
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What's for Supper?

Last month, I had no harvest to report for Garden Bloggers Harvest Day.  :(

But this month, I have harvests to report.  Boy, do I have harvests to report!  What have I been harvesting?

Squash.  Lots and lots and lots (and lots) of squash.

I've given away squash.  I've eaten squash.  Squash fried, squash boiled, squash sauteed, squash casseroles, squash bread.  Squash.  I've tried almost every recipe I can find using squash.  I've eaten so much squash it's a joke at my house.  "What's for supper?"  "Squash."

This is just one basketful of squash.  There have been many basketfuls of squash harvested.  I may end up with an entire freezer full of squash, too.  I guess it will be appreciated if/when the squash vines stop making more squash.

Whenever that will be.

Oh!  And I almost forgot.  I harvested carrots, too.

I like carrots better than squash.  Carrots are a reasonable vegetable.  They make one carrot, you pull them up, and they don't continue to multiply.  Unlike squash.

I'm actually quite proud of our carrots (they're Mr. Holleygarden's, really, and he is very proud of them).  The squash?  Ask me later on how I feel about them.  Right now, I've got to go make supper.

We're having squash.


  1. Your squash in the basket looks like giant lemons. Two very productive harvests, well done. Squash is yummy roasted. I took a cooking class once and the chef put roasted squash on pizza with Italian pepperoni and it was delicious. Enjoy your veg!

    1. Roasted squash on pizza! I'm going to try that! I have a recipe for squash pizza bread, too! :)

  2. Holly, you are so funny, you really made me giggle!! I hope you're enjoying the squash supper :)
    Your basket of squashes looks amazing ... and the carrots!

    1. They are very pretty, we just planted too many. Next year we'll have to remember - one plant is enough!

  3. Did you see my post today? It's about what I invented last year, when the eggplant and squash and tomatoes took over the world and I had to do SOMETHING with them. Maybe my recipe for Vegetable Hash will help you.

    1. Thanks for the recipe. Vegetable hash sounds like a meal every gardener should know during harvest time!

  4. love your beautiful harvest...look out veggie casseroles!

    1. I'm amazed how many casseroles I can squeeze squash into! My favorite is squash lasagna.

  5. At least you know you'll get lots of Vitamin A from all that squash and carrots :)

  6. You are so funny. I love squash but there can be too much.

    1. It just keeps coming. I am trying to freeze some, too, although I don't really like it that much - I'd rather use my freezer space for other things.

  7. Holley,squashes are lovely! I make a lecho with them adding more veges. It's tasty!

    1. I don't think I've tried that - thanks for the idea!

  8. HAHAHAHA! You are so funny, Holley!
    Did you try squash cappuccino? I make a soup with carrots, fennel and squash (pumpkins actually, aren't they the same?), then you serve it warm with some double cream on top and ground pepper, you serve it on a cup. Not a summer dish at all though but I love it in autumn... maybe you can keep some squash aside.

    1. Never heard of squash cappuccino! Pumpkins sound better than squash, but I may give this a try! :)

  9. I have to laugh as I can tell how you really feel about squash. Hey have you looked up recipes online? Of course you have. I'm like you though, you can only use so many. I like to do cucumbers instead. Way to go on the carrots though.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. At least you can pickle cucumbers if you have too many! I guess I could pickle squash, too, but not sure I'd like that. I'm very happy with the carrots. Carrots canned will be scrumptious this winter!

  10. I'm not a big fan of squash though I think I just need to find some better recipes.

    1. I am so tired of all the 'regular' ways of using squash. I think I like them hidden in casseroles the best.

  11. Oh how funny! I was just thinking how I never have been able to grow enough squash to be drowning in it, and what do people do when they have so much. My squash plants have just started to flower, but I hope to have baskets of it soon. I'll need all your recipes!
    THe carrots are pretty impresive too :)

    1. I've tried giving them away, but people are trying to give me theirs! haha I hope you get a good harvest - but not too many! :)

  12. Those are lovely squash but I know what you mean about too many. I plant zucchini not yellow squash in fact it's just gone in the ground this last week. I limit it to two hills only just for the reason that I don't want too much. I did have to freeze it last summer and have used it in soups and sauces. It doesn't do so well by itself from the frozen state.

    1. I think we've learned our lesson this year. I don't think we'll be planting as many squash next year!

  13. Squash and zucchini seem to be two of the most prolific of veggies. Your carrots are huge already! I was never a fan of cooked carrots as a kid, but have come to love them as an adult. They are especially delicious when oven roasted.

    1. I, too, didn't care for carrots as a kid but love them now. Oven roasted sounds delicious!

  14. I won't mention the x

  15. Congratulations on all the squash! You have got quite a lot to enjoy. I did not have enough room for squash and just planted some. I hope I have as great a harvest as you.

    1. I hope you have a good harvest - but you probably don't want one as big as ours! Really!

  16. We are just getting started with squash. I hope my squash does that well. When I really have a lot of squash I make stuffed squash blossoms. It's one of the best garden treats of the summer!

    1. Oh, I hadn't thought about using the squash blossoms! That's a great idea!

  17. not much going weather veggies in and the weather has been cold so not much to harvest...but I am hopeful that I will see peas, beans, squash, tomatoes, peppers and a few more goodies in another month...the best right now is the garlic..soon to be harvested, it has grown like crazy.

    1. I am amazed how different areas of the country harvest at such different times. In another month, it will be too hot here for most things, and I'll be getting ready to put in my fall garden!

  18. Ha! Oh, how funny, Holley. My Mom used to do this to us every year, and every year she'd promise to plant less, but the next spring she'd think, "But what if something happens to the one squash plant?" And she'd plant more. And we'd do the same thing all over again. I hope just one squash vine borer finds its way into your garden to rescue you, and then it leaves.

    1. Stacy - you will be happy to know that our squash must have gotten a squash vine borer, because a couple of them have mysteriously died. Although we would never articulate it openly, (because we want to be thankful for the harvest), we are silently thankful that we don't have to contend with those extra squash!
