
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Woodland Wonderland - Garden Tour

Garden tours are a great way to get garden inspiration.  The Home Garden Tour, put on by the Smith County Master Gardener Association, had several different gardens open to the public this year.  They were each unique, from large to small, formal to whimsical.  They were all inspiring.

This woodland wonderland was the first garden we toured.  It was big, beautiful, and relaxing.  Could you use any of these ideas in your own garden?

A gazebo surrounded by azaleas and trees looked very enticing.  The gazebo didn't have regular seating in it, either - there was a hammock instead!  Rope lighting was added along the underside of the roof.  So romantic!

A vegetable and cutting garden combination took advantage of the limited sun.  Not only are the flowers great for cutting, but also for attracting bees for pollinating.

Lattice screening gives immediate privacy.  Simple, inexpensive, and effective.  The baskets made it beautiful as well.

How about edging all your pathways with large garden beds?  I adore garden beds lined with one planting, like they did here with liriope muscari.

A Peggy Martin rose rambling along a rustic wooden fence was the perfect touch in this sunny spot.

Deodar cedars were also planted inside the fencing (hanging down over the rose).  Although they grow in zones 7 through 9, they are not usually seen in residential settings here, probably because of their size.  (Deodar cedars can grow to a 40 ft. spread, and to at least 50 ft high, sometimes reaching as high as 200 ft.)  

Did you see an idea you might like to incorporate in your own garden?  If not, stay tuned!  The next garden will be about Lakeside Living!  


  1. What a great garden! I love garden tours for inspiration.

    1. I do, too. I seem to find something in every one of them that I can do at home.

  2. Very nice! There's definitely inspiration in any garden. Thanks for taking us along!

    1. I hope someone will find some inspiration in my showing these gardens. I love peeking at what people have done with their own gardens, as we each place so much personality into them.

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, I could lay there and read a book all day long! It would be hard to find motivation to garden with that always enticing you to come up and rest a while!

  4. The gazebo looks like its in the perfect setting for an afternoon nap. And I like the look of the liriope as edging...I just wish mine would not run away!

    1. I have always loved the look of liriope edging. I would love to use this in my garden!

  5. Very nice and of course the gazebo is gorgeous. Would love to have one myself.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. It was very nice. It would be nice to have. I have just the right spot for one, too! haha ;)

  6. great woodland garden...I miss all my trees from my old garden...great gazebo too

    1. Shady gardens can be so wonderful to walk and work in. Trees are something that's not easy to do without!

  7. The roses along the rustic fence with the cedars. I really like that combo.

    1. I did, too! I could imagine having that in my garden. (As if I need another project!)

  8. What a lovely, peaceful garden. I love the roses spilling over the fence. The gazebo looks very inviting.


    1. I love the roses rambling down the fence, too. Picture perfect, I thought.

  9. What a lovely garden! And the gazebo looks huge and inviting :)

    1. Yes, with that gazebo around, I would never work again! I'd be too busy relaxing in the hammock! :)

  10. What a great gazebo! I do love the idea of the lattice with the hanging baskets - and a little more affordable than a gazebo :) I'll bet it gets to be a chore watering those baskets, though, as they look rather high up to me! (though maybe it's because I am a pretty short person..)

    1. I thought the lattice panels were a smart solution. And you really couldn't see what was on the other side. (I think it was where they parked.) The hanging baskets were a nice touch, but I hadn't thought about watering them!

  11. I love the gazebo - don't normally feel that way about anything that is not a plant! If only I had two acres and could fit one of those in the landscape somewhere...

    1. The gazebo was very well done, and well placed. The trees surrounding it made it feel very private.

  12. Many of the design elements were wonderful ideas. Love the wooded, natural look areas.

    1. She used a lot of large azaleas. I bet it was gorgeous when they flowered.

  13. I'm a fan of the single plant lined paths myself. I can't accomplish it, but I'm a fan of it.

    1. I keep thinking I'm going to accomplish it some day, but I haven't yet, either. But I do love the look. Maybe one day I'll actually do that somewhere!

  14. Seems to be a great place to visit. Can't wait for visiting new gardens around this summer. We always get back with new ideas. 8)

    1. I love to see what other gardeners are doing, too. I love it when a spark of inspiration hits, or I find a new plant!

  15. The gazebo is enormous - bit like a bandstand. And I like the woodpecker tree next to it - nice that they have let it be. D

    1. Oh, I hadn't thought - perhaps they do use it as a bandstand on special nights! How fun that would be! And I loved that woodpecker tree, too. I think it looks quite interesting.

  16. I'm becoming a big fan of primarily green gardens with occasional, lush splashes of color. This garden looks so soothing, especially for some reason the little "clearing" between the trees next to the gazebo.

    1. I love green gardens in the summer, when it's so very hot outside. A green garden just calms and cools, doesn't it? And just the sight of a tree can cool one down, too. I think my plants are already starting to shrivel from the heat. A cool, shady garden would be nice to have in our hot summers!

  17. The gazebo and plant design around it is fabulous. You can just imagine yourself in the middle of it!

    1. Yes, you can. I would love to lay in that hammock each evening. Ah, heaven!
