
Monday, November 7, 2011

The Big Bloom

There is a certain rose in my garden that I love to see blooming.  Of course, I love to see any of them bloom, and they each have a special charm, but this rose amazes me each time it blooms.  It's so amazing because the blooms are giant!  And they are interesting.  And it has a fun name!  Don't you just love a rose with a fun name?

This rose is 'Gee Whiz'.  It was named Gee Whiz because the breeder, Dr. Griffith Buck, noticed that every time someone walked by this rose, they exclaimed "Gee Whiz"!  Yes, it's that surprising.

You see, the rose is speckled.  Like a trout.  The official description is "streaked and freckled".

And the blooms are huge!  I actually got the ruler out and measured the bloom below.  It was 6 inches across.  Now, that's one big rose!  In fact, 'Paul Neyron' is well known as a rose with one of the largest blooms, and they are also generally 6 inches across.

I couldn't find a lot of information on Gee Whiz, so I'll give the information on this rose in my own experience.  Remember, your experience may be completely different.  Not the most prolific bloomer, when Gee Whiz does bloom, it's worth the wait.  It definitely stands out, and its bloom is unmistakeable. It does seem to get a bit of blackspot on it, but I don't spray, so I generally overlook that.  It has a soft, sweet fragrance.  It will withstand Iowa winters, so try it if you're in zones 4 or 5.  It took the Texas heat this summer, so I'd give it a try in zones 9 or even 10.

The photos that have more of a pink tone to them were taken this week.  The ones with the more orange tone were taken this past summer.  You can see how the color fades in high heat.  This is not unusual, and most roses will fade if temperatures are very high for a sustained period.

So, if you want a rose with a big bloom, try Gee Whiz.  If you want a rose that's different - speckled, and spectacular - try Gee Whiz.  If you want a rose that will definitely get noticed, try Gee Whiz!

Gee whiz, what have you got to lose?


  1. Gee Whiz is right! At first I thought the first photo was a canna!

  2. I love the names they come up with. Gee Whz. Ha. I like how the color changes. Nice pics!

  3. Geez Louise ~ That is a huge beautiful bloom. I really love the coloring. What a cool name and a neat story as to how the name came to be.


  4. Yes I have Gee Whizz envy now and I want one, really beautiful photographs, I could almost smell them:~)

  5. Well---Gee Whiz.... I want that one!!!!! She is gorgeous!!! Reminds me a little of one our ours, Peppermint Splash --but of course a different color/colors....

    Gorgeous, Holley.

  6. Nazwę pięknej róży zapisałam i spróbuję ją u nas kupić. Pozdrawiam

  7. hundredsofideas - It does rather look like a canna, doesn't it?

    kacky - It is funny how they come up with names. I guess they run out of ideas after awhile.

    FlowerLady - It's a name I usually don't forget! Unlike some roses whose names I can't remember!

    Foxglove Lane - I bought this because of the silly name, but if I had seen it in bloom, I would have chosen it because of its big bloom!

    Betsy - Funny how roses can come in all sorts of patterns, not just a solid color. I love those that are a little different.

    Giga - I hope you can find one to purchase, and that it does well for you. Although mine does not stay spotless, I have it half-hidden behind another rose, so I only see the big blooms peeking out.

  8. A rose that reminds one of a speckled trout! It really is a gorgeous rose. Wow!

  9. Gee whiz! What an appropriate name for such a lovely bloom. I really like the variegation in the coloring...just gorgeous! It is amazing how big it is. I don't think I have ever seen a rose that large.

  10. Gee whiz is the perfect name! I think I would say the same thing if I walked by it. Your rose garden must really be something special!

  11. charlie b - This is one rose that really does catch the eye!

    debsgarden - I'm just thankful it doesn't smell like a trout! :)

    Sage Butterfly - None of my other roses are as big as this one. I just love its massive bloom!

    tina - Every time I walk by this rose, I want to exclaim "Gee Whiz"! haha

  12. They are really pretty. Gee Wiz especially with such a different form and color.

  13. That's really big and preety rose! The name really suits it!

  14. Gee Whiz all right! Isn't it lovely and blowsy. I imagine the whole bush in bloom is quite spectacular!

  15. Wow! or should I say "Gee Whiz" thats a beautiful rose!

  16. GWGT- Yes, this rose definitely stands out, and is not easily confused with any other rose!

    Malar - I kind of like the funny names for roses, instead of celebrity names.

    Ruth - Blowsy describes it perfectly. Kind of a loose, floppy form. I guess part of the reason for that is because it's so big!

    redneckrosarian - haha Yes, the proper exclamation is "Gee Whiz"! I guess it could have just as easily been named "Wow"!

  17. Is there a rose named Holy Cow...I love this one...the color, the size and of course the will go on my wish list if I decide to plant more roses. The deer have been foraging and they are now eating the new growth on the roses. The do this spring and fall mostly when the flowers are not blooming much...rascals. The roses always rebound and then I have to do less pruning...

  18. Speckled? Now I may have to add another to my garden!

  19. Donna - Holy Cow! haha That would be a fun name! I suppose the deer prune your roses the natural way! Joking aside, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm always worried the deer are going to find my roses. So far they've been happy with just the vegetable garden.

    Diana - Not often you see a speckled rose!

  20. Wow, that's an impressive rose!
    I love the name - very old school!

  21. Indie - haha Old school! Guess when naming a rose try not to go with "Neat-o" , "Groovy", "Cool", "Rad" or "Marley" ! :) Donna's "Holy Cow" is timeless. ;)

  22. Your roses are inspiring! I'm glad for the recommendation.

  23. Chris - Although this one does have some issues with blackspot, it is hardly noticeable because all I see when I look at it is that big, unusual bloom! A good rose to have for that little something unexpected.
