
Monday, January 30, 2012

2 - Pretty Pairs

Companion plantings can really compliment a rose, but can a rose compliment another rose?  You bet!  Here are two different combinations of roses that I found particularly pleasing this summer.  I bet you can come up with some beautiful combinations, too.

This pair of Iceberg and Showbiz are contrasting:

While this pair of Julia Child and Bright Lights coordinate perfectly:

Yes, roses paired with roses can be a beautiful thing.


  1. How beautiful! I'm sure it makes for interesting color contrasts in the garden.

    1. Yes, some good and some not so perfect. But these made my summer!

  2. While the red and white are showstoppers I am in love with the yellow and is that peach or pink? Beautiful, I wish I had your ability to grow roses.

    1. It's pink. I have a James Galway rose next to Julia Child, and Bright Lights really pulls them all together.

  3. You are so right this sumer I will have my running rose and Moon dance together. Stairway to Heaven a red rose will compliment white Moon Dance. Your roses are beautiful. I like Day lilies and daisy in frount of my roses to hide the bottom of the bush. I have finaly talked Carrel into putting other plants in frount of his roses. He had nothing but Roses, they are pretty, but you need something else besides roses. I read your blog about having evergreens in your garden so you would have a good view from inside of your house enjoyed it and now I want another "room" Wrote a blog about it.

    1. This summer, I kept looking at that red and white combination, and it was so pretty. I had forgotten I had put these roses together, but the combination turned out well. Your combinations sounds wonderful, too. I think we all want another "room"!

  4. That Bight Lights rose is so pretty. I have never saw it before. I love the peach colors with that spot of yellow. Gorgeous!

    1. Bright Lights is a mini climber. I have it planted in an urn next to Julia Child. I was so happy when I got it home and realized it actually matched!

  5. Thanks for the tease - a glimpse back at summer. Enjoyed this post. Thanks.

    1. It's nice to look back at the blooms, isn't it? I've really enjoyed seeing them. So good to have photos of summer to look over!

  6. I enjoy your blog very much, and therefore I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award in my post (
    I'm sure you got that already, but one more doesn't hurt, yes? ;-)

  7. The red and white is a fantastic combination. I've been wanting to place more combinations of red and white in my garden since I had a semi-accidental combination of Lady in Red salvia with a white ginger lily. Thanks for the reminder. Unfortunately, roses are pretty much out since Bambi and friends like to snack at my place, except for one very protected spot that already has a big rose in it. So it's a nice treat to see photos of yours.

    1. I am really liking red and white combinations. I know about Bambi - we have them here, but so far they stay to our vegetable garden and leave my roses alone. I'm wondering how long my luck will last!

  8. Julia Child and Bright light - they are so fantastic. How do you take care of your roses? Do you feed them anything? Thanks.

    1. I throw some fertilizer out there once a year (twice if I remember). I usually just throw some granules out because they're easiest. If I could make enough compost, I would just use that, but I don't, so I save the compost for the vegetable garden.

  9. I have two Rise N Shine roses planted on either side of a Lindee rose. All three are very small roses, only two to three feet. They have very delicate flowers. I really like the combination of yellow and white roses. I usually plant some blue or purple annuals in that bed as well. I love the post! I’m always happy to see roses!

    1. Yellow and white roses with blue and purple companions sounds so fresh and cheerful! I can imagine how beautiful that is.

  10. Love that - two gardens ago we had Teasing Georgia and Souvenir de Dr Jamain they flowered in tandem socks off shocks off in colour contrast too. Oh dear my open id credentials are being questioned here so I might turn into the Dog Blog aaaaaagh should be Catharine Howard Gardens!

    1. Oh, wow! I had to look up SDDJ - but I can imagine that combination is striking and gorgeous! I would love that!

  11. That's beautiful combination! I like the Julia roses!

  12. Iceberg and showbiz is beautiful together. We planted Julia Child and Moondance together. The yellow and white makes quite a statement. Great post.

    1. Love the idea of white and yellow roses together. I may have to give this a try!

  13. I love massing roses...I have pinks reds and yellows growing together near the veg beds...they look lovely together

    1. I bet they do. I never thought of that color combination together before I started gardening, but those are the main colors in my walking garden, and I just love it.

  14. How beautiful the combinations are - each enhancing the other. Your roses are in such good condition. What do you use?

    1. Here's the truth - but don't judge me! I throw some Osmocote Plus out one or twice a year. It's fast and easy. And I don't bury it or anything - I literally sprinkle it around like chicken feed. I always feel bad telling people that because I know I should be using something organic. :O
