
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Weed Woes and Spring Smiles

February is gone.  March marches on.  (Hey, that rhymes!)

I'm hoping March will be a glorious month!  But it's time to look back at February and see what was the Best and the Worst in my garden.

Worst is definitely the weeds, which are everywhere!

Weeds almost as big as the boxwood!

They had very little resistance from Old Man Winter, so they grew prolifically and joyfully.  Which doesn't exactly make me joyful.  And the worst part is they're already flowering!  Supposedly, one year's seeding makes seven years' weeding.  Guess I'll be busy for the next seven years!

Well, forget the weeds.  What's the Best?

Iris, violet and camellia blooms

Blooms, blooms, glorious blooms!  My irises started blooming.  The crocus began to bloom.

Delightful daffodils

Spring bulbs have made their appearance.  Even one of my roses decided to bloom early!

Mexican Grey Hairstreak - So exciting to see butterflies in my garden already!

Not only blooms, but bugs, bees, and even butterflies have started making their appearance.  Spring is here, and my garden is waking up.  What could be better than that?

I'm joining Bumble Lush's Best and Worst of the garden meme.


  1. There's so much color in your garden. It's beautiful! I'm even excited about your weeds, it's so nice to see green. :) Makes me really excited for spring! I haven't seen pollinators yet, but I have seen lots of robins, and that's usually the sign, isn't it? Thanks for linking in.

    1. I think robins are definitely the sign! You'll soon have green and lots of color in your garden, too. Spring is here!

  2. Very pretty and yes the weeds are horrendous. I keep thinking that they may end up being out of control this year. Will probably have to keep the roundup handy all seasons this year. :)
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. Yes, my weeds are already out of control. :( But they've been that way before. Nothing to do but keep at it! Good luck with eradicating yours!

  3. Your blog and garden give me so much hope and longing...I am JUST around the corner in my part of the world...except I keep forgetting all I have is dirt just now.

    1. Not for long. Next year will be a glorious spring for you.

  4. Not only your flowers but even your weeds look nice. I should move to California or Florida; in that way, I can enjoy planting and gardening year round. Your violets are so nice; our garden is full of them but they don't blossom. I wonder why.

    1. My weeds look nice? No, no - these poke! I don't know much about violets. A lot of people say they're invasive, but mine have been very well behaved. Maybe the hot summers keep them down!

  5. It's all very exciting in the garden right now...good times! x

    1. Spring growth is amazing - something new every day!

  6. I love your iris. And that weed, what a whopper. At least you know its a weed. I once cultivated an unknown plant that appeared in my garden, fed it and watered it, and only when it bloomed did I discover that it was a weed.

    1. Yes, whopper weeds! :) I do the opposite - I aggressively weed, and usually wonder where all those plants went that I planted!

  7. What a beautiful iris! It's great to see everything so green and growing, though I think it's going to be a whopper of a weeding season this year. And I am so not much of a weeder.. ack!

    1. I do like to weed, it just takes me a while to get around to all the beds. By that time, they are usually out of control. Sad to see them starting out of control this year!

  8. It's lovely to see some of your spring blooms Holley! Your season is far more advanced than here :)

  9. Lovely flowers! I'm having the same weed problems. Giant thistles everywhere, and thick mats of clover. Urghh.

    1. I guess that mild winter didn't kill one weed!

  10. Hi,

    Irises already???!!!! I don't even have leaves on most of mine, let alone blooms! :D

    1. No iris leaves? Mine stay evergreen all year. Which is good - otherwise, I would forget where they were planted!

  11. I agree--what could be better than that?! Spring is in full bloom for you! Who's looking at the weeds?...

    1. Spring is definitely here! Every day there's a new bloom to see - so exciting!

  12. It is about this time of year, when winter has worn out its welcome and we Canadians are stating to feel a bit desperate for even the smallest hint of spring. Heck, I'd welcome the weeds in your first photo just to get a little green!!!! Though I'd settle for the weeds, I'd prefer that pretty white iris and maybe a few daffodils too.

    1. I hope spring gets to you soon. And I hope summer holds off here for a while!

  13. Everything is looking so healthy in your garden..even the weeds! My irises haven't bloomed yet. I think they are waiting for warmer weather, and so am I, but it's nice to see all the pretty blooms in your garden!

    1. Yes, my weeds are healthy! haha It's been wonderfully warm here!

  14. You remind me that I will be weeding daily in spring to try and control weeds before they take a hold in summer and I can't get to them until Fall...I promised myself and my garden that this year I would be better...although I do weed in early is doing it again and again...oh well clover makes a good ground cover. Love your blooms..they are the best!

    1. Weeding is the never-ending chore. If there's nothing else to do in the garden (ha!), there's always weeding to be done!

  15. It has been mild in CT but no so much that the weeds took heart!! A camellia is a lovely sight and the white iris is charming!

    1. How lucky that your weeds aren't as big as mine! But that's Texas - everything's bigger here! ;)

  16. The weeds are growing like mad here in London too, after the nice warm weather we have had lately, but I have bark mulch in most of my large beds and that helps a lot. Lovely iris, I wish I could grow them but they don't thrive in my garden beyond the frist year so I have given up on irises.

    1. Yes, it helps to have mulch down. Something I never seem to finish in my garden. :( It's my own fault.

  17. Your white Iris is beautiful as is the butterfly... there's even a certain loveliness about your weed!

    1. If I were smart, I'd plop down a plant everywhere I pulled up a weed!

  18. The warm winter will mean more weeds and an early start to weeding. It will also mean more deer ticks as they won't have been set back. Oh well, I am enjoying the early blooms and will worry about the rest later.

    1. Oh, yes, I forget about how bad the ticks can get. Like you say, there's plenty of time to worry about that later!

  19. Holley, I smiled at the weeds. They are going to be plentiful this year. With last year's heat and dry weather, their should be so many more of them. In our mild winter, I saw weeds growing in the garden in January.

    1. Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one with weeds in January! A bit frustrating, though!

  20. I love the dark purple of those sweet violets. How wonderful your garden looks already, even the weeds look wonderfully lush and green.

    1. Every day the garden changes. It's amazing how you can literally see it coming to life!

  21. What a happy weed! I had a "weed" in my garden last summer that I thought was so pretty I left it there! But I had read that it was an aggressive self-seeder and nutrient hog so I pulled it before it set seed. But I wouldn't be surprised if another one shows up this year. Lucky you for such an early butterfly! :o)

    1. I have left weeds before, thinking they were pretty, but have always regretted it. I've been thinking about leaving a different pretty weed this year, but I probably shouldn't!

  22. Gosh, but you're a poet as well?!? I've just mulched all the Priory beds (probably too deeply) so I'm hoping, against hope, that that will help in the eternal battle. Handsome weed you have, mind you. Dave

    1. haha - Yes, a poet! :) Good going on mulching all the beds. I hope it help you. I need to mulch (and many more chores, too)!

  23. How lovely to see the garden waking up again! The white irises are stunning too. Spring has sprung and things can only get better, enjoy it :)

    1. You are right - spring has definitely sprung! So exciting to see changes daily to the garden now!
