
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Today's Joy

A new joy is revealed each day in the garden.  The daily walk around the garden lifts my spirits and gives me hope.  It is during that walk I can tune out the rest of the world for just a brief period of time.  And focus on the beauty that is there.

Today's joy came from my white crape myrtle.

It has draped itself over the arbor.

It looks planned, but it was not.

Tomorrow it will not look exactly like this.  Next year it will certainly be different.  It may not drape over the arbor but for a few weeks, or a few days.

Such is the reality of the garden.  It is always changing.  You can't hold it back.

But you can take delight in the beauty that is there each day.


  1. That is so lovely. I love them but they are not hardy up here.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. The crape myrtle's are showing up on many blogs, and I am so wishing I could grow one, too! Love the way it looks on your lovely arbor.

  3. Your crepe looks lovely draped over the arbor, and I agree, there is always something to see in our gardens that brings us joy and makes us feel thankful.

    Have a nice weekend ~ FlowerLady

  4. I love how a garden changes each day. Mother Nature working her magic.

  5. Cher - I hope lilacs do well for you, then. I always figured since lilacs didn't grow here, we got crape myrtles instead.

    Karen - They are so lovely in bloom, and such an easy and forgiving plant. No wonder us southerners love them so.

    Flower Lady - I agree. Maybe the entire garden doesn't look great, but at least one thing in it does, and that is enough.

    Tufa Girl - I, too, love how the garden changes through the seasons and again through the years. Very glad to hear you got rain!!!

  6. I agree with you very much. The peace from a garden seems to be universal. And joy is such a good description about how one feels when experiencing the beauty.

    very well put!

  7. So true. All we have is this moment. We may as well enjoy it.

  8. Szkoda, że nie zostanie tam, bo bardzo ładnie to wygląda. Pozdrawiam

  9. You said it so well, Holley! So much of the joy of gardening is being open to the possibilities, the changes, and the challenges.

  10. greggo - So true! We sometimes lose sight of that, but it's so nice to enjoy the journey.

    Jeannie B - Joy is what I feel, whether it's the first bloom of the season, or the last.

    Grace - You said it very well.

    Giga - Yes, if we could just freeze our plants when we like a look, and not let them get too big! I guess that's part of the challenge.

    PlantPostings - Ah, the possibilities, the changes, and the challenges. Gardening in a nutshell.

  11. Holley - Crepe Myrtle has always been a favorite, even though it won't grow up here. How lovely your's is!!

  12. Change and surprise is what I like most about gardening. Change is something nature does and so do I.

  13. Shyrlene - They are always so lovely here in the south, even years the weather is unbearable. They must love the heat!

    GWGT - I think that's why it's such a popular hobby. Things change, so there's always something new.

  14. Lovely! So far Ive seen the purple/pink ones..Its so nice to see new unexpected things as you make your rounds in the garden, it really surprises you sometimes. For me recently I found tomatillos growing so healthily in my garden!

  15. Beautiful! Thats what I love about gardening - the surprises!

  16. p3chandan - I have a pink one, too. I can never decide which one I like the best. Aren't the little surprises so exciting? Congrats on your tomatillos!

    GardeningBlog - Little gifts tied up in a garden. :)

  17. It is so lovely draping over the nice that wasn't planned. Sometimes the most beautiful miracles happen when we did not plan it.

  18. Joyful days in the garden. That's what it's all about, right? Sometimes.
    Maybe Miss Crape Myrtle was feeling dramatic today.

  19. Fleeting joys in the garden! It's great to be able to capture it at the right moment, for as you said it will never be the same again :)

  20. Sage Butterfly - I agree. In the garden and in life sometimes, too.

    Sherry - :) I suppose she needs to flaunt her beauty every once in a while!

    Mark and Gaz - So true. The garden changes so quickly.

  21. What a lovely post, Holley--I like the idea that each day has its own particular joy to be reveled in. Around here I mostly see the deep pink crepe myrtles. The white one looks cool and refreshing, though, especially when it is so kind as to give you a little shade on the arbor, too!

  22. Stacy - Yes, I love the white ones. Their color may not stand out as much as the pink ones, but they do give a refreshing feel about them. I think it was just resting there on the arbor!
