
Monday, December 3, 2012


I just love it when spring blooms get confused and bloom in winter.  This makes some gardeners worried, but the weather here is so mild, and so many plants get confused, that I've learned that it usually does no harm.  They will usually just go dormant again when/if the weather gets colder and then bloom again in the spring.  Besides, a bloom is a bloom, and something to be cherished, whether the bloom is in or out of season.

Something else to be cherished is the garden blogging community.  I just love that there are other garden lovers in which to converse with, learn from, relate to, and befriend.  Sometimes they surprise me, too.

I got one such surprise from Sherry of If Only Sweat Were Irrigation.  Sherry has bestowed upon me the Beautiful Blogger Award.  Sherry's garden is full of roses, too.  She gardens in Florida, which is different from growing roses in Texas.

Of course, I am required to answer a few questions:

1. What would you do if you won $10,000 tomorrow?  
     I'd do the happy dance, then run out and buy the garden ornament I've been bugging my husband about for months now.
2. Best lifetime moment? 
     Laughing with my children.
3. Are you happy? 
     Always.  Well, almost always.
4. Do you prefer Facebook or Twitter?  
     Neither.  I'm old-fashioned that way.
5. If you could change something in your life what would it be? 
     I'd purchase the afore-mentioned garden ornament.  (Just kidding, honey!)  :)
6. What is your biggest vice/habit in life? 
     The garden.  It makes me wish for more, like that afore-mentioned - well, you know.
7. What is a good point about you? A negative point? 
     I love to be challenged, thus - I'm easily bored.
8. What is your most embarrassing lifetime moment? 
     I have so many, I usually just shrug them off.
9. What is your favorite flower? 
10. What's your biggest love in life? 
     My family.

I also want to mention Jason at Garden in a City, and Ms. Grubbyfungus from Three Pea Homestead.  Both of them awarded my blog the Sunshine award (Jason several months previous, Ms. Grubbyfungus recently), but since I had already received this award, I must decline.  But, still, I appreciate the thought.

A big Thank You from me to Sherry, Jason, and Ms. Grubbyfungus.  Instead of passing the award along, I would love instead to tell every garden blogger how much their friendship, knowledge, comments, and passion for gardening mean to me.

Thank you, all.


  1. Surprises - I'll let you know when / if my Oxblood Lily plants bloom in spring...this would be the year for sure. (assuming I keep them watered...)

    1. Good luck with your oxblood lilies. I have some new spider lilies that I hope will surprise me next autumn!

  2. Congrats, Holley! How perfectly worded--"a bloom is a bloom, and something to be cherished." Enjoy!

    1. I have noticed that the bees are still cherishing every bloom, too. Even though it's quite cool outside, they are still working hard - and I bet finding plenty of blooms now is truly hard work!

  3. Hi There, This crazy weather (we were 70 degrees here today) is going to make our roses begin to grow again.... That's scary for us since the cold weather WILL be here before long...

    We do have a couple of Rhododendron blooms --since they think it's spring.... Crazy crazy weather!!!

    Hope you get that ornament you want!!!

    1. I saw a crape myrtle blooming today (not mine). What's funny is it had already lost most of its leaves already. I think it was VERY confused!

  4. Holley, congratulation! Your blog deserves this 'beautiful Blogger Award'. I've read your answers, it's always interesting to know more about the blogger. I hope Santa Clause has read these answers too and will gift you 'the a fore-mentioned garden ornament':))

    1. I'm hoping Santa reads this, but I'm afraid I will have to do a bit of whining and begging after Christmas instead! ;)

  5. A well deserved award Holley :) We enjoy visiting your blogs, reading all about your garden adventurous and seeing photos of your beautiful plants and garden.

    Any bloom we get at this time of the year is a welcome bonus indeed!

    1. We got early morning freezes for several days in a row. I figured that would make everything dormant, but it hasn't. I guess the afternoons have been too warm!

  6. Has been interesting so far this Fall. There was a bee yesterday buzzing through my Heather. Plus slugs were out.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. I'm not sure anything knows what to do with these warm autumn temperatures! I'm enjoying them - I only want cold for a week at the most! ;)

  7. Holley - Thanks for mentioning a new-to-me blogger in Florida. I love finding other bloggers in my state. Also, I completely agree with you on the joy of finding friends among other garden bloggers.

    1. I love finding other Texas garden bloggers, too. I hope Sherry is close to you, maybe you could meet in person some day! Wouldn't that be fun!

  8. Congratulations! You deserve it!
    I never considered the garden a vice before, but you are right about it. I'm sure my poor bank account considers it a vice as well!

    1. I'm reminded every time I spend money on the garden (which is quite often) how much of a vice it is! Of course, I guess we all have a vice - I think this one is as good (or better) than most!

  9. Here, I would call such a bloom a "tender mercy". Our Winter is freezing and we delight in the sparkles on the snow.

    1. A "tender mercy". I like that phrase! And sparkles on the snow sounds so romantic! I bet not a lot of plants there are confused into thinking it's spring already!

  10. Thank you so much, and congratulations. The award is thoughly deserved!

    1. Thanks, Jason, and I'm glad I finally got around to mentioning your blog, and how much I appreciated your nomination.

  11. Replies
    1. I've noticed I have hostas blooming now, too. And one of my irises never quit! :)

  12. Wonderful awards and I love your would have been a big surprise here too....

    1. Now even more of them are blooming! It looks like spring at my house!
