
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Best and Worst - Jan 2012

Those turtlenecks I purchased to wear this winter were a total waste.  Of course, the reason I haven't been able to wear them is because it's been too hot to wear turtlenecks in the 60 and 70 degree weather we've been having here.

But I'm not complaining.  I love this weather because it's the perfect weather to work out in the garden!

Mulching the garden is my main focus.  I didn't completely finish mulching this past fall, and I can certainly tell by the amount of weeds that have popped up where I didn't put down mulch.  That is a powerful argument for mulching the garden in the fall (the entire garden).

But while I've been doing that, I've noticed some wonderful things (the little joys are THE BEST):

Do you see this little bee?  Look how big her pollen sacs are!  She's been busy!

And this plant - do you know what this is?  It's a flowering quince (Chaenomeles).  Poor thing.  I planted it last year and then never saw it again.  It's behind the pavonias, and they complete covered it!  I really thought it was dead.  It was so exciting to find it when I was cleaning up the garden.  Now I can't wait for it to bloom!

Bad picture, but if you look closely, you'll see a little papyrus.  I rooted it last fall, and I am thrilled to see that it is still alive.

All these surprises are the best!

What's THE WORST?  The weeds, of course.

They are everywhere!  But I'm determined to pull them all out.  Hopefully sooner rather than later.

Wish me luck!

I'm joining Bumble Lush Kitchen Garden for her Best and Worst meme.  I'd love to see what's best and worst in your garden!


  1. Wow, what a great picture of the bee with her pollen sacs! And great news about the flowering quince revival. Maybe this crazy weather is giving it a chance to show off while the pavonias aren't up. I'm glad your Bests out-number your Worst. :)

    Thanks for participating in the meme! I loved looking at your sunny pictures.

    1. I hope the flowering quince will actually flower this year. I plan to move it over just a bit. Poor thing, it's just not getting any rest in my garden!

  2. Oh so nice to see a bee and a bloom. Was out yesterday snow blowing and finally all of my beds are at least covered with some snow for insulation but if we get normal temperatures for February, I am afraid the perennials are not going to be happy come spring. I plan on digging the beds and redoing them this spring or at least one as the weeds have taken over and they are a total neglected mess. I would like some live plants to be able to put back in so have my fingers crossed.

    1. With the temperatures in the 70's today, I forget there are a lot of places with snow still. I've had to re-do beds after the weeds take over, too. Just so much to do!

  3. I hate when the weeds get that much work...but then it is always nice to be outside. My quince is budding and blooming. This weather has been very strange. I wonder if we will be hit with a huge cold snap in the near future or is it already spring?

    1. The bad part about the weeds is they are already flowering! I feel like I've already lost the battle! But, I will soldier on. I'm counting on an early spring, but Mother Nature doesn't usually consult me, so who knows?

  4. I agree, the bees are starting to get busy.

  5. U nas do oglądania budzenia się życia w ogrodzie i wyrywania chwastów, trochę czasu jeszcze minie. Dzisiaj jest 13 stopni mrozu :-(. Pozdrawiam. *** With us to watch the awakening of life in the garden and pulling weeds, it will still take some time. Today is 13 degrees below zero :-(. Yours.

    1. Oh, my goodness! 13 below zero - I can even imagine! I hope you're bundled up well and are staying warm.

  6. Holley, I laughed out loud about the turtlenecks! At least they'll be in good shape for next winter, IF it's a cold one. I've got a Quince blooming and I wish I'd put it in a more visible spot. I'll just have to buy another one, I guess ... maybe two. Good luck with the weed pulling!

    1. There went my entire winter wardrobe, but I guess I didn't need a winter wardrobe this year. I so hope this quince will bloom this year. It's been so neglected, I wouldn't blame it if it doesn't.

  7. That looks like serious amount of weeds. It will be really tiring to pull them up and clean them, especially if they happen to have deep roots. All the Best :-).

    1. Thankfully, most of them don't have deep roots, and I've perfected the art of pulling up most of them. One day, perhaps, I'll learn to mulch the entire garden!

  8. Hi, Sorry I haven't been around this week. We have been traveling and taking more photos... Hope you are having a great week.

    Great photos. I was wondering what in your yard could be called the WORST.... BUT--when I saw the weeds, I totally agree. Weeds will grow anytime/anywhere... Darn!!!


    1. I hope you had a great time on your travels. I can't wait to hear all about it. You're sweet to wonder what could be the worst in my garden. I imagine a true critic could come up with zillions of things - starting with those darn weeds!

  9. So amazing to see insects and blossoms in your garden. We finally got our winter here and the snow is 6 inches deep. Weeds are a never ending chore aren't they? Just when you think have you them beat..

    1. Well, I hope at least the snow kills of some of your weeds. They are persistent little devils, aren't they?

  10. You really are having warm weather. We are in the fifties which is crazy up here. But I am wearing turtlenecks! You bee has been busy too.

    1. haha - Enjoy your turtlenecks! I guess I didn't need a winter wardrobe this year!

  11. I'm not sure my Jan. garden had a "best"! But the "worst" had to be the dried clematis foliage which I cut back today. I hope they appreciate their haircuts! Your flowering quince should be pretty blooming beside the fence. We planted 'Texas Scarlet' flowering quince in mid Jan and it's blooming now. Use that cobrahead on those weeds!

    1. I have some of that dried clematis foliage that I need to cut back, too. In fact, I'm falling behind on my cutting back. I need to get busy before spring truly does arrive!

  12. Yeah, good luck with those weeds! I guess that's one good thing about winter here--we have a little break from weeding. Although I don't really mind it--it's pretty good therapy. Enjoy the nice temps!

    1. I have been enjoying the nice temps, and working out in the garden. I will have a break this summer when it gets too hot to be out there!

  13. I think having cold temps keep the weeds at bay is fine although if we have an early spring or continued mild winter, I may just get out earlier to get a head nice to see that bee...I mark the first pollinator with a happy dance of spring in my is quite the spectacle.

    1. I felt like doing the happy dance when I saw her. I ran inside and grabbed the camera - does that count close enough to a happy dance?
