
Monday, September 19, 2011

Dancing in the Dark

All day, no really, all weekend, I had heard the stories.  People in Texas were talking.  Things may be changing.  There was a lot of hope and anticipation.  And so I waited, and watched.  But nothing came my way.

I'm talking about the rain.  The cold front that had pushed through was bringing rain!  And I wondered - what about here?  Would we get any?

Well, last night around 11:30 p.m. I was awakened by a burst of wind rattling the door.  My heart started racing.  This was it!  But would it just be wind?  Or would it bring rain, too?  So many times before my hopes had been dashed.  Rain had gone around us.  Wind would arrive, thunder, even lightening.  But no rain would accompany all the noise.

But this time, I saw it.  Little drops starting to fall.  Blown about by the wind.  But still falling to the earth.  How much would fall?  I started seeing more and more little drops.  Heard the thunder.  Yes, it was going to rain!  Now all I needed to do was wait.  Faster and faster the drops fell, until it became a true rain.  A true rain!

Look!  Rain on the roses - not just sprinkler water!

I had dusted out the rain gauges yesterday in anticipation.  There was nothing to do now but go back to sleep and let the storm wash over us.

A little closer look - isn't it wonderful?

How much rain did we get?  Over an inch of rain!  1.1" to be exact.  Wahoo!  I looked back.  There had been a sprinkle in August, and a sprinkle in May, but the last time we got over an inch of rain at one time (or even in one month total) was April 25.

Beautiful raindrops!

I did a little happy dance.  Not to be confused with the rain dances I have been doing all summer long!


  1. It's so nice to hear that rain came your way. It's been awful there. Your Rose photos are lovely. I hope you get another downpour within the week. I'm waiting for ours. The only thing this morning so far is sprinkles.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. I saw on the weather reports that Texas was getting some rain. I am so glad you got some in your area. I bet the ground soaked it up fast. Your pictures with raindrops look so pretty. Have a wonderful week and I hope you get more rain before it passes by.

  3. Holley, I am so happy for you, your garden, and all the surrounding landscape! That must be such a relieve! I guess, if you have been through a really tough drought you look at rain with very different eyes and it becomes magical. Beautiful rose photos!

  4. I've been following the news about the devastating drought and my heart goes out to you. As I read your post, I breathed as sigh of relief. I enjoyed your photos of 'raindrops on roses!'

  5. I know just how you feel and am so glad that you finally got a good soaking. Your roses look lovely covered in raindrops.


  6. Cher - I hope you get some rain, too. I was so happy and relieved to get this. Maybe now we will start getting the fall rains we need.

    Lona - I was worried it would come down so fast that it would just run off. I'm not sure how much rain it takes to soak down to trees' roots, but I hope this helps them out.

    Christina - Yes, I know it's not the best thing for my roses, especially with cooler temperatures, but I don't care if every rose in my garden gets blackspot this year - I'll take the rain!

    dorothy - Relief was exactly what I felt. If it had not been so late at night, I would have been out playing in it!

    FlowerLady - It's amazing how rain can do so much for plants. I know they were all just as happy as I!

  7. Yay for rain!! I know how badly you guys have been needing it. Hoping for more your way!

  8. Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!!!

  9. Raindrops on roses have always been one of my favorite things, and never more so than now. I am so relieved for you!

  10. Congrats! 1/2" here over 3 days - hoping for more!

  11. The roses are beautiful. I am so glad you got some rain!

  12. That's great! The raindrops look so welcome on your roses!

  13. Happy dance time!!!

  14. Indie - Thanks! I hope we get more soon, too!

    Hanni - :)

    Cathy and Steve - Usually I worry about rain on my roses, but this year it is a joy!

    Marcia - You've had so much, too bad we couldn't just pass it around!

    Cynthia - Oh, I hope you get more. Glad you got something.

    Jamey - Oh, I am glad too! I knew it would eventually.

    Sage Butterfly - The raindrops looked fabulous to me this morning. And the soil is nice and moist - perfect for weeding!

  15. GWGT - You're so right! I was doing the happy dance taking those pictures!

  16. I'm late to the celebration, but Holley, that's wonderful!! An inch is enough to do some real good. What a great way that must have been to wake up this morning!

  17. Good to hear that rain have finally arrived there! The roses should have had a good shower! Nice pictures!

  18. So happy for you, but jealous for me. We did not even get a drop up here in Grapevine. Go figure! We heard the thunder all around us, but also, no wet stuff. We did get some on Friday evening, but only enough to dampen the top 1/2 of soil, nothing deeper. But the cooler evenings are helping so much -- if nothing else to make the color in the garden more vibrant. If I could just find some time to finish a blog post, I might show everyone the lovely color in my garden. How do you find the time?!!!

  19. Holley, we got rain down here in Katy, too! Three showers in 3 days ... woo hoo!

  20. so glad to hear this news for you. Raindrops on roses is one of the most beautiful sites in the world....

  21. Wonderful news, hopefully the drought has now broken.

  22. Stacy - I was pleasantly surprised how moist the soil was when I went outside to work in it. Rain has a way of doing wonders!

    Malar - I'm hoping this is just the beginning of the rain. Maybe we will get back into our normal rain pattern now.

    Toni - So sorry to hear that! Oh, I thought most of that area got a good drenching. I hope you get some soon. I know how disappointing it must be for you to know it's all around, except where you need it most.

    Cindy - I'm thrilled for you! I have been amazed how dry the Houston area has been. We get the occasional drought here, but I've never known it to not rain along the coast!

    redneckrosarian - Yes, especially when the rain has been much needed!

    Marguerite - That is my hope. Perhaps we will start getting the fronts through regularly now.

  23. Congratulations on the rain! I hope it continues until all the plants are refreshed and the earth has stores for thirsty roots to come, until the air smells damp even when the sun is shining, until people begin to complain about it, but let it stop before the floods! We have had rain here for the past 24 hours. It feels wonderful outside!

  24. deb - I hope it will continue to come this way, too. Right now, I can't even imagine rain for 24 hours! I hope your garden is enjoying it.
