
Thursday, January 19, 2012

January 2012 Garden Book Review

It's time!  Wahoo!  It's time for the January 2012 Garden Book Review (the very first one!) and you are invited to join me!  I promise to read your review, and I hope to find some new gardening books to add to my ever-expanding collection.

But first, here's my review:

The Artful Garden
by James Van Sweden and Tom Christopher

I have garden design books.  Lots of them.  And most of them cover about the same stuff.  You know - foliage texture, the way dark foliage recedes visually, rhythm, etc.  But I never knew how to paint a garden with plantings.  This books shows you how to do that.

Instead of looking at foliage like this:

Foliage in my fall garden.  Pretty, isn't it?
But it's just a small area.

This book tells explains how to use foliage to weave textures the way a fabric artist would.

Photo taken at San Antonio Botanical Garden

My imagination was fueled with the chapter on light and shadow.  Have you ever taken a picture of your garden in black and white?  Did you know what you were looking for?  The color picture of The Madoo Garden designed by Robert Dash on Pg. 95 was the perfect visual of light and shadow.  I immediately began to imagine my garden in black and white - the entire garden, not just parts.  I literally sat straight up, and began to mentally start making changes to my garden plans.  I even went outside and moved some plants!

My summer garden in black and white

The concept of mystery is no mystery to me.  But the concept of enticement was explained so well, I now want my garden to tease me into moving through it.

Photo taken at San Antonio Botanical Garden
I remember when I reached this point, I literally ran to see the fountains
that were placed just beyond sight.

And rhythm?  You may know how to make your garden visitors slow down, or speed up.  But this book takes it even farther.  Can you make your garden dance to a slow waltz?  How about to a spicy samba?  I think I now can.

Photo taken in Albuquerque, NM

These may be simple, basic garden design principles.  But I will never look at a garden in the same way again.  Do you know what picture your garden is painting?   Garden designers, garden critics, and anyone designing a garden (hopefully before and not after) will find this book useful.  If want to use garden design concepts the way an artist would, don't let this one pass you by.  It has the potential to take your garden from good to outstanding!


Now I want to read your review!

If you'd like, grab the button as your reward for linking in!

Roses and Other Gardening Joys

1) Any book about gardening, gardens, or has a garden influence in it is fine, except:
2) No links/reviews about growing substances that are illegal in the United States.  (I know I don't have to worry about my blogging buddies, but I thought I needed to clarify in case someone new tries slipping one in!)



  1. Holley, your book review is so inspirational! Love the photos at the San Antonio Botanical Gardens. Will need to put The Artful Garden on my to read list.

    1. It surprised me the way it opened my eyes into looking at my garden differently. I hope you enjoy it.

  2. Hi Holley,
    Great idea and great book! I should get it since I love art & artful thinking in the garden.
    I grabbed your button and it's now up at the top of my blog.
    I'll add my book to your MEME tomorrow...I had a hard day at school and need to rest first. If I wrote it now it... wldou eb a esms (would be a mess)LOL
    You did a wonderful job on the linky. I love the picture got the best.

    1. If you like art, you'll definitely love this book. I decided to go with the picture linky like you suggested - I do think it adds a little enticement for people to click on the links.

  3. This is a great book and one that is in my collection too. One I would highly recommend also.

    1. I remembered at one time you talked about taking pictures of our gardens in black and white, but I guess I just didn't understand the concept until I read this book. Good to know you recommend it.

  4. I really like the images and ideas in this book. Now, that we have most of the basics done in the garden, it would be nice to add more interest. And I like the idea of this book review meme!

    1. This really is a good book to read after getting the basics down. I am already starting to change parts of my garden because of it!

  5. Hi Holley, that was a great review. The book went straight to my wish list! Thanks!

    1. I hope you like it. I think you really will, and I think you'll see gardens differently afterward.

  6. Holley: Thanks for hosting! Great meme! Other gardeners have recommended your book, too. I'll definitely add it to my list!

    1. So happy to have you participate. If you're like me, your list is quite long, but I do hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

  7. Interesting idea of a meme. A great one!

    Love your landscape photos. Are you using a new camera?

    1. You have a great eye! I had to stop and think. I used my husband's camera at the Botanical garden, and he has a 'real' camera! It does take good pictures, doesn't it? It's a Canon, but he has more than one, so I'm not sure which one I was using.

  8. Sounds like a great book, I'll have to get his one!

  9. Oh boy another one to add to the growing collection...I keep getting evil looks from the hubby...linked in with my review...thx for hosting...would love to know what you used to make your widget..

    1. I get those same looks! :O To make the blog button, I went to and followed her directions. It was quite simple, but did take some time. These were the easiest instructions I could find. Linky tools for the link, not the basic, but the thumbnail linky. Wasn't sure which one you meant.

  10. That's a great looking book Holley, thanks for the review and I'm convinced!

    1. I think you'd enjoy this book. It really makes you take a good look at the entire garden as a whole picture, instead of just parts, or different beds. Maybe not new to everyone, but some new concepts to me, and a different way to look at the basics.

  11. Sounds like a great read! I especially like the tip about looking at your garden in black and white to really get a look at the textures and structure that you have!
    We'll see if I can get my act together enough to join the meme this time. I still have to finish reading the new addition to my garden library that I had wanted to review :)

    1. I had to hurry through this book to get through, too! It's one of those that you have to read a little, then think a lot! Unless I change my mind, I already have my next month's book picked out - it's one I can read straight through. I hope you get to join us!

  12. Hi Holly,
    Thanks for visiting and leaving your comment about our new design. I knew you'd like the roses! I can't wait to plant some more next month! This book that you've reviewed sounds interesting. I'll have to look for it.

    1. You knew you had me with roses! :) I hope you enjoy the book. It really made me think about my garden's overall design.

  13. Hi Holly, Winter is the perfect time for catching up on gardening reading, so this is a very timely meme. Also, as there is nothing happening in my garden right now, it gives me something to blog about. Thank you so much for hosting it! I've added your wonderful book to my 'must have' list. Pam x

    1. I devour gardening books - it seems I could never know everything about gardening, and I love seeing what others have read. It has already been great to find some new and interesting books that I would have never come across otherwise. Thanks so much for joining in!

  14. It looks like a good book on design. I read on another blog (I think Kathleen's or VW's about taking shots of your garden in black and white. It may have been someone else's but it was enlightening. I've actually tried it out before. It's so interesting to see the contrast. Great tips!

    1. I've read that too, but didn't know exactly what I was looking for! This book made it clearer to me. I'll probably now be addicted to seeing how my garden looks in black and white! haha

  15. I have a book for review. Do I post the review on my blog, then fill out your form?

    1. I'm so glad you're joining in! Yes, post your review first, then come back here and click on the linky to add yours. It will ask you for your blog's name, http address, and you can pick a picture to add. After you've done one, it will be a breeze.

  16. I'll have to post my book next month since I missed your deadline. I have some really useful ones. Love your meme idea. Smart!!

    1. The linky's open for several more days, so I hope you join in before it closes. I've really enjoyed reading everyone's reviews - and learning about so many great books!

  17. Hi Holley, Garden Book Review Meme, what a great idea, I just had to join :-)
    Great book you chose to review, definitely some ideas there that got my creative juices flowing!

    1. So glad you joined! It got my creative juices flowing, too! I really did go out to the garden in the middle of reading it and move some plants around! Now, that's inspiration!

  18. Fun review! Lately I've been saving my money to buy plants and just checking out garden books from the library. It's always fun to read a new one - or a new garden magazine - even if none of the concepts are brand new.

    1. Most of the books I get are older, too, even though I usually purchase just because I don't have access to a library. Wish I did! I have one that was written in the 60's and all the pictures of the homes are of that era. Kind of funny, but the advice is still valid!

  19. Great idea to do book reviews! i like the concepts from this one you chose. I know it's VERY hard for me to see the big picture ideas in my own space. It's like I get it when I read or hear a lecture, but can't seem to bring the concepts home!

    1. That's exactly how I felt before I read this book. It was like I knew these concepts, but this book let me see them as a part of the big picture. I hope I can design a prettier garden because of it, and I really believe I can!

  20. Hi Holley - I've never even thought about adding enticement and rhythm to my garden. Why not?!. Guess I'll have to get the book to find out how.

    1. I just love books that give you one more thing to think about - as long as I'm still working on my garden! I guess none of us are ever really finished though, are we? I hope you can add some wonderful enticement and rhythm to your garden!

  21. Holley, I was excited about your book review meme, but then was out most of the day yesterday! So I've posted today, a day late. Hope that's okay. Thanks for the opportunity to learn about gardening books!

    1. So glad you joined in! The meme is open for a few more days, because I know how life can get hectic sometimes.

  22. Oh Holly, that book sounds wonderful. I will have to look for it. I will definately look at my garden through a black and white lens.

    1. It was a great book. It took me a while to really get into it, but once it clicked, I suddenly realized things about garden design that I never had before.

  23. This sounds like a great idea for a linking party. Is there a regular date that I can work to for next month? The Artful Garden sounds like a great book. (Any good book with a design theme and I am bound to be interested!) I espeically like the idea of looking at the garden in black and white.

    1. Yes, the 20th of each month. I would love you to join us. Be sure to check out the other books, too. There are a lot of very interesting books I've never heard of, but now are on my 'to buy' list!

  24. Holley, Thank you so much for hosting this meme..It's one I will look forward to every month! I have not read The Artful Gardener but it's one I will definitely look for. I think I have one other book by Tom Christopher, can't remember which one now, but I do like his books. Your "artful" photos are great!

    1. I'm so glad you joined in! I think Tom Christopher has a couple other books, but I have not read them. I tried to find photos that would illustrate what he explained. I had to go beyond my garden for most of them!

  25. I really liked how you explained how black and white photography changes your perspective. I looked at that photo and immediately saw the plants as shapes as opposed to colour. That's something I need to think more about in the coming year.

    1. That's right, shapes - and the way the foliage makes them recede or come forward, visually. I am planning a hedge that I now realize would be perfect for a different treatment, and I need to change a few things in some other beds! It does make a difference!

  26. Holley - I love the idea of looking at your garden from a black & white perspective, to check garden design. You have my mind going 200mph! I'm definitely checking out that book! THANKS for the recommendation and the meme.

    1. That's exactly how I felt when I realized exactly what he was saying - my mind started racing and I literally could not sit still! I moved some plants the very next day!

  27. Cool linky widget, haha! I'm cheating this time by linking to a post I did in August last year, it's just that I hate to waste it only because it's already done! Promise I'll join in next time with a new review :) And the book you reviewed sounds really wonderful, I'm off to see if my library has it now.

    1. Glad you joined in! I hope your library has this book, and that you enjoy it!

  28. Excellent review with good illustrations. Have you ever used Picasa the free Goggle program for storing and manipulating your photos? You can turn them black and white and do all sorts of things to them easily, including adding shadows which I do to almost every photo. If you download Picasa, it will automatically import and sort all the photos on your computer.

    1. carolyn - No, I've never used Picasa - but am glad to learn about it and know it's free! It sounds like fun. And useful, too! Thanks for the tip.

    2. You should just try downloading it. You can always delete it because it doesn't change anything on your computer.

  29. An absolutely stunning book report you have done. You did get the concept of enticing down pat and have made me want to read it. Thanks so much!

    1. When I saw that photo and remembered running to see the fountain, I knew then why - I had been 'enticed'. That concept was perfectly illustrated there.

  30. What an amazing idea for a meme! And, I have every intention of reading "The Artful Garden" after reading your review. ~Debra

    1. I hope you'll join us next month. I hope you enjoy the book, too. I'm always looking for new gardening books to read. Now I'll have a list of recommended reading!

  31. What a great idea , Holley. I am always looking for new gardening books, so I will be sure to check out the links. Thank you!

    1. Thanks for checking out the links. I hope everyone does. There are some wonderful books being reviewed. I've got a wish list going!

  32. Uh! great ideas. Do I still have time? I am very new to gardening so not sure if the reviews will be useful or not.

    I am doing like you only; read gardening books, get ideas and start imaging what to do with my small garden.

    1. I'd love to have you join us! The meme will be open for a couple more days. Just pick out your favorite garden book and let us know why you like it! Sometimes the planning takes the longest, but it's so worth taking that time!

  33. have just cleared my gardening books out and donated to the library,leaving me those I like best/might be useful. Look forward to next month's meme Holley as this was such a treat - tripping the light fantastic with your innovative review

    1. I would love to know which ones made the cut! I should probably do that, but I still find little tidbits of information helpful as I learn/grow as a gardener, as well as when I add new plants to my garden. Maybe one day I'll have to cull them down to a reasonable size.

  34. Have you closed? I don't see the linky thing, or the links to the reviews . . .

    1. No, it's been doing that to me, too. One time I'll look, and everything's gone, then the next time I get on it's all there. It think it's a glitch with Blogger. I hope when you check back, everything will be there.

    2. It's all good - I've posted now. Thanks for hosting and great idea!

  35. Wonderful review, Holley!

    And I love the idea of this meme. I have several books that I have been wanted to write up, but have just not done it yet. I hope I can join in some month!

  36. I hope you will, Julie! I think there are a lot of us looking for some great gardening books!
