
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I Found My Thrill!

I have been wanting a blueberry plant for some time.  But, where to put it?  I have been trying very hard to not pick up any unplanned plant purchases unless I can name where I will put it.  Of course, this system has failed me a couple of times when I forgot that I had already put an earlier unplanned purchase in the intended spot.  But, every system has its flaws.


There they were - for sale!  Blueberry plants.  Well, I quickly picked up two 'Climax' blueberry plants and put them in my cart.  Oh, yeah, I almost forgot - I have a system.

Thinking, thinking.....

And then the most wonderful thing happened.  Some woman stopped me and exclaimed "Oh!  Blueberry plants!  Where did you get them?"  I pointed the way toward the blueberry plants, and off she went to get her own.

Doesn't it make you feel good to have another gardener get excited over your unplanned plants purchases?  I beamed up at my husband who was just about to ask me where I intended to put the blueberry bushes.

Thinking, thinking....

Well, of course!  I can put them in the new catenary bed, over by the side where nothing is planted yet.


And that's exactly where I put them.  And the fig tree that I picked up last summer (yes, another unplanned purchase).  Except this time I had no idea where to put it before I made the purchase, so I finally stuck it in a spot that would have been way too crowded.

Essentially, I solved two problems by buying these unplanned purchases!  Now I will have an area that I can call my "fruit basket".

Ha!  Sometimes things just work out perfectly!  How thrilling!


  1. Holley - you need to do some reading up on blueberry plants. My understanding is that you need more than one variety for them to produce.
    Here's a quote I found:

    "Pollination - Most fruit trees, including blueberries have both male and female organs on the same flower, but not all are self pollinating. The best bet for blueberries is to have different varieties of blueberries within 100 feet, so bees can travel and cross pollinate. Blueberries cannot be fertilized by their own pollen! "

    I have three varieties of blueberries. At my old house I had that many among 6 bushes and we got tons of blueberries. The ones I have now are still young but I'm hopeful that we'll get blueberries this summer. Enjoy yours but go get a third one of a different variety.

    1. So, what you're saying, Marcia, is that I need to go back to the store and purchase even more blueberry bushes! :D I could probably be talked into doing that! :D Serious - I do appreciate the information. I had been wondering about the pollination, since I only got two and didn't know if I needed a male, female, etc., etc. Interesting information. They had other varieties, but I thought it would be better to just get one kind. Well, I can surely find a place for one or two more!

  2. Now I'm gonna be singing that song all day now...tralalala...
    I have 3 small blueberry plants that are still quite young, about enough to feed one small child 1 bowl for breakfast one day per year at the moment!! But I shall persevere. Have fun x

    1. That sounds like enough for my household. I don't need a lot, just enough to can some jam every summer.

  3. So glad you got some blueberry bushes. They don't produce much fruit in the first year, but after that they just romp away. I agree with Marcia about getting more than one variety though.

    1. I have been wanting blueberry bushes for some time, so I was really glad to find these. I'll be sure to get another variety to put with them.

  4. We gardeners always find a way to buy more plants. Even when we've convinced ourselves we have no space for any more.

    1. Don't we? :) And sometimes we really don't have space, but we always find a way to squeeze it in!

  5. Having a plan come together like that AND do a good deed for someone else--that's practically destiny, Holley. You were clearly meant to have those blueberries.

  6. Holley, I love blueberries. I am a native Mainer, and lived in a blueberry area so good. To get really big blueberries you need multiple varieties, but they will still produce fruit without other varieties. You may find they are smaller than the ones in the grocery store, but I will bet you will find they are just as sweet. Make sure your pH is low enough and you will have a delicious summer treat.

    1. Thankfully, I do have acidic soil, and there are several blueberry farms around here, so I'm hopeful they'll do fine. I should have enough room to plant another variety, if I can get to the store before they're all snatched up! I'm looking forward to eating them! Yum! Thanks for the info.

  7. How fun! I love blueberries!!! Fruit basket area- cute! Can't wait to see photos of your blueberries!

    1. I hope my fruit basket area works out. Wouldn't that be fun to be able to go pick fruit right outside in the garden?

  8. Good story about the other lady. I actually thought that was a butterfly in the first photo (better get my eyes checked)... it does kinda look like a butterfly. Nice plant!

    1. Yes, it does look kinda like a butterfly. But, maybe you should get your eyes checked anyway. :) (Just kidding!)

  9. Oh how funny...your post made me laugh at loud because you sound just like me when i rationalize (justify?) my plant purchases!
    I have 3 blueberry plants that I planted bare root in a half wine barrel a few years ago. These are varieties that were developed to do well in our heat. I was told at the time of purchase to get 3 different varieties for pollination and to plant 2 plants per person, but I only bought 3 because they were kind of expensive. Mine are doing much better since I moved them from the shady side to a sunnier location. Keep us posted on the progress of your fruit basket!

    1. Yes, us gardeners have to be very smart and quick thinking sometimes to be able to justify why we need all those new plants! :) You were lucky to have someone tell you at time of purchase exactly what you needed to grow them well. It looks like now I'll have to find a spot for one more.

  10. My favorite fruit to chill and eat with cantaloupe in early summer morning breakfast. And muffins, pies, turnovers, etc. Glad you have more acidic soil for them...nothing like that out here! I better make dinner...

    1. My favorite fruit for jam! Isn't it amazing how different the soil is around the country? I always feel a little lucky that I have acidic soil, or maybe it's just what I've gotten used to.

  11. Good luck with your blueberries! I hope they give you lots of delicious berries to eat. Mine always get chlorosis, it is a constant battle. ..

    1. I hope mine are easy care. I think I'll go visit a blueberry farm this summer and ask them lots of questions!

  12. I have so many plants still in pots that I have not found a place for yet!

    Here's to hoping for loads of berries!

    1. It's a never-ending obsession, isn't it? I have clothes from the 80's, never buy furniture, we actually spend very little on food (try to grow a lot of it), but plants are my one weakness. Really, if you think about it, it's not such a bad 'weakness' to grow things!

  13. I do the same too! I have a lot of unplanned plants in my garden. I think I shall buy Blueberries too if my world has a suitable weather for it!

    1. I hope you find out whether or not blueberries grow in your area. I'm a lot like that - when I see a plant, I always wonder if I could place it in my garden somewhere, too!

  14. Love my blueberry bushes...I am up to 5. I have mine in organic moist soil which is what they love here... apparently the boggier the better for my blueberries. I had some blueberries last year and hope for more this year....did I say I love my blueberries...I love to eat them fav...and the fall color is one of the best if not the best..better than the Burning Bush which is invasive. So happy for you and your blueberries!!

    1. Well, this is not boggy soil, but I'll try to remember to keep them well watered this summer. I do love the red leaves, and I can't wait for them to get big and fill in. Thanks for your success story - always encouraging to hear of someone's success with a plant that's new to me.

  15. How wonderful - blueberries!!! I did the same - wanted a blueberry plant without any planning before. It is now planted and I enjoyed a 1st harvest! I now have to plant my 2 apple trees - anther one of those purchases! :-)

    1. Do you have more than one blueberry bush? It sounds like you have a "fruit basket" area, too!

  16. How exciting! I have tried blueberries unsuccessfully - I guess you cant grow everything well! Do you need a male and a female with blueberries, or different varieties to cross pollinate? There was something I did not do right!

    1. Yes, I'm learning what I can and can't grow. We'll see on which side blueberries fall! Obviously, different varieties help with pollination. Too bad I didn't learn that before I picked up mine! I'll remedy that soon!

  17. when it's a passion it can't all be rational can it? wonderful coloured leaves just asking to be bought by you ... even if you didn't know where they were to go ... I quite understand ... lol.

    1. I guess you're right - passions are seldom rational. I knew you'd understand. :)

  18. I love trying something new - good luck!

  19. So besides flower, you do like fruits ;-). Now, all I have to do is instill some love of vegetable-plants in you :-)

    1. haha - I like vegetables, but I could probably love them if they didn't die every year. Too bad there's not a broccoli tree, carrot groundcover, or lettuce bush! :)

  20. Hooray for you! I'm sure your hubby won't mind at all once he's tasting blueberry pie or muffins! Suddenly this year I am wanting to plant blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries. I haven't bought them yet, because I have no idea where I would put them. I am eyeing a completely wild area, in full sun, currently covered with ivy and weeds. It would take a lot of work...

    1. I didn't go for the blackberries and raspberries since they have thorns on them. I have enough thorns in my garden! Good luck getting that wild area tamed!

  21. A thrill indeed when things fall into place when you least expect it, a very pleasant surprise :) Hope you have a bountiful blueberry harvest this year!

  22. Blueberries have the most amazing autumnal colours aswell and what a great addition to the garden. I think I would have to grow one in a pot as I haven't got room in the rest of the garden.

    1. I think you're right - they will be pretty all year, and fill out that area quite nicely. Growing some in pots would be pretty, too, i bet.

  23. Your justification system is spectacular!!

  24. Great idea to put them in your catenary bed. I'm excited to see how the planting around your catenary shapes up this year.

  25. I'm kind of interested to see how it shapes up, too - obviously I'm 'winging it'! I have to get the weeds out before I can do too much more. :(

  26. I love blue berries and figs Have no place to plant them.
