
Friday, September 23, 2011

A Problem - A Solution

How it Should Look:

The Problem:

The Cause:
Don't let that sweet smile fool you!

The Solution:
Mr. Froggy and I hope this works!

Do you think this will solve the problem?


  1. Well it looks like that sweet baby (and no I am not fooled by that smile) has been laying in there so I'd say the sticks will do the trick, but froggy - nah, he's too smart to be fooled.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. Smartly done. I've used this same trick to keep the cats out of my veggie beds. Make sure the sticks are close enough together so your sweet dog can't get between them. I have a hard time because the cats are so small they can weave their way through.

  3. OH my! That's going to be painful if the doggie trys to lay there now, clever!

  4. I don't have a dog so don't know if that will solve the problem. Does the frog spray water at the dog if he ventures in? lol

    We're not much for tv shows either and haven't heard of Chef Ramsey. I did watch Restaurant Impossible one night. Is that him?

  5. Cher - That's exactly what that sweet baby has been doing! Making a bed of my bed of liriope! Froggy just wants his 'bed' left alone!

    Marguerite - I am quite surprised that it works with cats. They are bad about making a game of going where you don't want them! I put them fairly close. I hope he doesn't find another garden spot to lie in!

    hundredsofideas - Yes, I warned my husband to be careful walking around in that area - it would be bad if someone were to trip and fall there!

    Marcia - haha If only I could get the frog to spray water! That would solve a lot of problems! Yes, I think that's one of his programs. I wonder why there are so many cooking shows, but no gardening programs.

  6. Hi Holley - yes I do think it will work. I have the same problem here. Dexter (my baby) is so big he tramples things unintentionally sometimes (intentionally other times). I finally used up saved chop sticks - stuck them in the ground and now he walks straight / avoids the areas with the little sticks :) xxx C

  7. I'm smiling...still smiling...can't help it.

    Nice try but growing in a big container may be a more effective solution. :)

  8. Gardening Blog - I never thought about saving chop sticks! Great idea! I have some kabob sticks that I've had for years - thanks for jiggling my mind!

    One - Perhaps I should look into a dog-training class!

  9. Cute post and pooch, but it only works until he pulls them out to play fetch.

  10. Can you talk to him about this? Otherwise, off to school he goes ;>)

  11. Awe, he knows a cool comfortable spot to enjoy when he sees one. :)

  12. GWGT - I never thought he might be smart enough to pull them up! But then, I never thought he'd be bad enough to ruin my bed!

    Autumn Belle - I worry he'll be a drop-out!

    StoBlogger - Yes, I'm certain it's nice and soft and comfy. He does have a dog house with a pillow bed - which he refuses to use!

  13. LOL! So looks like he may have to go to school...

    My dogs are all over the garden. Yesterday a turtle arrived. So I suspect things might just get worse. I learn to let go. For plants that intend to consume, I grow them in containers.

    The only wooden structures I have in the garden are recycled ones so I don't mind if the hornets consume them slowly.

  14. I certainly think so!!! Otherwise it's OUCHY!
    In my previous garden ,it was fenced in and cat proofed so I allowed my felines to come out into the garden with me..Paisley *the one that I've posted as of late* would always find an ornamental grass to bed down and hide on and squash it like your photo shows!Grrr!
    Hillarious the toothy smile from your pooch!

  15. looks like something from vietnam. Maybe you should give him his own hole to waler in.

  16. Well, yes I think it should work. You should see the mess my neighbours Labrador made of their garden.

  17. One - Maybe I should be happy he is only in one spot (for now) and not all over. Dogs and a turtle does not sound good for your garden!

    Naturegirl - Maybe I should fence in this area! He did take a pretty picture, didn't he? I think he was expecting a treat!

    greggo - Yes, it does remind me a bit of a torture device! If this doesn't work, this will be his own walering hole!

    Alistair - Dogs can do a lot of damage. But none of this rivals what the armadillos are doing to my garden!

  18. Awww, what a cutie! He just wanted a comfy place to lay and enjoy your garden, that's all! : )

  19. Jeg kom lige forbi din blog.
    Gode billeder.
    Tak for kigget.

  20. charlie b - I know, and I hate to push him off these soft plants, but really!

    Landbohaven - Thanks so much for commenting.

  21. Dogs and gardens do not mix! I am convinced of that! But I wouldn't be without either. I put up a fence of bamboo canes to keep the dog out of new plantings. If it's not sturdy enough shr goes through like a dose of salts.
    So that's the dog sorted. Cats go by a different set of rules.....

  22. Hope it works to prevent your dog from entering the compound...
    Your dog is so cute and lovable!

  23. Jennifer@threedogsinagarden
    Funny post! I laughed out loud when I saw that face. He does look like he is smiling! Mine have the same look of innocence just after they have charged through my flower beds while chasing squirrels. Your solution should be a good deterrent. Very clever!

  24. Janet - I agree they do not go well together. At least dogs are trainable, cats - not so much!

    Malar - My dog is very sweet. And a good barker! I'll just have to make another place a bit more enticing for him.

    Jennifer - They really do act like they don't know any better! Who could stay mad at that face?

  25. Too funny! He does have a great smile! Smart solution!

  26. My Garden Diaries - Oh, yes, he looks all innocent - but I'm having a time trying to keep him out of that soft bed!

  27. He looks like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, and he'd never dream of doing anything that could possibly, ever displease you in any way. No, ma'am.

    The sticks look like a great idea--I may try them to keep the neighborhood cats from lying on some new plantings!

  28. Stacy - He does usually try to please. He must not know that I am not happy with this! I hope your neighborhood cats leave your new plantings alone. If a cat thinks you don't want them somewhere, that's where they'll be determined to go!
