
Monday, November 19, 2012

Garden Book Reviews November 2012

Wow!  I've been so busy lately, I almost forgot the date!  With the holidays (almost) upon us, I have been busy in the house.  Frankly, I'd much rather be outside!

Last month, I promised you that I would suggest a Christmas gift for gardeners.  Last month's book was for dreaming.  This month's book is not about dreaming, it's about action.  This book is one that I used used continually when I first started making my own garden:

Step by Step Landscaping:
Planning, Planting, Building

by Better Homes and Gardens

I have the 1991 edition (there is also a 2007 edition).  This book would be very useful for anyone that is new to gardening, planning a new garden, or planning a new garden area.  It covers practical aspects of the garden such as assessing your sun, shade, slope, privacy, views, and maintenance.  It covers design aspects such as pathways, pools, and patios that you may wish to include in your landscape plans.  There are lists of recommended plants, lots of pictures for ideas, and clear and complete steps for do-it-yourself jobs.  

It covers everything from landscape plans, pathways, drainage problems, retaining walls, shade ideas, working with concrete, building steps, erecting a gazebo, storage units, kennels, irrigation, and even wiring.  And those are just a few of the subjects covered!  If you want it in your garden, it is probably covered in this book.

If you are ready to start turning your yard into an area you will use, I highly recommend this book.  If you are looking for a good Christmas gift for a new gardener, I highly recommend this book, too.  I guarantee it will be a well-used and much-loved book for anyone that is starting out and needs step-by-step guidance.


Now it's your turn!  You are invited to join us on the 20th of each month with your own garden book review.  Any book with a garden influence qualifies!

Thanks for joining in and be sure to visit the other participants, too!


  1. Hi Holley, this is the kind of book I also used extensively when i started making my garden. Now I find it less interesting personally, but it's a very good recommendation for a present for someone starting their own garden. In fact, a young cousin invited me over just yesterday to help him design his garden ... it might be just the thing to give him! I think it would apply equally well to north and south hemispheres ... that's always an important consideration.

    1. I hope your cousin learns to love gardening, if he doesn't already. How exciting to be able to start from scratch! I, too, look at this book less than when I first started, but I still find it very valuable when I start any new project!

  2. I think that there are always dog-eared copies of books in every experienced gardener's library and this sounds like a great one. This is the type of book that see you through inexperience and become as familiar and warmly regarded as a best friend.

    1. I have many garden books in my library, but this one I still refer to. Dog-eared is a good description of it.

  3. Hi Holley and thanks for hosting again....your book looks like one I could have used when I started this garden and with some changes planned I may just check it out. Hope you get a bit of time outside. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Donna. I look forward to hearing about your changes! While thumbing through this book for the review, I got some more ideas I may have to incorporate somewhere!

  4. Thanks for sharing this, Holley. I'm ALWAYS planning a new garden. :-) I enjoyed your post.

    1. Haha - Beth - it seems I am always planning a new garden area, too! I think we just want our gardens to be the best they can be!

  5. One of these days it's going to turn cold here and I'm going to curl up and do some garden reading and planning!

    1. Maybe in February! ;) I remember one year that was so warm I complained that I didn't have time to plan out what I wanted to work on in spring!

  6. Definitely looks like a handy how-to reference book, I'll check it out.

    1. It really does have a lot of information in it. It touches on almost every area of a garden, and I love the step-by-step diy how-to's!

  7. I have that very same book, and I can add my recommendation to yours.

    1. It really is a great how-to book, and it covers so many topics, it's hard to believe it all fits into one book!

  8. There's a book I haven't seen before, and it looks very interesting. I probably should have read something like it when I first started gardening years ago. It would have saved me alot of aggravation, and chainsawing!

    1. If only we could go back! So many things would be different....

  9. Better Homes has always had the top selling how to garden books. I have a few really old ones in my collection too. They do make nice gifts, especially for first time homeowners.

    1. I was amazed how often I referenced this book when I first started out. Now, I don't look at it as often, but thumbing through it for this review gave me some more ideas, so I think I'll start using it much more again!

  10. Now this is the kind of book I really need! Obviously I need to "invest" in some new garden books. I hope to join the meme as soon as I complete my "investment" sessions.

    1. Yes, garden books can become quite the "investment", as one can quickly become addicted to books about gardening just as much as the gardening itself!

  11. I've been looking for a good landscaping book. Glad to see you have recommended one. I'm a big fan of Better Homes & Gardens as well. Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow.

    1. I really think you will find this book quite useful, if you're looking for something like it. Thanks so much for the wishes for a happy Thanksgiving. It was quite nice.

  12. I would rather be outside too. My good gardening friend just lamented that it is too bad we have to waste one of what could be our last warm days on Thanksgiving. I pointed out that most people really look forward to Thanksgivng being a good day and that only an obsessive gardener would like to allocate a cold orrainy day to it.

    1. haha - Only gardeners would rather be outside digging than inside eating, and worrying that the weather is too nice not to be outside!

  13. Holley - Thanks for the recommendation. I've already requested it from our library system. I don't have room for all the great gardening books so I let the library store them for me.

    1. That is so smart! I have lived where I visited the library weekly, sometimes more, but unfortunately here, the library is not close at all. I bet your library will have a wonderful section on gardening, and it might even be a good place to meet other gardeners!

  14. Holley, this book is useful. Always you need to read the advises about drainage,paths,landscape, plants and flowers. I love these books.

    1. Yes, I've tried to cut corners on some of my paths, etc., but it's best to do it right the first time!

  15. Wonderful to see you hosting this again. I need to look through the recommendations and see what books I can put on my Christmas list!

    1. I hope you get lots of gardening books for Christmas! What fun and inspiration!

  16. Thank you for hosting the garden book reviews, Holley. I always look forward to reading them. I'm a bit late with my contribution this month, but didn't want to miss out. The book you reviewed would seem to be very useful. It would make a great gift for someone starting out with a new yard!

    1. I'm so glad you joined in! The book you reviewed sounds lovely! I think books make wonderful gifts for gardeners, and the more one gardens, the more books they need! :)
