
Friday, May 11, 2012

A Feng Shui Vacation

It's vacation picture time again!  Last year I traveled to New Mexico.  This year I went a little farther north - all the way to Colorado.  And instead of flying, I drove.  When I returned, I realized it had all the elements of traditional Feng Shui:

These giant wind turbines were standing tall and proud in the panhandle of Texas.  They are an impressive sight to see.

According to Wikipedia, in the U.S., Texas leads in megawatt capacity (over 10,000 MWs!), followed by Iowa and then California.  Of course, nothing is without controversy, and some are concerned about birds, noise, and warming of the soil.

Federal Helium Reserve near Amarillo, Texas.  There are signs stating that trespassers will be prosecuted, so I decided not to pull out my camera!  The Federal Helium Reserve has been making big news lately.  You see, helium is not only used for balloons, but also by NASA and in MRI machines.  In 1996, Congress passed a bill stating that all the helium out of this reserve should be sold by 2015.  After that, we may have to get most of our helium from overseas.  You can read more about it HERE.


The aspen trees in Colorado are splendid.  The white bark is gorgeous.  And the aspen is a wonder of nature.  The trees form from root sprouts, and are connected underground by a root system.  There is a grove of aspens in Utah that are all connected, forming the largest organism in the world.

It rained, sleeted, and snowed on our trip.  We experienced temperatures from the low 30's to the high 90's.  The cold was a surprise.  I had to stop and purchase a hoodie!  

Capulin volcano in New Mexico.  What a thrill it was to finally go to the top of this volcano!  I have passed by this national monument several times in past years, and this time I was determined to stop.  Unfortunately, the rain, sleet, and snow mentioned above was coming down when it was time to see this magnificent cinder cone.  Thank goodness for my hoodie!  Although I didn't take my camera, I did hike down to the center of the volcano, and the plant life was beautiful and amazing.  Click HERE for more information on this natural wonder, and HERE for a list of exotic plants on the mountain.  It's on my "want-to-go-again" wish list (when the weather is better).


So, that was my Feng Shui vacation.  Did I bring home any souvenirs?  Of course!

A pure white columbine called my name outside of a shopping center, and of course, I grabbed it as my souvenir.  (The state flower of Colorado is the Rocky Mountain Columbine, which is lavender and white.)  Plant shopping knows no bounds!


  1. I love Feng Shui! And those turbines..maybe those are right by where I live! Did you travel through Hansford County or Moore County on your trip? If were very close to me! Love your blog today

    1. Not Hansford County, but Moore County - yes. We went up 287 to Dumas then over to Dalhart. :)

  2. I like the way you've put it, describing your vacation, very creative! Glad to see you back!

  3. I had fun revisiting Feng shui elements the way you saw it in your trip! And what a beautiful columbine, all white, really nice 8)

    1. I guess Feng shui can be in a lot of different areas in our life! I like the white columbine, too. I hope it makes it in our hot area!

  4. What an enjoyable post about your vacation.

    Have a great weekend back home in your lovely gardens.


    1. Oh, how the weeds grew while I was gone! haha :)

  5. That is too funny. I have never bought a plant while *on vacation* (yet...) :-)

    1. I think it's going to be a new tradition for me to get a plant everywhere I go! ;)

  6. But, did you have fun? Missed you and wondered about you while you were gone.

    1. Oh, thank you. Yes, I had fun, but since I went to visit family, I came back feeling like I hadn't visited everyone enough. I guess that's the way it always is with family.

  7. Welcome home. Sounds like you had an enjoyable trip. Dan and I will be heading northwest to British Columbia, a flying and driving tour of the province from mountains in the east to the Pacific in the west. We leave on the 20th. I know there will lots ot photograph there.

    1. Oh, Marcia! How exciting!!! I can't wait to hear all about it when you return! Have a great time!

  8. Apparently heating the ground under wind turbines evens out, and isn't a problem. Still leaves the noise, and the danger to birds (if they have survived our windows)

    1. There are even some turbines that switch off when they detect a flock of birds! As I read about both sides, I found myself more and more thinking they were a good idea, and that the objections were fairly small.

  9. Aspen trees are one of my favorites. I have one in my yard that I'm not sure is going to make it. They're so beautiful in Colorado. Hope you had a good time.

    1. I hope your tree grows big and strong. They really are pretty trees. I just adore that white bark!

  10. 30's to 90's--that sounds about like an average trip to Colorado! Glad you had a good time, Holley, and it's good to have you back. Thanks for the info about Capulin volcano--it hadn't been on my radar to visit before.

    1. It's probably not a destination spot, unless you hike or camp there, too. But as a part of a bigger travel plan, it's a great place to spend a few hours. I noticed on the bulletin board they were going to have a moon viewing on the 20th that sounded like a wonderful experience. I hope you get to Capulin sometime. If you have any interest in geology, you will love it.

  11. Glad you had a great time. Colorado and New Mexico are two of my favorite states. Wow, I'll bet the temperature extremes were tough for you. Glad you had a nice trip!

    1. I'm used to the heat, but the cold was a complete surprise! I couldn't believe I needed a hoodie!

  12. We missed you Holly!! Welcome back, LOVE the cute Columbine :)

  13. Fabulous vacation...I have been to both NM and them both...yes that cold is what we had been experiencing here for a large part of isn't it....glad you had a great time...

    1. Oh, I can't believe you've had such cold all spring! What a disappointment. We have had high temperatures, but not too high yet (thankfully!).

  14. WOnderful post - I love your souvenir! I started to get ...ok ...began to cry! remembering our road trip to New Mexico (from CT!) to see our son who lives in the midst of all that beauty! So wide open and so extraordinary!

    1. Oh, Jayne! I hope you get to see your son again soon! It really is beautiful country.

  15. That is so cool! Especially about the grove of Aspens forming the largest organism in the world. Super neato!

    1. It is so interesting the things that plants do!

  16. We have those big things in Ohio also. I try not to jump to conclusions yet on how much they are going to benefit us yet. Always nice to get away though.

    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. I do hope they benefit us a lot. They are quite expensive, though. If only solar panels and wind turbines were a bit less expensive, I might consider getting some myself!

  17. I quite enjoyed your feng-shui vacation. Nice descriptions of the the various elements. What part of Colorado did you visit? The native aspens grow at 11,00 ft and when we have a wet spring, the aspen groves are alive with beautiful wild flowers, especially the wonderful columbine. We also have the windmill farms, too, just north of us as the road leads north to Wyoming. I am located in the northern part of the state, north of Denver, east of the mountains, east of I-25. So we will encourage each other-- you for your Iris Walk, and me for a couple more roses. Happy Mother's Day, tomorrow.

    1. I traveled a bit south of Denver, to Colorado Springs. I would love to travel to Wyoming some day. I bet the countryside is just gorgeous where you live! I bet it is a woodland wonderland when the columbines bloom under the aspen trees.
