
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I Was A Very Good Girl

The way I measure rainfall is with two - yes, two rain gauges.  They have served me well.

But my sweet husband decided there must be a better way.  You know how men are - they always think there's a better way.  Well, come to find out, there is!

This is the weather machine I got for Christmas (told you I was a very good girl).  We just got it put up (yes, it took us a while).

It's going to be so much fun recording the rainfall totals.  Now, if it would just rain!


  1. I hope it didn't come with a remote, or your husband will never let you use it.

    1. haha - No remote, but it's all electronic, so I see that happening anyway! ;)

  2. Holley, that weather machine looks awesome. You are going to be a weather professional now :-)! I don't even have a rain gauge yet, but I should really get one. Yesterday I actually would have something to measure. It finally rained in Southern California. Yeah!

    1. I think it's supposed to rain today - just waiting for it. Isn't it wonderful to get rain when you really need it?

  3. Love it! How awesome is that! If my husband saw that we would have it as soon as they could ship it to us- he is a weather fanatic. What is it called- Valentines is around the corner. Maybe he will get one. Maybe. Too fun!

    1. Sounds like your husband would love this! It measures everything on an electronic display - rain, wind speed, barometric pressure, temp, humidity, and historical data. Yeah, it's a weather fantatic's dream machine! It's a Davis Vantage Vue - my husband got it from Cabela's.

  4. Replies
    1. Yes, although I like simple things. But, I guess this will be simpler than running outside to read the gauges, once I figure out how to get the readings off the electronic device!

  5. I had a rain gauge years ago. My husband ran over it with the lawnmower, and I never bothered to replace it. I DO have a remote thermometer for the greenhouse, tho ... can read the GH temperature from the comfort of my kitchen.

    1. haha - Oh, the things we would still have if not for reckless driving on the lawnmower! Now, a remote thermometer is neat!

  6. I think I saw one of those on Star Trek. It certainly looks very hi-tech.

    1. I thought it resembled something out of Nasa's space program! haha

  7. And I thought you said you weren't a techie! Well, your weather machine looks like fun. We don't even have a low tech rain gauge, but then again we don't get much rainfall anyway. (Although we did get 1½ inches over the past few days...yay! First rain in two months.) I do own a compost thermometer, though!

    1. I didn't realize you hadn't gotten any rain for two months! Your rain gauge would just read "bone dry"! A compost thermometer - that sounds like something I'll have to ask for! I wonder if I can be good again this year!

  8. Dear Holley,
    Wow! But how does it work? Do you climb a ladder to read it? It's very impressive.
    P. x

    1. haha - No, no ladder climbing. It electronically sends a signal to a device in the house. It has a panel showing all the information. It looks a bit like a digital alarm clock.

  9. Wow, can't wait for your to tell us about your first rainfall - should have had ours yesterday, we were drenched!

    1. We are going to get some tonight, and I think it's supposed to rain for a few days! My garden is very happy!

  10. Hi Holley,
    My husband has one too. Shortly after I got it for him, we got one-upped by a friend who got one that can be connected to the computer. If yours can send data to your computer, you could even hook into Weather Underground and have your own weather station show up on the web... Your husband might like that; I know mine would.

    1. No, ours doesn't go to the computer. :( That sounds like it could become an obsession! I told my husband he was one-upped by your husband. I get a weather station - you got a trip to England!

    2. Aw, but that was our 10th anniversary! Our Christmas presents were much more mundane. I don't think either of us got anything as cool as your weather station this year. Have fun with it!

    3. We are obviously married to two very nice men. We are lucky ladies indeed!

  11. A very cool new toy!!! Hope you get the rain now.

  12. Hmm, I had not thought of getting a rain gauge. now I want one. We did get a good storm for a few days, we just need another like it to bring us up to where we should be. Now back to perusing my seed catalogs.

    1. I find having a rain gauge very useful. It's amazing how different the actual rainfall totals are different than the 'reported' rainfall, and I can better keep up with whether or not my garden needs supplemental watering, instead of just guessing. I hope you get one. I bet you'll really like it. I do like the kind that registers rain in .10ths.

  13. Wow...that seems as if it is so professional! What a great gift!

    1. Yes, he did good with that gift. A gardening related gift, but a fun gadget for him to play with, too!

  14. We have a little plastic rain gauge that hooks to our deck. We have to take it in during the winter --or else it would crack. (We learned that the hard way!!! ha)....

    Love your new rain gauge. Don't you think that the birdies will love it --and take it over????? ha ha


  15. How fun! I can't wait to hear the reports! I hope you get some rain this week--I think I heard it was forecast for your area.

    1. Yes, I woke up to it seemingly raining all over Texas! That makes me very happy.

  16. Very cool...can't wait to hear more about it...I want a sundial for my birthday...I have already picked it to find a place...I know I don't have it yet and my birthday isn't until May but I know it is coming....of course I could change my mind and want a weather station...just saying...

    1. A sundial sounds wonderful! I know you'll find the perfect spot, and it will be a beautiful focal point. A much more low tech feel to it than a weather station! :)

  17. Wow, how fancy! It looks like there are even moving parts. Ha, such a guy thing - my husband would love something like this! What fun!

    1. Yes, the top twirls around in the wind. You're right - it's a guy thing! A great tool for me, and a fun toy for him!

  18. So jealous! I LOVE that!! I want one!!!!! We have a small one, that 2nd Man got me for Christmas a couple of years ago before we had the property. But now that we have it, i've been dropping hints like crazy for something "new" (and really cool like yours) for the farm. Maybe this Christmas.

    And yes, awesome rain today huh? LOVE it! Now it just needs to do that every few days for a while.

    1. I hope you get one! And yes, the rain was great! My plants are very happy!
