
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Illumination: What I Learned from Chef Ramsey

In case you've never heard of Chef Ramsey, let me introduce you.  Gordon Ramsey is a chef with several different television shows.  The scenario is usually simple:  a restaurant is failing, Chef Ramsey comes in, makes changes, and saves the restaurant.  A true Superhero in the cooking world.

Anyway, we hate most everything on television these days, but for some reason found ourselves watching Chef Ramsey one day.  He is an acquired taste.  In my opinion, he curses way too much.  More than anyone I've ever encountered.  I wonder if that's truly his personality, or if they highlight all those curse words for dramatic effect.  Consider yourself warned.  But that's beside the point.

The point is what Chef Ramsey really does.  You think he's changing the restaurant.  Sometimes he'll change the menu.  Or it could be the decor he updates.  Sometimes he replaces furnishings.  Most of the time there is new signage.  You think that these are the changes that make the difference.  That one little change can make all the difference.  And in a way, that's true.  But it's not any of those changes that make the difference.  Those things are completely superficial.

What Chef Ramsey really does is renew the passion of cooking in the restaurant owner, manager, or chef.  Read that sentence again.  You see, a renewed passion is all it takes.  That's the one little change that makes all the difference.

Gardens takes work.  Weeding, mulching, planting.  Soil, compost, plants.  Texture, foliage, color.  Statues, pathways, landings.  All those things seem like the key to what makes a garden work.  But in reality, those things are superficial.  What it really takes is passion. That's what's really going to make a difference.  All the rest will come out of that.  It's the passion that's important.  When I realized that was the lesson, it was an illumination.  A ray of light in my mind's eye.

I want to remember that lesson.  I want to remember my passion for gardening.  Thanks, Chef Ramsey.  Just tune down the cursing, o.k.?

I'm joining Donna at Garden Walk Garden Talk for her word meme on Illumination.


  1. No question if you love what you do, the passion will be there and you enjoy doing it so you do it extremely well.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. Very illuminating! I think my passion waned a little this season under the superficial work, but it is back, and now freshly renewed thanks to your post.

  3. I just love love love your rose garden! The photos you took are all beautiful too! And I agree with you about Gordon Ramsay, he is an acquired taste, but I do like to watch him occasionally. Thanks for visiting me the other day.

  4. Great post, Holley! I couldn't agree more that it is passion what turns an ordinary garden into an extraordinary one. You can really see and feel it when a gardener brings passion into his/her gardening. You qualify :-)!
    Can you tell me the names of the two roses featured in this post? Thanks!

  5. You are so right...passion drives most everything! I like your analogy. And the photos are full of passion, beauty, and illumination!

  6. You're right, without passion, there's no drive to succeed. I've tried to explain to my husband on occasion that Ramsey's excessive cursing is somewhat cultural. Some of us Brits can be a little prone to excessive cursing, but I like to ascribe that to passion too ;) I agree though, he's a little over the top, and it's not very professional. I usually reserve my cursing for pulling blackberries and thistles, where nobody can hear me...

  7. Holley, I'm so glad there's not a garden version of Chef Ramsey out yet. I don't think I could take the heat of hearing what is and isn't working, especially when it's screamed at me, lol.

    How right you are about passion being a key element in any endeavor, though! Without passion, where's the joy? I love your roses, they are illuminated beautifully, too.

  8. You have illuminated in multiple senses of the word. Beautiful light in the images and the aha moment with the lesson that Chef Ramsey seems to instill. I have never watched his show, but the boot-camp mentality portrayed in the commercials seems to reinforce what you said about the importance of what he tries to teach. I agree with Karen, glad there is not a Chef Ramsey of gardens. Thanks for joining the meme. You have very pretty examples in words and photographs.

  9. Cher - I try to remember that doing it when I don't feel like it will also bring the passion back. It's during the times I'm not in the garden when my passion wanes.

    Violet Fern - So glad your passion is back! It helps when the plants are blooming, doesn't it?

    Marie - He's not the usual type of programming we watch, but he is entertaining. It's always good to see the passion renewed at the end of the show.

    Christina - It's that passion that fuels everything - from learning to doing. The pink rose is the English rose 'Heritage' and the yellow is Lady Hillingdon. I love the stage of not quite open on both of these roses.

    Sage Butterfly - I agree. Passion is what makes the world turn, no matter what career or hobby it is for.

    Curbstone Valley Farm - haha I would hate to hear Chef Ramsey stuck in blackberry or rose thorns! I thought it might be a cultural thing, but he does curse to excess.

    Karen - I just wish there was a garden version of anything right now! Seems like there are no garden shows at all - naughty or nice! Maybe that's the problem. We gardeners are generally a happy, amicable lot.

    GWGT - I suppose he pushes until they start pushing back - then he knows the passion is there, although usually buried. This was a fun meme - it really made me look at light with regards to photography a bit more closely.

  10. Renewed passion is something I could use right now. Interesting on Chef Ramsey. Never watched him before.

  11. Never seen his show. This is a great post and very timely for me!

  12. I watched Chef Ramsey once, and I liked what I saw.

    Passion for my own garden ebbs sometimes ... frustrations build, and maintaining enthusiasm can be a struggle. I always work through it, usually by designing a new garden or reworking an old one ... much like Chef Ramsey's program.

    Your photos are beautiful.

  13. Holley, you hit the proverbial nail ... I just realized when reading this post why my garden is Now flourishing and didn't before - it's not the plants or fancy mulch or the best fertilizer that make my garden grow (although they do help) it's PASSION!!! passion for the garden and the plants and it's gotta work! thanks for reminding me xxx

  14. PS, I forgot to say I love the photos in this post!
    regards, Christine

  15. Nice photos. I agree, Gordon Ramsey's language is extremely bad. Interesting post.

  16. Gardening certainly is a passion, and it has been evident through the blogs I have visited via Word for Wednesday. Most certainly very illuminating.

  17. You are certainly right. When I am feeling passionate about my garden and plants, there is no end to my creativity and productivity.

  18. tina - I hope you get your renewed passion back. Usually I just have to start working in the garden, and it comes back - I guess expectation has a lot to do with it.

    hundredsofideas - Thanks for commenting. All gardeners need passion, or they would never tackle all the weeds - and other chores!

    greggo - Thanks.

    Connie - You hit the nail on the head. Sometimes we just have to rework the 'menu'!

    Christine - You have acquired a lot of passion for your garden, and yes, it shows! And thanks for the compliment on the photos.

    Kelly - His language is something you just can't overlook. It's very noticeable - and I won't usually watch something like that. Not sure why we decided to watch him, but it was a good lesson.

    Crafty Gardener - I think anyone that blogs about gardening is definitely passionate about it. I think it also helps to keep us interested, especially by creating more ideas and interest.

    carolyn - It's wonderful to have a creative outlet isn't it? And one that pays back with blooms!

  19. So true! The passion makes all the difference. Lovely post!

  20. You have put the word to a different level, though i don't know Chef Ramsay and his program, your intention was very well captured by the photos!

  21. Holley, as a food show junkie, you hit on Steve's and my other passion in life (gardening being the first). I share your impression of Gordon Ramsey exactly, right down to the curse words.

    As far as the post, and the pictures you chose to illustrate the text make this one of the most profound posts I've read today. I had to read through it twice to really absorb it -- not because there was anything wrong with your writing (on the contrary, it's fabulous), but because everyone decided to interrupt me and I was afraid that I might miss the flow, the undertone, the essence of what you were saying and I didn't want to miss a thing!

  22. jennifer@threedogsinagarden
    If there was a prize associated with Donna's "Word for Wednesday' and I was a judge, I would give the prize to you Holley. I have seen lots of nice pictures, but nothing to rival the writing here. What a great and profound post! You are so right. Passion is the key ingredient in any successful undertaking.

  23. Great juxtaposition of the rose and the garden bench. Loved your reflections on passion!

  24. PlantPostings - It makes the difference in everything in life, doesn't it?

    Andrea - Thank you. My photos are not the caliber of Donna's, but it was fun to participate in this meme.

    Cathy and Steve - I think gardeners love food because we grow so much of it! I wasn't sure what people thought of Chef Ramsey - he is obviously a great chef and businessman, but that cursing is so offensive! I truly appreciate your kind words.

    Jennifer - Thank you so much. I had written the post earlier, then realized that it would go well with the word Donna chose for her meme. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    GirlSprout - I liked the bench picture, too. The other pictures were old - but that picture I took especially for the meme. I learned a lot about light trying to get an acceptable picture!

  25. Great post, and that photo of the pink roses with the black background - simply stunning!! Funny, I've had that word (passion) in my mind in the past month or so, as I've taken on the usual August-Sept garden tasks (and started blogging about it). I'm sure glad to have it because passion in gardening, painting or anything a person has passion for, surely adds richness to life.

  26. Fantastic take on the illumination theme. You have a great point, that work without passion becomes mundane. Disinterest or passion can both be transmitted to the viewer without our even being aware.

  27. Very interesting post. I like the way you weave a good story with beautiful pictures!

  28. charlie b - I think gardeners are some of the most passionate people. Perhaps it's because we see miracles every day. Your statement about adding richness to life is so true.

    Marguerite - I was thinking the other day "if I was paid to do this, it wouldn't be enough"! But I'm glad to do it for free! I think passion and enthusiasm go hand in hand.

  29. Autumn Belle - Glad you read through it. Sometimes my posts get long!

  30. Tatyana - Thank you. That's a great compliment coming from you. Your photos are always beautiful.

  31. Holley, I've been out of the loop for a few days but read this one when you first posted it and have been thinking about it ever since because it really struck home. Now reading the other comments it's such a comfort to realize that we all seem to lose track of that passion sometimes--and regain it again, too. It will help to be back in a "doing" rather than a "looking" season for the next couple of months!

    These are really beautiful photos--like GirlSprout said, the one with the bench and the rose really stands out. The light makes it look so warmly inviting!

  32. Stacy - I am excited to be back "doing" rather than "looking" too. I think that has a lot to do with whether I'm motivated or not. If I'm doing, I'm motivated. If I'm looking, I lose interest rather quickly. Plus, I see all the bad, instead of the fantasy in my mind! Thanks for your sweet comments.

  33. What stunning photographs! You are so right about passion - true for anything, really. Interestingly, I just read the other day that any item on the menu that has a box around it will have increased sales - I wonder if that is true... Thank you for joining Post Of The Month Club! XOLaura

  34. Happy Homemaker UK - Yes, passion is good for any pursuit in life. I do believe that a box around an item would increase sales. It makes it "better" to our mind.
