures), my garden reminded me that there still beauty, and a glimmer of its full potential.  The potential it had if only this year had been a wee bit cooler, with a bit of rain.  I was truly amazed how good the garden looked after just a little bit of relief.

'Peace' looks peaceful.

Even 'Frontier Twirl', surrounded by Boltonia and artemisia, is happy.  Which is amazing - Frontier Twirl is hardly ever happy in my garden!

'America' just needed an excuse to bloom.

'Lady Hillingdon' looks lovely.

'Tamora' is tickled.

And even 'Pat Austin' is perky!  Pat has not bloomed much for me this year - she is waiting to be transplanted as she's in too much shade.  But that didn't stop her from showing me her potential if given the right conditions.

We are back up to triple digit heat, but this has reminded me of the garden's potential, and what might have been.  And what still may be.

No wonder the gardener's favorite saying is "There's always next year!"


  1. Holley, it is a very good idea to assess the garden in late summer, where at least my garden shows its biggest flaws very clearly. I may take some time to look at it with an open mind asking what worked well and what could be improved. I love your new blog design and the header photo. The cat on the bird bath is great!

  2. I know how you feel the heat has killed a lot of my garden this year. Most newer plants but I am really bummed about my two Clematis. They are dried up down to the root and I bet the roots too. Don't know what I will plant there next year. My sympathies to you since it's so much worse, yet you have some lovely blooms to give you a little cheer.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  3. Great minds think a like. In the golden hour of the garden, I was thinking evaluation also.

  4. Your roses are beautiful! We just moved into a new house (We're into Texas too, and yes this heat is just horrible) and were told that we have a rose bush in the backyard, but as it isn't blooming, I have no idea what kind of rose bush it is or how to care for it. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

  5. Christina - The birds around here don't get to use the bath very often! Yes, this has been a good year for assessing. Whatever's alive - get more of!

    Cher - It's a bit depressing to go out there. My clematis are almost all dead, too. I think they died from the heat. I try to find cheer in every little bloom. I know in time there will be more and more as the heat subsides.

    greggo - Hey! I like that we were thinking alike! I'm not certain my garden is in its golden hour - more like its brown hour! lol

    Girl Growing Up - Most of my roses aren't blooming now, either, and won't until it cools a bit. Thanks for emailing me - you've got mail!

  6. I am amazed at how lovely your roses look, despite the drought. I hope you will soon get more rain. Preparation for next year starts in the fall in my garden, and I am already making my 'to do' list. September is sometimes very dry here, but I am believing we will see cooler temps and enough rain to get some yard work done.

  7. Holley, opposite end of the scale here where Summer has been colder than usual. Cant say the plants have suffered but they may look a little perkier next year when its warmer.

  8. deb - I think our rain chances are going up considerably at the end of the week - yeah!!! I, too, need to start working on the fall chores. I hadn't been wanting to do it in this heat, but like you, I think fall will eventually come!

    Alistair - I suppose there will never be a perfect year for weather. Maybe just a perfect season. I hope you get a warmer summer next year, and a cooler one for us!

  9. The roses are lovely! Happy planting and planning.

  10. Glad you got a glimmer of hope. :) I love the late summer plants have just hit their second flush and everything is happily filled out.

  11. I think my most common comment regarding my garden always starts with 'next year the garden....' I can't help myself from constantly planning my next job.

  12. Autumn Belle - Yes, the planning is the fun part - I can always imagine a beautiful garden in my mind!

    Hanni - Oh, how wonderful! Isn't it great that things get another flush before winter!

    Marguerite - I suppose all gardens are a work in progress. And we can never know what the next year will bring! (But we always hope!)

  13. You can water every day but it is not like a rain! I am glad you finally got a little rain ,we need some desperately!

  14. mississippi artist - I agree, no amount of watering equals the same as a good rain. I hope you get some rain soon, and I hope we get a little more, too!

  15. Lots of beautiful roses! Your Pat looks much peachier than mine, very unusual. Lady Hillingdon is lovely.

  16. Masha - The color of blooms in the summer here are not always reliable, as the heat changes them a bit. You'll notice Tamora has a white bloom behind her - another Tamora bloom! Very unusual. Lady Hillingdon has loads of blooms on her right now. I am very happy with her.
