
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I'm Famous!

Of course, I'm not really famous.  But I felt like it the other day!

We went to a restaurant called 'Chicken, Rice and Burgers'.  Not a very catchy name, but one that is quite descriptive.  When we entered it, we noticed their "Wall of Fame": photos of patrons taped to one wall.

After having our lunch (they had the best coleslaw!), the owner came up to us and politely asked, "May I take your picture for our wall?"

A big smile spread across my face.  Well, of course!  Who wouldn't want to be asked that?!  Instantly, I felt like a celebrity!  In fact, our entire demeanors changed.

There were some coworkers having lunch, and they also had their pictures taken, as well as an adult pair of twins, dressed alike.  I watched as each patron's attitude changed.  On the way out the door, I laughed about being famous.  My father, who had just watched the movie, 'The Wrong Man', joked that he now had an alibi, should he need it.  Instantly, the rest of our day was brighter.  Our smiles were bigger. Our laughs were louder.

We felt special.

Roses and Other Gardening Joys turned two years old on January 6th.  In that time, I have blogged about roses, of course.  But also about companion plantings, evergreens, winged insects, garden centers, and vacation spots.  I like to believe that this blog is a little like that restaurant.  The name isn't very catchy, but it's descriptive.

And if it had a Wall of Fame, it would have a picture of every one of you.  Every person that follows, subscribes to, has commented, joined in the book meme, or has read any part of this blog.  I want to thank each of you.

I have written about why I blog.  But I wanted to reveal a little more behind the motivation.  Not long before I began this blog, I lost someone very dear to me.  The garden became a very healing place.   I somehow found joy, even though my grief.  And I wanted, in some way, to share those moments.  And so, this blog became not just about roses.  But about every gardening joy.

Several bloggers I have come to know through this wonderful community of garden bloggers have lost loved ones in their life recently.  Others are still reeling from the Connecticut shootings.  At some time, grief finds us all.

But if you ever go to 'Chicken, Rice, and Burgers', I hope you get your picture taken to be put on their Wall of Fame.  I hope you smile, and feel special.  And if you are grieving, I hope you will find healing in your (real or symbolic) gardens.

I am still finding joy in mine.


  1. It's neat that they chose to include you in their photo gallery. Now whom do you invite to lunch so you can show off your fame? :)
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. haha - We didn't think about inviting someone else to see - we just thought about how fun it would be to see ourselves again when we go back!

  2. Congratulations, Holley! And Happy Two Year Blogoversary! gardening is healing, you are so right. Sharing the joy of gardening is wonderful. Happy gardening and happy blogging!

    1. Thanks, Tatyana! I hope the next two years will be just as fun as the last two!

  3. I am glad you started your blog, I enjoy it a lot! I also feel I know you much better than when you posted on GW. I hope you keep it going.

    1. Thanks, Masha! I love GW and still lurk there. The blog, though, just seems like fun writing. I do plan on keeping it going, although life has been interfering lately (in good ways).

  4. You're welcome and congratulations on your second year blog anniversary :) gardens and blogging are fun and healing, in more than one!

    1. I do think it has helped not only to garden, and to blog, but to find this wonderfully supportive group of garden bloggers. I love that we all share a love of gardening - and a bit of our lives.

  5. Happy Bloggerversary! You're looking great for a 2 year old. Long may your gardening journey bring you all the joy & healing that you need and a laugh along the way x

  6. Congratulations on two years of blogging and on your newfound fame! Are you sure that you paid the bill before leaving the restaurant? I've heard that sometimes establishments post pictures of nefarious characters for whom they want to be on the lookout in the future:} Gardens are great places to heal.

    1. HAHA - Oh, your comment is so funny! Yes, I think the prerequisite for getting a picture made was to pay up front! :)

  7. Wow---I can say that I know a celebrity... that's so neat!!!!!

    Congrats on your blogging success... I know that I love reading your blog. thanks!!!


    1. They didn't ask for my autograph, though - which would have really made it feel like I was a celebrity! ;)

  8. What a neat story and congrats on your 2 years bloggiversary. Time marches on doesn't it?

    I am working on making my gardens more of a sanctuary since I just lost my dear husband on Dec. 9th. It is healing working in them and they are an ongoing process, so healing will flow daily. I am sorry for the loss of your loved one two years ago.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady Lorraine

    1. Oh, Lorraine! I am so very sorry. I hope your garden is a healing place for you, too.

  9. Congratulations on your second blogaversary! Nothing like the way time flies, when you are engrossed in gardening. Or blogging about it.

    1. It really has gone by fast - and I love that I feel a bit more accountable. I don't think I would have accomplished as much in my garden as I have if I weren't blogging about it.

  10. Two years ... it feels like I've known you for so long. I always used to tell people that I was sorry to hear of their loss but didn't really understand what I meant by that until I experienced it myself. Now I know. My mother always used to sprinkle in a handful of bonemeal whenever she used to plant a new plant, and she used to tell me off for not doing the same. Since she died I haven't changed my gardening techniques but I do think of her especially when I'm planting a new plant and whisper "Sorry Mum" because I know she's watching over me. I'm sure your loved-one is watching over you too and enjoying all of your roses, especially the knock-outs.

    1. I love that you talk to your mother when you're gardening. She really is watching you. And you are very lucky to have shared a love of gardening with her. That's something that you will always have memories of.

  11. Two years - congratulations! I believe I've been reading you since you began, as I started my blog a few months before. Your blog is lovely and you do a great job.

    1. We're both terrible two! :) For some reason, I feel a bit liberated - like I've reached a milestone. Of course, I know some bloggers that have been blogging for many more years. I bet they would laugh at that sentence about reaching a milestone!

  12. Happy Blogoversary! I've enjoyed getting to know you, Holley, during the past two years. And I look forward to many more months of comparison and collaboration. You and your blog definitely bring me much joy! Thanks!

    1. Oh, thank you so much for saying my blog bring you joy! That really makes my day. :)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Congrats on the blog anniversary! Gardens can be a healing place, can't they. Always a place of hope and promise ... and joy :-) Continued joy to you in your life, garden, and blogging!

    1. Thanks, Toni. I feel sorry for people that have no garden. I'm not sure what I would have done without mine.

  15. Beautiful!!!! Happy Anniversary to you and your blog! The garden has magical powers! It's like the old saying "It's cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes!"

  16. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! 2 years on 6th January, that means my blog is only 6 days older than yours, practically the same age :-)I didn’t join Blotanical until after nearly a year though, and it was only then my reader numbers went up – nice to feel appreciated, that someone actually read what’s being written.

    I think we all have a reason for gardening, beyond just liking pretty flowers or nice vegetables. I can certainly relate to that too, being housebound, my garden is the most important room in my house!
    Take care, Helene

    1. I think you're right, Helene, in that we all have a story behind the gardening that is beyond the obvious. It would be very interesting to know everyone's true reason.

  17. Fabulous, simply fabulous...I can't speak about blogging but on Jan 20 will be on year of gardening...I still want to be considered a gives me permission (or rather forgiveness) for being're flowers are stunning!

    1. No matter how long you garden, you will always find something new to plant, or a new thing to accomplish. We gardeners have permission to be foolish for as long as we want to be! That's the only way I have confidence to keep gardening - I know I'm not alone in making mistakes!

  18. Aww, what a nice post. Thank you for having such a nice blog to read. May it continue to grow and succeed.

  19. Happy Anniversary are famous with all of us! I love the book review meme and have all 12 books lined up for the year already...and I love the roses give me that need to keep or add to my roses. Here's to a fabulous garden season and New Year!

    1. Wow, Donna! I'm impressed you have 12 books lined up already! I could never ben that organized! I hope this gardening season is the best for all of us - of course, I guess that's the gardener's hope every year! :)

  20. are such a dear!

  21. What an absolutely wonderful post. How nice to become a celebrity and even better that it made your day all the better. I've got to agree with you that grief does find us all, but, as you said, gardening helps us heal. It was my grandmother's passing that started my interest in orchids, it was her love of them that fueled my determination for hers to live, and thrive, then throughout the months they needed friends as company so now the collection has grown quite significantly, but every time I go down there I think of her, and always shall. It is also her passion for plants that has encouraged my love of gardening, and of gardeners, so for that I must thank her too, and without her, I would never have met such wonderful individuals such as yourself.

    I hope you continue to have wonderful days HolleyGarden, and forever continue to find the joy in the little things,

    1. I enjoyed hearing about your grandmother's passion for orchids, and how that fueled your passion for them, too. I am always amazed how very much the garden helps us in our grief.

  22. Happy Blogiversary! One year comes and goes quickly doesn't it? And double exciting that you are now famous as well. My coffee cup is held up to you today with many more blogs to come....

    1. Yes, one year does go by quickly - faster and faster each year, it seems. If only spring would linger a while longer, while winter would speed by!

  23. Indeed Holly, the garden is the best healing place there is. May be it sounds strange, but I should not know how to live without a garden and Snarf of course, but I know that I can have him not much longer than about 16 years.
    And Congratulations with your 2 blogging years!

    1. I agree with you - once one has a garden, I couldn't imagine ever living without it!

  24. Happy anniversary! And I agree that blogging can be a solace, both by expressing ourselves about things we love, and by finding a new community. Here's to many years of blogging to come!

    1. I love this community of garden bloggers. It really is amazing how nice and supportive everyone is to each other.

  25. Congratulations on your blog's two year anniversary! The garden is a place of healing and renewal. I think writing helps with grief too. I am glad that you were able to share this little bit of joy with us all.

    1. It's amazing how just a little special treatment can really make one's day! I guess that's how we feel in our gardens - that the blooms are there just for us! :)

  26. Holley, I remember when you started blogging and in some ways it seems like a long time ago. My blog was two in November. I have enjoyed reading your posts and really appreciate all the support you have given me and my blog (FYI I ended up painting my bedroom yellow, what a chicken). Your snowdrop order was the icing on the cake. Congratulations. Carolyn

    1. I love to find out how old everyone's blog is. Since you have been blogging for longer than I, I would have guessed it was quite a bit longer, instead of just a few months. I started with yellow in my bedroom, too - maybe some day you'll be ready to go all the way to orange! :)

  27. Congratulations on your blog anniversary and your moment of fame! I believe we began blogging around the same time, and I am so glad you are in this community. May you have many more years sharing your roses and your lovely garden.

    1. I have heard that the second year is the hardest to blog about. We shall see!

  28. Congratulations on your delightful blog turning two and your new found fame which is certain to last more than 15 minutes.

    Thank you for bringing gardening joy into my daily reading.

    1. Oh, thanks, Shirley - I'm so glad my blog brings a bit of joy to you! That is an especially sweet comment! :)

  29. I am happy for your new found celebrity, Holley. Congrats on two years of blogging. It has been nice getting to know you and your garden.

    1. I have really enjoyed getting to know all the other garden bloggers, too. This really is a wonderful community of people. Even though I've never met any in real life, I consider them my friends.

  30. I had no idea you were relatively new to blogging. I started following you about a year ago. I was immediately impressed by the quality, creativity and focus, and your online integrity.

    Huge hug from me for deciding to walk towards joy when in the midst of grief.

    1. I think a lot of us garden bloggers began around the same time, but there are always blogs that are older, and ones that are newer, and the best part is that we all belong to the same wonderful community.

  31. Love your blog Hollygarden, may your life be blessed with happiness and joy.

  32. Happy blog anniversary and congrats on being just a little famous. That restaurant sure made a lot of peoples day I'll bet.

    1. We rarely go to that area, and if they had not taken our pictures, we probably wouldn't have gone back, but tried a different place instead when we traveled that way. Now, however, we will be certain to return, in order to see our photos. Great marketing!

  33. I understand your loss. I don't think we ever get over losing someone special. I do think the memories grow sweeter as time passes. Congrats on two years of blogging... may this year bring many more blogging friends to you.

    1. Thank you, Carolyn. As I said, grief finds all of us at some time. I was thankful to have my garden - it really was/is a healing place.

  34. Holley, happy Anniversary to your blog! I love to read you posts and your photos the last year that I'm blogger too. I know the garden gives us peace in our souls and joy in our hearts, you're right.

    1. Yes, you said it well - "peace in our souls and joy in our hearts". That's exactly right.

  35. Congratulations on two years of garden blogging! I always enjoy your posts and seeing your lovely roses.

    1. Thanks, Lyn. I'll be happy to see my roses again when they start blooming this spring!

  36. Many happy returns wonderful Holley! I have so enjoyed reading your posts. I hope they put your photo in an extra special frame!

    You are right, gardens are very healing places.

    1. I don't think I'll warrant a special frame, but that was a sweet thought! I hope they don't take me down as I rarely frequent that area! Still, I'll go back when I'm out that way again - just to see my photo. Silly how much I loved that, but it really did make me feel special. :)

  37. Inspiring post, Holley. Congratulations on making the 'wall of fame' and on your blog anniversary! Wishing you a wonderful New Gardening Year! P. x

    1. I hope we all have a wonderful gardening year - with just the right amount of sunshine and rain! :)

  38. Very touching and poignant post. Your description of how you all behaved was so vivid that I could imagine them clearly in my head and a big smile spread across my face. My face is still smiley :-). Thanks for that as today is the 5 month anniversary of my mother's passing and I am missing her dearly. Thanks again :-), KL

    1. I'm glad you could smile even though you are still grieving. It is a process, but still there are times that joy finds its way through the fog.

  39. Congratulations on your two years of blogging...and looking forward to many more! :)

  40. Beautiful post. I think you encapsulated why many of us blog - to try to communicate some measure of the joy and lightness of being that we feel in the garden. Thank you.

    1. I am not certain many other passions give the same kind of feeling as gardening does. Just watching plants come to life from seed, emerge from winter, watching butterflies and bees, oh! - all of it - is very special indeed.

  41. Beautifully written, Holley!
    I'm so amazed that you are only two years old in the blog world. You are one of my favorite blogs to visit and of course, I LOVE your book meme. You're such a pro at writing!
    Here's to a very special gardener. May your garden continue to be a place of healing filled with all kinds of gardening joys. God's Blessings to you and yours.

    1. Thank you so much, David. And I appreciate all your support these past two years, and your appreciate in the meme, too. :)

  42. Wonderful! My garden has been a refuge from grief, too. It's a much more personal space than people realize. I'm so glad I found your blog. :o) Congrats on being famous!

    1. I agree with the garden being a personal space. It reflects not only our hard work and dedication, but our creativity, design, and emotional outlet, too.

  43. Congratulations, famous lady! May you continue to find comfort/healing in your beautiful garden. My garden is a garden of comfort/healing as well. So glad we're blogging friends. :-)

    1. Thanks, Beth! The garden is a healing place for so many of us, and I can think of no better place for healing than there.

  44. Holley, it's almost 2AM....yes, I know, time for bed three hours I have to write and say congratulations on having your photo taken for the wall! What a neat idea for that restaurant and by the way, I'd eat there, because it sounds like good food, lol.

    Congratulations on the anniversary of your blog, too; it is beautifully written and photographed and always very entertaining and informative. I pray you've found healing strength and comfort in both your blog and your beautiful garden.

    And I have to tell you that Callanetics is awesome...I'm still waiting for a 'precious peach' to appear, but have high hopes for some day soon. Thank you for suggesting I try it!

    1. I'm so glad you like the Callanetics, Karen. I love it. I think because the music is soothing instead of the fast beat that most other exercise videos are made with these days.

  45. Thank heavens for bloggers like you! Glad you had a moment in the limelight, you deserve it. You put a lot of work into your blog to entertain, inform and share with your readers....much appreciated!!!!

    1. Thanks, Jayne! Every year it seems like I have too much to blog about in spring, then nothing to say in winter! I wonder if the garden feels the same way, too!

  46. Happy TWO YEAR Blogiversary! Congrats on such a wonderful blog. I feel like I've come to know you thru it and you seem most creative!

    1. Thank, Tina! I've heard the second year is the hardest. I'm looking forward to blogging year #3. :)

  47. Happy blogiversary, Holley! You have a great blog.

  48. With your number of comments each post, and clever writing, you're becoming more famous than the Beatles!

    1. :) Yes, as famous as when they were playing in Liverpool before they were discovered! ;0

  49. Congratulations on your blogiversary! I love reading your blog, and it does, indeed, share the joy that so many of us find in gardening.

    1. I'm so pleased you said that, and hope that it is true. I really would love to spread a little joy. :)

  50. A garden is a great place for healing and slowly relaxing. All the bester for the food and flowers it produces too.

    1. Yes, there's nothing more joyful than the pretty blooms and delicious vegetables that the garden returns to us for just a little effort on our part.

  51. Holley - Kudos galore on the second anniversary of your blog. Somehow, I thought you had been at it for years. Thanks also for the early encouragement you gave me with my blog.

    1. Thank you for those sweet words! I love finding out how long bloggers have had their blogs. Sometimes it is very surprising. The ones that have been blogging for five years or more are very impressive to me. Some that have been blogging for only a few months have great blogs, too. I love that each blog is individual and that the blogger's personality shows through each of them.
