
Friday, October 14, 2011

Behind Bars

I've been behind bars lately, and it's given me a whole new perspective.

Let me explain.  You see, the main rose garden is backed by a black fence.  I am now adding some hedges behind this garden, and the view has been quite interesting.

Back here, roses continue to bloom.  Their cheerful faces don't care if I gaze upon them.  They're blooming anyway.  They throw themselves through the bars, reaching as far as they can.

Souvenir de St. Anne waves cheerfully behind the bars

I think she's waving to Buff Beauty.

Buff Beauty is a little shy, I think.

Who are you?  I don't know, but I'm moving this beauty to the front!  No more bars for you, love!

Abraham Darby has pushed his face through the bars.  He has his ears stuck, I think!

Mutabilis is so large, she doesn't even notice the bars are there.

Not only have I noticed the roses.  Some of my companion plantings are starting to fill in, looking quite cheerful.  They are still quite small, though, and I don't usually see them at all!

Hurry up and grow!  Your beauty is lost back here.

I've enjoyed going behind the bars.  The hedges I am planting will eventually hide this perspective from sight.  Until then, I may have to add this to my daily walk!


  1. I like the look of them peeking through the bars!

  2. Beautiful Roses! The hedges will look wonderful. Will be interesting to see what you put in there.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  3. I like how you have humanized your beauties. They really do seem as if they are peeking through the fence. They are so lovely against the black bars.

  4. The bars are a perfect foil for the roses. How very sweet of them to grow up and still bloom through those bars. I like that fence a lot.

  5. I love the wrought iron fence! What a nice backdrop for roses or any other plants. Your Abe Darby looks more peach than mine - I think the cooler weather really brings out the pink tones in his blooms up here.

  6. Those iron railings and rosebushes go perfectly together. I have Buff Beauty and Abraham Darby aswell in my garden though they have finished flowering now.

  7. Well, I'm impressed, HolleyGarden. No, that's wrong. I'm stunned with mouth agape at your gorgeous blooming roses behind bars. I hope you leave a path between the fence and the hedge so you can enjoy that heavenly view and take photos that will sustain the rest of us.

  8. Beautiful. I love the juxtaposition of organic plants and inorganic structures. Such an eye-catching marriage.

  9. Jennifer@threedogsinagarden
    The fencing is just perfect for your romantic garden! It would be great to treat us to more of these overall pictures. The garden looks to lovely as a whole. How wonderful it must be to walk through it. The Abraham Darby rose is stunning!

  10. I can see why the move, but I like them slipping through the bars. It looks like the great escape.

  11. I just love the affect wrought iron fencing has on gardens. Beautiful roses!

  12. Cant say I like the bars, and yet! Fantastic Roses.

  13. hundredsofideas - So many times we only see the 'front' of plants, and don't realize they're blooming in the back, too!

    Cher - I've got a mix of two different hollies and some boxwoods going in. Depending on how high I want the hedge.

    Sage Butterfly - When you talk to your plants every day, they do become a bit humanized!

    tina - I like the fence behind the roses, too. I think all gardens need something architectural to them - a fence, statue, birdbath, post, bench, oh, just anything.

    VW - I love Abe Darby when I see him. He is newer (and shorter) than the roses planted in front of him, so I don't often see him - yet. I'm hoping he'll outgrow the front roses next year so I can see his pretty blooms.

    leavesnbloom - Abe is too young for me to really comment on him, but Buff Beauty has stolen my heart this year.

    sherry - You're so sweet! No, no room between the hedges and the fence. I think the roses will look great with a green background behind them.

    grace - I, too, love to see plants paired with something inorganic. Rests the eye somehow.

    Jennifer - The garden is filling out nicely. There are just a few spots to tweak!

    GWGT - It's been fun going back there and seeing the garden from a different view. It's really quite different than the front view. Love their little 'escapes' too!

    Cottage Dome - I have black fencing in the majority of my garden. I love it too.

    Alistair - The rose are in their fall flush, and I am really enjoying their beauty. This summer was tough on them. I'm hoping autumn lasts for a very long time!

  14. Holley the bars look wonderful with the roses growing through them. They look like they are trying to escape.

  15. Donna - They are escaping their prison! But, they do it beautifully! ;)

  16. Beautiful photos. Lovely blooms. Love the fence.

  17. redneckrosarian - I like the fence, too. It gives the roses a background.
