
Friday, January 6, 2012

A Big Announcement

Years ago, a boss of mine would end our employee meetings by asking if there were any announcements.  Most of us were young females, so occasionally there would be an announcement of an impending marriage or of a pregnancy.  Well, today I'm announcing both!

Just a minute - let me revive my husband!

Ok, now -

First, the marriage (well, anniversary, really):

Today is the my blog's very first blogaversary.  I had thought about writing a blog for some time, and wanted to share my garden as well as find other gardens, and gardeners that were sharing their passion.  Sherry, Masha, and Christine all announced that they were going to start their blogs, and so I jumped in - timidly.  I made no announcement, I just started blogging.  I want to thank them for giving me the courage to stretch my boundaries and give blogging a try.  I've loved it!

Secondly, the baby (well, figuratively speaking):

I've seen Donna, Carolyn, Christine & Barbie, and Donna & Beth, all announce that they have recently or will be soon starting a meme.  And I've been thinking of doing this for some time, too.  So, today, I'm going to stretch my boundaries a bit more and go for it!

Like most gardeners, I love to read about gardening.  I have quite the collection of garden books, and I realize that most others gardeners do, too.  

So, I am going to start a Garden Book Review meme to be on the 20th of each month.  I'm doing this because I'm constantly buying garden books, and I want to know from you which books you like, and which to avoid!  

So, whether it's vegetable gardening, flower gardening, specialized gardening, design, hardscape, or even fiction (that includes a garden, such as 'The Secret Garden'), I would love to hear your take on the garden books you have read.  Each of our gardens are different, and each of our tastes in garden books will probably be different.  But I think if we tell what we like (or not) about each book, we can get a good sense of the books we might want to add to our collection.  

I have read that some gardeners do reviews on books they've received from the publisher.  But I'd rather read a review from a gardener that has no prejudice, wouldn't you?  I want to know the books you hate as much as the ones you love.  

Please join me on the 20th of each month and let me know which gardening books you are happy to have spent your money on, and which ones you wish you hadn't!

Right now, I have 109 garden books in my collection.  How about you?  Do you collect garden books, too?


  1. Happy Blogaversary! And a great idea for a meme too!

    Yup, we;ve got a collection of gardening books. Not sure how many we have now but certainly not as much as 109 :)

  2. Has it only been a year? Wow! You've been a huge success in that time. Congratulations!

    I'll look for your meme and maybe join in once in awhile.

  3. Happy Blog Anniversary Holly! looking forward to more beautiful post!

  4. Dear Holley, heartfelt congratulation to your first blogaverary! Your are writing truly a wonderful blog, which I always enjoy reading. I am so happy that the announcement of Sherry, Masha and I that we would start our blogs has encouraged you to take the leap, too, and begin with yours. Blogging just seems to be "your thing"! I am looking forward to another year of reading great posts from you.
    I think starting a book review meme is a great idea. I love reading gardening books would be very interested to hear what other bloggers read and think about a book. I am very bad with deadlines, so I won't promise anything, but I will try to participate!

  5. Happy Anniversary. I will be looking forward to the 20th of each month. Do I have gardening books? YES! Do I need more? YES!

  6. Hope your husband has recovered from the shock Holley. Happy Blogaversary and thank you for some wonderful posts. Not a big garden book reader (or even a small one) but like the idea of subjective and first hand reviews.
    Laura x

  7. Congratulations Holley! You're such a prolific blogger that I feel I have known you for longer than a year. I love joining in memes - I don't have a garden book collection, but I might try the library.

  8. Happy Anniversary err blogiversary lol try saying that fast 3 times.
    I haven't bought many garden books, I am a cookbook collector - I look forward to your reviews though.

  9. Congratulations, Holley! All of your posts radiate so much enthusiasm that it's hard to believe you're an old, jaded blogging veteran by now. (Not old as in old! Old as in old hand!) It's been fun to "meet" you and your garden this year. Your meme idea sounds wonderful.

  10. Haha, happy Blogaversary!

    The meme sounds great. Surprisingly I don't have a lot of gardening books - our bookcases are so full with all our other collections - but I check out dozens from the library. I am definitely interested to hear some great garden book finds!

  11. Mark and Gaz - I think you can tell by my number of books, that I'm obsessed! :) It would be much less, but there isn't a library near me, so I buy used.

    Marcia - I hope you will join in! I have loved reading the books you've recommended, and would love to hear of more from you.

    Dewi - Thank you! It's been a fun year.

    Christina - I am interesting in hearing what others have to say about books, too. I'm always on the hunt for more! I've really enjoyed blogging much more than I ever thought I would. I'm so glad you three made that announcement!

    Gardening Under The Influence - haha You sound like me! I hope you'll give us a review of some of your favorites. I hope we can all find more books we love through this.

    Laura - haha He's fine now. :) I've always been a big reader, and so I naturally gravitate to gardening books. I hope you'll find a book or two that you love through this.

    b-a-g - I think most people go to the library these days. I used to utilize the library more when it was free, and closer. Now I just collect my own! I hope you'll join in!

    bakingbarb - My mother collects cook books, too. She reads them like I read gardening books. I've had the same cook book since I was 18! I still use and love it!

    Stacy - Yes, I'm old, too! ;O I keep thinking if I read enough books I'll know what to do! haha I hope you'll join in!

    Indie - And I'm interested in hearing about the books your library stocks. Maybe we'll both find new gardening books to read this way!

  12. 109?? Oy!! I actually purged my garden book collection about a year ago so I just have about a dozen that are really helpful. But I just bought a new one called The Vegetable Gardeners Container Bible. I also have the other Veggie Garden Bible book. The container one is awesome!! LOVE! Great idea for a meme.

  13. Congratulations on your first year. You have quite a few "followers" for such a young blog. Keep up the good work. Now, I'm off to count my gardening books. I can tell you already, I'm well shy of 109.

  14. I thought to myself wow she is going to be busy. The actual marriage and birth sound less hectic. Congratulations on your one year anniversary. That's a big accomplishment. The meme sounds great although I don't usually participate in them because of my customers. I do enjoy reading the results. I would have that many gardening books, but I went through them all and gave a lot away to a botanical garden that was just stating a library.

  15. I'm really bad about showing up to the blogs on specific days, but I'll participate when I can. I got three gardening books for Christmas :)

  16. Congratulations! I can't believe you've only been blogging for a year! Your blog is a delight to read!

    I limit my entire book collection to one large bookcase so my gardening collection is limited, but will enjoy reading your posts and what other garden bloggers are reading!

    Cheers to you!

  17. Casa Mariposa - I actually went room to room and counted them! I keep them separated so my husband won't realize I have so many! (Oops - he probably knows now!) I hope you'll do a review on those two books. I could use a lot of help in both those areas!

    Chad B - I would love to know how many you have, but I can say that if you're like me, that number won't be stable for long - it will be constantly increasing!

    Carolyn - What a wonderful thing to give your gardening books to a good cause! Perhaps one day I'll do something like that, but for now I find pearls of wisdom in almost all of them. I hope you do enjoy reading the reviews.

    Jess - How exciting to get three gardening books for Christmas!!! Did you ask for them, or were they surprises? Either way it must have been thrilling! I do hope you'll do a review on them, and any other of your favorites.

    GirlSprout - Thank you. You should do like me - put them in different places all over the house. That way, it doesn't look like you have so many! hahaha

  18. Hi Holley,
    Congrats on your 1 year Blogaversary! That's quite a milestone and something to be happy about.
    I LOVE your meme idea and would love to join you for two reasons. First, I love to write about GREAT garden books. Secondly, I don't have to GROW anything to do it. LOL.
    Have you practiced using Mr. Linky yet? There's both a 'words only' version and a 'picture' version. Either way would work, but I love the picture one better. Lisa's Chaos uses this one for Macro Monday. Maybe you can ask her about the pros and cons. Best wishes! David/ :0)

  19. I'm close to a year also next month. I've really enjoyed your blog and the information you give out and look forward to reading it this year also. Gardening books - no collection here. I'm a book hog, but no place to get them, so I always read them and out they go and gardening I can find on the web. I'll enjoy your upcoming series.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  20. Hi Holley - Congrats on your first year!! What date did you start your blog on? If you started on the 6th exactly, then your blog and ours are "Twins"!! Hehe.

    I'm absolutely in with this meme. I have quite a collection - will count and tell in my first GB Book Day post :)

  21. Wow Holley it has been one year already...congrats for such a wonderful blog...I have tons of garden books still waiting to be read so this may be a good way to move me to get some read...I will add this to my calendar...great idea!!

  22. Congratulations on the anniversary of your blog. It's been great fun reading your posts and viewing your lovely garden, so I hope you'll be blogging for many more years to come.

    Whilst I'm not much of a garden book reader myself, I do think your idea of a meme is fantastic. We will all get to hear about some fabulous books now.

  23. David - I'm thrilled you'll be joining in! I am excited to hear of some GREAT gardening books! I have not practiced with Mr. Linky yet - I'm a bit nervous! I have seen the picture version, and love it. I'll have to check out what the offer for free!

    Cher - I love to hear when people's blogaversaries are, because it's so interesting to me when they started and how long they've been blogging. See, I would have thought you had been blogging longer! I do hope you enjoy reading the reviews!

    Gardening Blog - Yes - twins! The 6th exactly. I felt odd not starting it right on the first, but it took me a few days to actually take the plunge! haha I'm so glad you'll be joining in and I am curious to hear how many books you have. I hope you have more than I - my husband would be happy to know I'm not the "Queen"! :)

    Donna - I hope you will join in! I have a stack by my bed that are unread, too. And more ordered! LOL And now I'll have a list of recommended books for me to acquire!

    Bernie - I hate buying books that I don't really like, so hopefully now I'll have some great recommendations. And maybe you'll hear about a book or two that you'll want to read!

  24. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I thought you were an old hand, also. I'll try to join in on your meme, though I'm not a big garden book reader. I got a new one for my birthday 4 months ago that looks really great, but I haven't cracked the cover yet . . . motivation?

  25. Congratulations, Holleygarden! You really dove in and produced a wonderful blog. It doesn't seem possible that it's only been a year since we started, but at the same time it was a long year, too. Love your new meme idea. Have fun this year!

  26. Big congrats, Holley, on your big, first anniversary. Nice to know I'm not the only one who is obsessive when it comes to gardening books (no offence). Meme idea sounds great. Look forward to it.


  27. Congratulations on the anniversary! 109 garden books, wow, you do read a lot. I suspect I only have a fraction of that number but will be looking forward to the 20th to see what books will be recommended reading.

  28. My blogging anniversary is today! Finding your blog seems a gift on this anniversary! I have garden books on three floors in 5 different places - bookshelves not all in one central library! If I count them, I may have to restrict myself from buying more....your meme sounds interesting!

  29. Congratulations on your first blogaversary! What about a badge on your sidebar for the meme?

  30. Congratulations and happy anniversary! I look forward to joining in.

  31. Congratulations on your blogaversary, Holley! This meme is a great idea, and I will definitely join in. I was planning to do a book review this month anyway, so this will be perfect! Cheers, gardening friend!

  32. Cynthia - haha Just open and read it! You may love it! Or not, I suppose, but you'll never know until you read at least the first page! :)

    Sherry - I think I will have more fun this year. It was a bit stressful to 'start' without knowing what to do, but now I feel much more relaxed just spouting out whatever I want to write about! Thanks for helping to give me the push I needed to get started!

    Dave - Glad I'm not the only one! I would have felt silly if I was! I hope you get to join in!

    Marguerite - To me, reading so many gardening books is almost like seeing the same movie over and over - they all say some of the same things, but there's always something new that you never saw before!

    Jayne - Happy blogaversary to you! It sounds like your collection tops mine! I hope you will join in on the meme. I'd love to know some of your favorite ones!

    Diana - haha Now you're going to put me work! I'm pretty tech-challenged, so we'll see if I can figure one out!

    Bumble Lush - Great! I look forward to hearing the books you recommend!

  33. PlantPostings - Wonderful! I'm excited that you'll join in! I look forward to reading your review.

  34. Holley, congrats on one year of blogging. I have enjoyed your blog for a long while now. I am amazed you have 109 books. I am not much of a book reader because I am mildly dyslexic, so unfortunately I won't be reviewing any (it takes me too long to read them), but will enjoy what others have to say about them. There are quite a lot of books that are out there right now that are pretty good, so it will be interesting to see what others say.

  35. Congrats, including on doing unsolicited book reviews. I think that is the best, being unfettered by what can happen with such an entanglement.

  36. Happy blogiversary. I may try and join in the monthly book review although I suspect I wont manage ever month!

  37. Hi Holley, a great idea. For myself however at my age I have read all the gardening books that I wish to read. I am getting a bigger kick out of keeping up to date with all the interesting garden blogs which I have been introduced to in recent times. My other passion is losing myself in mystery and suspense with reading novels now made all the more easy with my new gift of a kindle, I no longer have to strain with the small print. Keep up the great blogging and have a fantastic 2012. alistair

  38. Hi Holley, a great idea. For myself however at my age I have read all the gardening books that I wish to read. I am getting a bigger kick out of keeping up to date with all the interesting garden blogs which I have been introduced to in recent times. My other passion is losing myself in mystery and suspense with reading novels now made all the more easy with my new gift of a kindle, I no longer have to strain with the small print. Keep up the great blogging and have a fantastic 2012. alistair

  39. GWGT - I think it will be fun to hear what others have to say, too. I look forward to finding more books to add to my 'library'! Most of my books are older - I get them used, and cheap!

    Desert Dweller - I agree. I would feel a bit pressured if 'fettered'. And I really respect the opinions of my fellow garden bloggers. So, I'm looking forward to hearing from everyone!

    patientgardener - I understand. I might not could commit myself, except I have so many I've already read that I can fall back on to write about! I have been wanting to blog about my favorites for a while, and this gives me an excuse to talk about them!

    Alistair - I wonder if I will get out of this obsession. Perhaps. I agree that blogs have been wonderful to read, and I learn so much from them, too. I'm jealous of your kindle. I don't have one, but I have to say that I do love having my 'real' books, too. Hope you have a great year, too!

  40. What a great idea. Even though I have tons of gardening books, I am always interested in hearing about a new one or old one to look for. I will be joining in. I am now following-I thought I already was...blogger drives me crazy sometimes.

  41. mississippi artist - I'm so glad you'll be joining in! It was in part because of your post that I decided to do the meme! I want to hear of the garden books others love! I agree that Blogger is sometimes frustrating!

  42. I'm a little late, but happy Blogaversary Holley! It's amazing how quickly that first year passes by. When I started blogging I wondered how on earth I'd have enough material to keep it going for more than a week, so that first year milestone felt all the more special, as I'm sure it does for you! Congratulations! I'm greatly looking forward to following you in the coming year, and look forward to reading some book reviews too!

  43. Curbstone Valley Farm - Thank you. I wondered, too, if I would have enough to post about. But the garden is ever changing, so it's really been easy!

  44. Wishing you a belated happy blogaversary! But I wanted to say how much I look forward to reading your blog posts. They are always so well done and entertaining too! And I'm looking forward to your garden book review meme. I think it's a great idea.

  45. The garden book reviews sounds a great idea - I loved writing my top 10 reads post last week (it was great to get the books out into a huge pile and pour over them) but like you I have probably close to 100 that didn't make the list. Many of which I also love. I look forward to joining your book review meme.

  46. dorothy - Thank you. I'm looking forward to it, too. I'm trying to hurry and finish a book I'm reading now so I can write about it - it's a good one!

    Wistful Gardener - Great! Now you'll be able to talk about all your books! I'm glad you'll be joining in!

  47. Dear Holley, I plan on joining your Garden Book Review meme. I think it is a great idea, especially for the winter months. P. x

  48. Pam - I'm so glad you're joining in! I can see I'll soon have a long list of new books to read!

  49. Happy Anniversary on your blog. Gardening Book Review is a great idea!

  50. Thank you. I really thought I'd blog more about roses exclusively, but I find I love the entire garden. I hope you'll be able to join in on the reviews!

  51. Congratulations on your blog's anniversary. I don't have a big collection of gardening books, but those I do have really get a good work out. I'll be really interested to see everyone else tips.

    1. I'm looking forward to finding some good books through this, too. I would love to hear of your favorites, too!

  52. I have a lot of gardening books and I'm always on the lookout for recommendations. But I'm sure I often miss other bloggers reviews. It will be good to see them all under one roof so to speak.
    Congratulations on your bloaversary, Holley. Doesn't a year go in fast when you're blogging?

    1. I like to hear other reviews, too, but like you, often miss them. I hope you'll join in with us!

  53. Holley, what a wealth of information you are! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and talents and passions with all of us! I love the book review idea as well. Look forward to checking it out!
    xo jill

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. And I hope you'll join in on the book review meme, too!
