
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Favorite Pet

A pet is something "kept for companionship and pleasure and treated with care and affection."  We have a few pets - some cats, and a dog.  But my favorite pet is my garden.  "What?", you may ask.  Yes, you read that right.  My favorite pet is my garden!  After all, I talk to my plants (companionship), I take pleasure from my garden, and treat it with care and affection.

Let's just make some comparisons:
  • A dog must be walked at least twice a day, possibly more.  And a cat's litter box must be changed several times a week, ideally daily.  But with the garden, clean up is only once or twice a year, with occasional bursts of weeding.  Garden wins.

"Intruder" doesn't look very happy that the garden won that one!

  • How about feeding?  Everyone knows a dog must be fed at least daily, and most people feed their dog more than once a day.  Ditto for the cat.  Feeding the garden is a little different than just putting out a bowl of food, but feeding is only recommended once or twice a year.  If you forget to feed little Rover or little Tiger, you're in serious trouble, but a garden won't complain even if you skip a year or two!  And no one will turn you in to the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Gardens.  Thank goodness!  Can you imagine how many of us would be turned in?

Even "Patches" loves to stop and smell the roses!

  • Ever feel like going on vacation?  If you have a dog for a pet, and don't want to take it along, pet-sitting or boarding are expensive options.  Ditto the cat.  I know because we have two that need shots twice a day and have to be boarded with the vet.  But the garden is easy.  Just water it well, then leave.  Unless you're going to be gone for a very long time, the garden will take care of itself.  How convenient is that!  Not to mention inexpensive.

"Callie" doesn't understand why the birds aren't bathing!

  • What about limits?  We all know there is a limit to the number of dogs you can have.  One or two is usually the limit, although I do know people that have four or five.  With cats, the limit may be more than with dogs, but there should still be some limit!  With the garden, there comes a time when every gardener realizes they have reached their limit, but it's after hundreds and hundreds of plants.  Even after running out of adequate room, baby plants can be put in pots on a patio.  So, I say if you like a lot of pets, the garden wins again.
Hmmm, let's see so far:  Dog - 0, Cat - 0, Garden - 4.  Shall we continue?

"Bear" is a bit upset that the garden seems to be winning this competition!

  • Companionship is a big reason for many people to get a pet.  And a dog can be a constant companion, even sleeping with you should you wish.  Ditto for the cat, except the words should be changed from "should you wish" to "should the cat wish".  (You know what I mean if you own a cat.)  The garden?  OK, you got me.  I have heard of people hugging trees, but usually gardens won't sleep with you or keep you warm.  Although, you can bring in some flowers from your garden and enjoy its scent while you sleep.  A lot less crowded that way.  Personally, I think it's a tie, but I'll be generous and give this one to the dog and cat.
Dog - 1, Cat - 1, Garden - 4    The garden's still ahead.

We touched on feeding pets above, but I want to point out that the garden can actually feed you!  Surely the garden gets another point for that!

Roses don't jump on the sofa or claw up rugs.

But what about the most important part of a pet - love?

Oh, yes, people love their dogs and cats.  There is no denying that.  And they receive love back in return.  But I love my garden, and I think most gardeners would say they actually have the feeling of love for their garden, too.  And my garden gives me love back - in all the little joys of blooms, bees, butterflies, and fresh vegetables.

So, honestly I think the garden is a winner here!

Thinking about getting a pet?  Why not get a garden instead?  Try it, you may like it!

*All the photos are old, and there are none of my dog because he knows to stay behind me when I'm out with the camera.  Maybe I should give dogs another point, but the garden would still win!  

What's your favorite pet?


  1. Wow. Never thought about it like that. We used to have a cat, two in fact but not both together at this house. They were sister cats we adopted when the girls were young. They both got the same ailment but a couple of years apart so only one got to move in here with us (and promptly had to be declawed). She lasted another 3 years before she succumbed to the ailment, too. Now it is so much easier to leave on vacation without the cat to worry about.

    1. Sorry to hear they both got the same aliment. Maybe it was genetic. I do know how much easier it is to go on vacation without having to make arrangements for a pet. That's the main reason we rarely leave, and not for long when we do.

  2. Cute post. I love my garden, no question, but with me my dogs win without even trying. I could live without my garden, but not without my dogs. :)
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. And your dogs are adorable. Mine is a big, old thing. Sweet, though.

  3. HA! Clever post. Given all the plants I've destroyed (never on purpose, I swear!), I'm thankful no one has ever reported me to Plant Cruelty prevention. ;)
    And I am thankful that I get nourishment from my garden.

    Here's another point for gardens--they provide entertainment for our furry pets too. My cats are entertained for hours watching the birds, bees, butterflies, etc.

    Love the pics of your adorable kitties!

    1. haha - I think a lot of us would have been handed over to the Plant Cruelty people if they existed! My cats are entertained most by the goldfish pond! As far as I know they've never caught any, but they all have tried!

  4. A very cute post! I wish my garden clean up was only twice a year, but it's the vegetable gardens here that keep us busy all through the year. Although I admit, all the animals get more attention than all areas of the gardens combined. Between dogs, a cat, chickens, turkeys, bees, and our impending goats, I may need to clone myself just to keep up! Life was definitely simpler when it was just the garden to contend with! :P

    1. Vegetable gardens are more work than ornamentals. But, I think all your animals are much more work than even a vegetable garden! One reason I've never gotten any chickens!

  5. Great fun post Holley and you are living proof that gardeners can love cats.

    1. They don't cause too much damage. At least I don't have to worry about mice, and very few snakes make it up to the house!

  6. I loved this post! I can't imagine not having pets in the garden. My happiest gardening memories are of having my dogs by my side as I worked in the garden on summer evenings.

    1. How sweet. My dog follows me around, and waits patiently while I weed. But he doesn't pose for the camera very often!

  7. What a fun post Holley, I like how you've put owning a garden as having a pet and I agree with what you've said. And all your kitties are adorable :)

    1. My kitties look cute - but they are very spoiled!

  8. Mmm, never thought of my garden as a pet before, more of a pet's playground really.

    1. Oh, so true! I bet they wonder why we work so hard in the garden - they would probably have just as much fun with a weed filled lawn!

  9. Nice post Holley, my garden is the most important room in my house, and gardening is not work to me, it's something I enjoy. Both my cat and my garden are important to me, they complement each other and I would struggle to live without either of them :-)

    1. Pets and gardens really do go well together, don't they?

  10. I really couldn't stand it that I wasn't allowed to post here because Open I.D. didn't recognize me so I researched it. I went to their website and ultimately to the wordpress site and discovered that I have to put your website in as a trusted URL. Let's see if this works now...

    1. Sorry you had to go to so much trouble! That does sound complicated. But it worked! :)

  11. What a cute post Holley. My cat's would not gain too many points. They are little pains in the butt.

  12. I have a cat outside a dog inside but my garden I love the most. When a plant dies I almost cried. I felt realy bad this summer. I don't know about expensive my garden is new and I have spent a lot of money on it. I have a new garden but I am and old gardener. Love your blog page it was so cute.

    1. Yes, gardening can be as expensive as pets! This past summer was a hard one for the plants. Sorry some of your plants didn't make it.

  13. the only pet I have is my garden...and I can never go on vacation unless one of us stays home to take care of our pet...ingenious post Holley!!!!

    1. I guess your 'pet' garden has become as bad as a real pet! :)

  14. I'm like Cher; I think my dog would win over my garden. And I usually have to make arrangements for someone to water if I'm leaving town, but I have a friend who has a timer for her drip system. But you're right, roses don't chew up my shoes like Aster did when I first got her. :)

    1. Lucky dog! I have a drip system with a timer, too. It's not on all areas of the garden - yet, but I love it so much I'm hoping to put more in this year. I do recommend it!

  15. I can't believe it! Someone who understands how I feel about my garden! The neighborhood kids think I'm nuts to talk about my garden like it's something alive with feelings. I talk to my garden, pet it often, say good morning to it almost every morning, love it a lot, and just plain enjoy it.
    I love watching it grow from a tiny newborn to fully mature with a will of its own. And each little part of the garden has its own character that I love or occasionally get annoyed with. But I tend to like my pets outside and that's where my garden is content to be.

    1. I knew there'd be a gardener or two that understood. :)
