
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Same Place, Different Side

Yesterday I worked on the same area as I did the day before, just on the other side.  This time, though, I only put in one length of edging, and just a little bit of mulch.  Why didn't I complete this bed like I did on other side?  Well, eventually, it will join and become a part of the East bed.  And that's going to have to wait until a bigger project day!

I also cut off the wire cage I had on a tree.  I had put the wire around the tree trunk so the cats wouldn't damage it.  It worked great, but that was quite a few years ago, and the tree trunk was being squeezed by the wire, so off it went.  Actually, I have been meaning to do this chore for about 3 years!  I just now made myself actually take the 5 minutes to do it.

Wow, that could almost be embarrassing to admit!

Lastly, I weeded just a fraction of the East bed.  I could have, would have, should have done more, but it's a big bed.  Instead, I decided one hour of work was plenty.  After all, it was Friday!  (Sometimes any excuse will do to get out of the heat!)

Before I quit, though, I decided to harvest the tomatoes.  Did they need it?  Oh, yes they did!  I got an entire box full.  They will be used to make salsa!  Yum!  (Us Texans love salsa!)  I had meant to weed the sweet potatoes, but I completely forgot to do this!  Oops!  Maybe I'll remember tomorrow.

And I'll leave you with a joy from the garden:

The water lilies are looking beautiful right now!


  1. Wow, fabulous harvest on the tomatoes! Your waterlilies are beautiful. I wanted ot get in the garden todazy, but it is just too hot, even early this morning the humidity was high and the air was hot!

    1. It does get hot fast, and when it is humid, it can be unbearable. I agree that it's best to not overdo in these hot months of summer!

  2. Just a few gardening tasks each day before the heat sets in is about right. This time of year I always think what doesn't get done today can be finished tomorrow (or three years from now).

    Your tomato harvest is impressive.

    Beautiful waterlilies too, making note to build a bigger pond here.

    1. Yes, the problem is that a lot of these projects are things that I needed to have done three years ago. Not only the cutting of the cage from the tree, but even this edging work is something I am years behind on! As for ponds, I'm not sure any can be too big, but many people wish their ponds were bigger, including me!

  3. Holley, wonderful pond and water lilies! Your tomatoes are too big for first week of July.

    1. Usually our tomato plants go dormant in the hot summer for a month or so, then crank back up when it gets cooler. They just haven't gone dormant yet!

  4. So nice to get some gardening chores done! I have so much weeding to do, but I just can't make myself face the heat (and the only time I have to weed is after lunch during my kids' nap/quiet time.)

    It looks like a great harvest! I'm enjoying tons of cherry tomatoes - I can't wait until the bigger ones are ready!

    1. If you don't get to do the outside chores in the morning, it is too hot to do after lunch. Best to just enjoy the kids right now, and do the chores when it gets cooler.

  5. You have as many tomatoes as I have. I always plant more than I need, but then again I do love tomatoes. And thank you for the treat of your water lilies on the pond...just beautiful!

    1. I'm thinking I won't need to plant so many tomato plants next year! I planted a lot of them, because last year's tomatoes were a complete failure - it was too hot and dry here for them. This year, I guess, has been perfect weather for them!

  6. You have been a busy person in the heat. We like salsa in Pennsylvania too but are still awaiting the first tomato.

    1. I have put up three batches of salsa already! I wanted to put up a lot this year - last year I ran out and had to start buying salsa from the grocery store. Just not as good.

  7. What a fantastic harvest of tomatoes! Salsa is a favourite of mine! Delicious. It seems that you're working so hard despite the heat, and you're really accomplishing such a lot. Well done on finally getting the wire off the tree trunk. Now that reminds me ... I have a similar job I should have done years ago too, lol!

    1. There have been years I've worked through the heat, and there have been years that I've taken off because of the heat. But it seems if I don't do something, I get so far behind I never get caught up!

  8. That's a very impressive tomato harvest, and I love your water lilies. Mine are struggling desperately at the moment. I hope it's just because it's their first winter (here in Australia) and that they will pick up again come Spring.

    1. My lotus is struggling, but the water lilies have really taken off this year. Go figure!

  9. Nice harvest o tomatoes. Salsa sounds good to me too. Your pond lilies look lovely. I love seeing them at this time of year.

    1. I love water lilies, too. They are always a delight to see.

  10. The water lillies do look gorgeous, and I see you've had another bumper tomato harvest! My tomatoes are only flowering now.

    1. I have a few tomato plants that seeded themselves, and they are just now starting to make tomatoes. But the ones I deliberately put in the ground are really producing!

  11. Salsa sounds great! I like my tomatoes in a guacamole too! I've tried water lilies and they didnt take in our pond - yours is captivating and makes me want to try again!

    1. Oh, definitely try the water lilies again! I have planted several different kinds, but this one is the one that really took off and comes back every year. So, maybe you just need to find that one kind that will make it. How to figure it out without trial and error, I don't know.

  12. Hi Holley, I am the same, putting off the simplest of tasks and then realising, why the heck did that take me so long. Now that is quite some harvest of tomatoes, ours are still like peas.

    1. Isn't it funny that sometimes the simplest chores are the ones we put off? :) I hope your peas turn into tomatoes soon!

  13. A whole box full of tomatoes, fantastic!

    1. I was amazed, too. It doesn't seem like that many when they're on the plants!

  14. Holley you put me to shame..all that work in that the pond and all those tomatoes...amazing. Trying to get to the weeding but boy the humidity does me in early.

    1. I have to start early, too, or it's just too unbearable. I've been lucky that it's been cloudy lately - and that really helps!

  15. Your tomatoes look yummy! Mine are starting to ripen. I fit in my garden chores in the early morning or early evening as to stay out of this heatwave. Here in my Zone 7b garden its the humidity that gets to me. Texas salsa sounds great! Enjoy!

    1. The humidity does make a huge difference! I always look at the heat index, too, instead of just the temperature! Most of the country seems to be going through a heatwave, but it's just normally hot, and even a bit cooler than normal, here. When the temps reach 100, I go inside!

  16. You have been busy. Look at all of those tomatoes. They look so yummy. Your waterlilies are just so pretty. Have a lovely week.

    1. I have gotten so far behind on all my gardening chores, I feel like I have to work - otherwise, my garden will just be taken over and I'll have to start all over!

  17. Wow ! Impressive Harvest .Can you write the names of the tomatoe varieties?

    1. This year I planted Beefsteak, Black Prince, Purple Cherokee, Marglobe, and Homestead. They have all done well. I think the weather has just been good for tomatoes this year!

  18. Oh, your water lilies are so sweet and fresh. What's the unfocused hot pink bloom in the foreground? The color combination is lovely.

    1. That pink bloom is a bougainvillea that is in a pot next to the pond. It won't winter over here, I don't think, so it'll just be an annual for me.

  19. Wow those water lillies are amazing! And those tomatoes...I wish I could reach through my computer screen and grab a handful they look so good!

    1. They taste wonderful, too. I hope next year's crop will be as good as this year's has been!

  20. What a bumper harvest! But your water lilies made the day for me, I just love them, wish I had room for a pond in my garden.

    1. I think my fish like the water lilies, too. :)

  21. An entire box full of tomatoes! wow, how many plants do you have growing? I agree, any excuse to get out of this hot weather will do, all my garden chores are taking three times longer these days due to the heat.

    1. I have about 30 tomato plants this year. It's been hard to keep up with all that they've been producing!

  22. An entire box full of tomatoes! wow, how many plants do you have growing? I agree, any excuse to get out of this hot weather will do, all my garden chores are taking three times longer these days due to the heat.

  23. Had to laugh at the 5 minute project (I can relate)! Your beds look good, and those tomatoes too!!

    1. Isn't it funny that something that took 5 minutes took me 3 years to get to! I think it was hunting down a wire cutter that took so long - it's not one of my usual garden tools!

  24. I wish we had a large natural pond to have room for waterlilies, they are such gorgeous plants!

    1. My pond is concrete - the waterlilies are in pots. Although I agree that a natural pond surrounded by waterlilies is absolutely gorgeous!

  25. Your tomatoes are gorgeous, Holley! I've never had success with them because of curly top virus (which is maybe just a dry climate problem?), so I'm hoping to find a good farm stand this year. I confess to having a fondness for Green Mountain Gringo canned salsas, though, purely because they're made in Vermont and the irony just cracks me up.

    1. I don't know about curly top virus, and I hope I never find out! I like your sense of humor - may have to try that Gringo salsa myself!

  26. Oh, procrastination gets us all. The other day I hung up a bird basket house (two minutes - hook already installed). I got it for my birthday 10 months ago, and finally managed to put it up!

    1. Isn't it funny that sometimes we procrastinate about the tiniest little chores?!

  27. Wow! All those tomatoes! How many tomato plants do you have? I have a dozen and my harvest has been rather sparse this year. Maybe the heat, but I suspect you have had as much heat as me!

    1. I have about 30 plants. I don't think I'll be planting quite as many next year! It has not been near as hot as some years. It's actually been a 'normal' year, weather-wise! Very unusual!

  28. Waterlilies and tomatoes. Eye and tummy candy. Yum!

    Your post inspires me to go out and do some chores I've put off for decades, lol. I haven't had as much time to post and comment as I'd like (too much time exercising, sigh) but I'm always happy when I stop in to see your beautiful garden.

    1. I have several more chores I've put off for years! I should make a list and devote one day to getting all those caught up!

  29. Hmph. My water lilies are smothered with duckweed, Holley. Nice to be reminded what they should look like! D

    1. Sorry to hear your duckweed is smothering your waterlilies. I am thankful that I don't have duckweed in the pond.

  30. very satisfying to complete those jobs - you have earned some celebratory salsa now Holley. Water lilies look divine.

    1. And I will celebrate with that salsa! I love it! :)

  31. Your water lilies look fabulous. I love them. Are they in a pond? Have you made any posts on your ponds? Would love to read them. Also, I hope you will post your salsa recipe as I have an over-abundant supply of tomatoes.

    1. Read about my pond here:
      As for the salsa recipe, I just combine a lot of tomatoes, onions, bell and banana peppers, and of course jalapenos all together. I just taste as I go along, then I use a food processor to cut up the chunks (I don't like chunky salsa), and add 1 cup of vinegar for acidity. I process the jars for 15 minutes using the water bath canner. I hope that helps!

  32. I love the tidy mulched look of your new bed, I can't wait to see the plants go in. Your tomato harvest is intimidating :(.

    1. It will be fun to add plants to this bed, since I haven't quite decided what to put in there yet! :)
