
Monday, September 5, 2011

The Thrill of Victory...The Agony of Defeat

There are no gardening Olympics.  But we gardeners often feel the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.  Such is the case for me this Hope Grows Day.

In August I hoped to have started my vegetable garden.  It was imperative that by now I had planted seeds or starts for this fall.  I have failed miserably.  Like the skier made famous by his heart wrenching fall, I feel as though the whole world now knows my failure to succeed.  As with most failures, lack of motivation and lack of action are the reasons I did not complete my goal.  It has been so hot and so dry that mentally, I was not in the game.

So much for the agony of defeat.  How about the thrill of victory?

My roses are going for the gold!

So, what will I hope for in September?

Now that the temperatures are dipping below the triple digit mark, I am eager to start working outside again.  I hope to transplant some roses.  Find a place for the fig I purchased on impulse.  And work on the numerous garden chores that await.

In other words, my hope for September is to enjoy my garden.


  1. Your roses are beautiful. I am struck by all the nice healthy foliage they have, as well as lovely blooms.My roses are a mess this time of year....lots of black spot!

  2. The Roses look beautiful. Atleast you have that beauty to motivate you and make you want to be out there.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  3. I, too, just bought a fig tree and must find a spot for it. A friend of mine has a fig tree and has a lovely crop to make jellies, chutneys, and other goodies. I look forward to the time when I can do the same. Your roses look lovely as always. I am hoping mine will begin to look a bit better with some cooler weather.

  4. Holley, your roses look amazing, especially considering the high temperatures that you were having until recently. Your well written post really got me thinking: am I gardening with an attitude of striving for the victory or do I feel defeated if something doesn't work out? Actually I feel that when I am gardening I am trying to escape these terms belonging to our 'regular' highly competitive world. In regards of gardening I am going more 'with the flow' and I am much better of with that ;-)!

  5. A great title for your sweet story. I consider this a great victory because you are growing roses. My garden is filled with self seed plants. That isn't a victory. It's intentional neglect.

  6. I hope you enjoy your September. Your roses are definitely gorgeous.

  7. I think organicgardendreams hit the nail on the head. Go with the flow; sometimes all the things you want to do in the garden just don’t happen. Working in triple-digit extreme heat would discourage any gardener! Glad your roses are doing great – they are stunning!

  8. Egretta - The one good thing about the high heat is it kills off the blackspot! I get it in the fall and sometimes early spring, when the conditions are just right.

    Cher - Everything is thankful to have a bit of relief from the scorching heat - even the plants. Blooms always help to motivate a gardener!

    Sage Butterfly - I am having visions of fig preserves and fig newtons! I hope I can find a spot it will love. Funny that you just got one, too!

    Christina - I am not much of a competitor, except with myself. So gardening is perfect for me. I do so want a pretty garden - a "win", but often I feel like I haven't done enough. But, even then, I take pleasure in whatever's blooming, so I win daily, (even if I didn't get the fall vegetable garden in)! I agree with you that we should enjoy the garden and not be too concerned if our gardens meet other's expectations.

    One - haha - I would have to disagree. Those plants need to be reigned in. You have to know what works and what won't. Given the right conditions. If your garden plants bloom and are happy, that is a definite victory.

    Grace - I think I am going to love September. It has been too hot to go out much, and I have missed working in the garden.

    Charlie B - Yes, but I do feel a bit defeated since I did the same thing last year on the fall vegetable garden - waited too long thinking it was too hot. I swore I would get it done this year, no matter how hot, and I haven't. It was a bit of a reality check to have to admit it.

  9. What an excellent hope to have. Sometimes I think I would do better if I threw away the garden list of to do's and just concentrated on enjoying the time spent there.

  10. I don't attempt to do much of anything in the garden during our hot summer. We just get through it. And even in other seasons I never accomplish all of my to-do list. I am grateful for what does get accomplished. And if some thing never gets accomplished, it was either too expensive or not really important anyway. Most important is what you said: enjoy the garden!

  11. Your roses look wonderful, and I hope they make up for the absence of he vegetable garden. Nobody's perfect, and your garden looks wonderful. A garden like that would never make me feel defeated.

  12. Marguerite - What a wonderful thought.

    debsgarden - I never accomplish all I wish I could, either. I think it's just because I'm slow and try to take short cuts, which in turn ends up taking longer!

    Masha - I feel defeated a lot - plants can be so unpredictable. But I mostly feel defeated when I don't do something that really needs to get done. But I still enjoy the garden and each bloom in it.

  13. Your roses are looking great! Happy gardening! I bet you will have many more plants since the weather is better!

  14. Hip hip hooray! hip hip hooray! (that's me cheering on your victory!) I am so glad you can get back out in your garden and not melt. :)

  15. Hooray for successes and victory. Your roses look lush and happy. Mine have started blooming again after the summer of heat and drought. Finally...

  16. Gosh, HolleyGarden, where did August go? You're not the only one who didn't do her seeds in August - after vowing not to be a procrastinator again this year. I'm thinking that direct sowing is still doable. Ya think? Your roses definitely win the gold. The thought occurred to me how many of the younger set remember ABC's Wide World of Sports and that skier wipe-out. The Agony of Defeat! Thought you might like to see the back story.

  17. Time flies so quick but at least the temperatures are much gentler now that you can do more gardening :)

  18. Cottage Dome - Enjoying the garden is what it's all about, isn't it?

    Malar - Yes, since the weather is better now, I hope most of my plants will give another glimpse of their glory.

    Hanni - It's wonderful to be able to get back out there and fiddle around, finish some projects, and just enjoy.

    GWGT - Isn't it wonderful when the roses start blooming again? I always forget how beautiful they are, until they remind me again why I love them so.

    sherry - I can't believe it's September already, either. I'm definitely still going to try a fall garden - nothing ventured, nothing gained. You can never tell about the weather, so a fall garden might do well even as late as it is! Thanks so much for the link! I loved it.

    Mark and Gaz - Yes, no more excuses! lol

  19. Oh yes you should definitely enjoy your garden. I feel so bad for my Texan blogging friends with all that heat and no rain. I hope September makes up for August in a big way for you!

  20. tina - It has been hard to enjoy the garden this summer. If this was my first year, I would probably give up. But I know there will be good seasons and bad seasons, and am optimistic that this fall will be fabulous!
