
Friday, September 30, 2011

Company's Coming!

Company's coming this weekend!  I'm excited by the activities we have planned, and the time we will have to visit.  They will get a tour, and be told all about my newest plans for the garden.  I've been working on a new area of the garden for some time, and it is just now beginning to take shape.  And though there is a lot of work left to do, I can't wait to see what their reaction will be, and listen to their suggestions.  I am very excited.  I am so excited that the sad areas of my garden are not even bothering me!  I hope they will look past the damage the drought did and see my garden the way I see it.

Do you want a mini-tour?  Here's a little peek at what they'll be seeing this weekend:


Walking Garden:

Main Rose Bed:

As for the new plans - well, I'll tell you about that soon enough!  For now, you'll just have to wait and wonder!  But here's a little peek into part of the new area:

I hope you enjoyed the tour!


  1. Holley, everything looks absolutely lovely--your garden always looks lush and exuberant and romantic. Enjoy showing it to your company!

  2. Looks like the roses are ready to show off for your company. Have a nice weekend with your visitors.

  3. Aah,
    I'm getting my fill of roses this morning.
    If I can't grow them because of lack of sun, at least I can enjoy them in your garden!
    aka Alice's Garden Travel Buzz

  4. Beautiful garden and I, for one, enjoyed your tour very much!

  5. Great photos... I always love seeing all kinds of Roses. We obviously grow different roses than you do---but all of them are beautiful... It's just great to find another rose-lover!!!!!

    Love the little purple in the last picture.. We add other perennials to enhance our rose collection. We grow daffodils, tulips, irises, lilies, day lilies, etc. ALSO.. We try to have color in our yard most of the time (other than winter) ---but this is the time of year when things are winding down...

    Have a wonderful weekend. I am following you now..

  6. Stacy - Those are the words I'm going for in my garden. I haven't quite made it in my mind, but one day....

    Marcia - Since the weather has cooled a bit, the roses have been very impatient to bloom. Which has been so nice, since I missed seeing them all summer!

    Alice - I have no lack of sun here! I think that's why roses do so well here - it is hot, hot, hot and super sunny!

    Egretta - Thanks so much! I hope my company enjoys the tour, too.

  7. Betsy- It is wonderful to find another rose lover! They are truly such a wonderful flower/plant. The purple in the last picture is salvia. Our roses are just now coming back to blooming from taking a heat break this summer. I love rose beds with companions added. I look forward to seeing more of your garden.

  8. Your company is going to have a lovely time visiting you. Your gardens are wonderful and will be such a treat to tour.


  9. Holley, you have a very beautiful garden! I didn't realize that you are growing that many roses. Of course, I totally love this fact! I enjoyed the tour through your garden very much. Thanks! Have fun with your company!

  10. Ok so wish I lived closer because I would come over for a tour! Looks just garden is what I like to call "caputty" So nice to see all of the color in your garden!

  11. Thank you for a lovely tour. See that you have ample of beautiful blooming roses.

  12. Your gardens are lovely. I always enjoy coming here to see your Roses. Enjoy your company. Bet they are impressed also.
    Cher Sunray Gardens
    Goldenray Yorkies

  13. Drought! What drought? Your garden looks amazing. Your guests will love it. Patiently waiting to hear about your new plans.

  14. I am sure the Company will enjoy the garden walk. I wish I lived close enough for a tour. It would be a pleasure to take in all of those beautiful roses.

  15. Oh, WOW!! Your gardens are AMAZING!! I LOVE roses and wish I could have better success with them. They are my favorite...floral perfection!

  16. I don't know that I've ever seen such lush rose bushes. Tell me your secret! I hope you have fun with your company and I look forward to seeing your new project.

  17. Holley, your garden looks huge. How big is it? I like how you and Masha intermix different plants with roses. The asters contrast well with the pink roses.

  18. Wonderful tour - lucky guests! My roses are finished for the year - just a couple blooms here and enjoyed yours!

  19. Beautiful, especially the twelfth photo, I love it! I hope you're having a lovely weekend.

  20. Holley, Your gardens are simply lovely. You've created an amazing place to meditate, read, drink tea, walk, inhale the beautiful fragrance, or simply sit and do nothing at all. I love the variety of roses!

  21. Flower Lady - We had a lovely time. It's always too short, and we tried to squeeze too much in, so tiring, but wonderful.

    Christina - My roses are just now getting mature enough to fill out the beds. It's wonderful to have the garden at a stage where I can finally visualize what's good, what needs tweaking.

    My Garden Diaries - Some of my garden is 'caputty' as you say. But the roses are quite tough. The cooler weather has helped here a lot!

    One - My garden is not very balanced! I plant roses, then figure out what I can plant along with them!

  22. Cher - My company makes the right oohs and aahs, haha, so it's a pleasure showing my garden to them. They ignore the bad parts - very gracious!

    Tufa Girl - I do recommend the misting system. It waters where it's needed, but nothing is wasted. My garden would not be the same without it!

    Lona- There are so many other's gardens I would love to see, too! Wouldn't it be grand if we could just go around seeing each others' gardens?

    Farmer's Wyfe - There is just something about roses that says beauty, romance, and color all in one bloom! They are wonderful plants, aren't they?

  23. Grace - I've learned to go with wide rose bushes. They fill out the garden so much better than tall thin ones! My project is very exciting to me, but quite large, so it's going to take some time and a lot of work!

    Jayne - I'm hoping mine will bloom for another month of so. Maybe longer, if it's going to be a hot autumn like they're predicting. Luckily, our winters are short.

    Mac - My weekend was wonderful. It's nice to get out of the garden for a day or two, take some time to enjoy other things, and then come back ready for work again!

    Cathy and Steve - That's what I'm working toward. Sometimes I can see it being realized. Of course, like all gardens, there is still a lot of work left to do!

  24. Enjoyed the mini tour very much. I so wish I could see it in person too! Your company will love it all.

  25. The roses look so pretty! Very romantic garden!

  26. Tina - They did seem to enjoy the garden. My company was very sweet to indulge in my passion.

    Malar - I believe roses bring a touch of romance to any garden. My new plans will have lots of vertical interest - with roses, of course. I think that will give it a much more romantic feeling.

  27. And they will get a lovely tour! Have a nice time with your company!

  28. Gode billeder.
    Mange smukke blomster.
    Tak for kigget.

  29. Your company will be very impressed!

  30. Sage Butterfly - Oh, we had a great time! I'm still recuperating from all the walking, talking, and staying up late! :)

    Landbohaven - Thank you! I appreciate your comment.

    Carolyn - They reacted just the right way. It's always nice to get some positive feedback.

  31. Brooke - Wow! Thanks! I appreciate it.
