
Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Recurring Theme

February flew by, didn't it?

And as I began to take pictures for The Patient Gardener's End of Month View, I realized that there was a recurring theme going on in my garden.

Let's see if you can figure out the theme.

The winter garden looks nice enough.  And there are some small bloom in those beds outlined with boxwoods.  I've begun planting the camellias I've nursed all winter.  But I am not through planting.  Soon there will be other plants arriving by mail that will need to be put in this bed, too.

The front Knock Out roses have been cut down.  But all the trimmings are still waiting for me to discard them.

Some weeding in the East Bed has been done.  But there's a lot more weeding to do here!

The main rose garden is coming to life.  The irises are beginning to bloom here.  But, I haven't quite finished pruning my roses!

The walking bed looks fairly bare.  I've been thinning out the pavonia and transplanting the salvia.  Plus, there are numerous plants that have not yet emerged.  Still, I feel like I've made some progress here, even if there is still a big pile of trimmings and dead wood in the middle of the pathway that needs to be picked up.

Have you figured out the theme?  Do you think it's:


I could see where you might think that, especially as you see all the unfinished tasks.  But I think the theme is:


Because I've been out in the garden!  And garden work is fun work!

And if you look closely, there is still a lot of beauty to be found there.  How fun!


  1. And fun is why we love to garden!

  2. Great post Holley, need to build a garden that is all fun and no chores...I'll let you know when I figure it out...and wake up....

    1. Good luck with that! If you do, let us know how you did it! :)

  3. Garden work, and most times spent in the garden are fun indeed! :)

    1. I get withdrawals all winter - I'm thrilled to be out there again!

  4. You have a lot of structure in your winter garden and for you it's right at Spring time anyway. Things are really looking good already.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. You're right, Cher - it may be the last of February, but it's spring here! :)

  5. I love to see garden views and hearing what other gardeners are doing in their gardens. I'm liking the look of yours and look forward to seeing more with each month. I'm going to try hard to keep up here this year :-D

    Gardening is fun and I'm looking forward to getting out soon myself - but first the not so fun job of clearing my greenhouse out with winter storage items (not plants). Yay... once that's done its going to be some seed growing perhaps. Yep... gardening is fun really! Wishing you a great weekend :-D

    1. Oh, how I wish I had a greenhouse! That must be so much fun to see little seeds starting to grow!

  6. Oh irises blooming...I am waiting patiently for garden fun!

  7. I think there is something special about being able to get outside in the garden and work when it isn't quite yet even Spring. The promise of things to come.

    1. It is wonderful - but, of course, you have to remember that I have to take a break when our summers get too hot!

  8. I'm envious that you have the weather to work outside. Here it's still a bit too cool to do that. Not fun to have fingers and toes go numb as you work so I'll wait for the warmth to start my chores/fun!

    1. It has to be 50 degrees for me to venture out! Anything below that, and I'm inside, cuddled up. But 50 and sunny is pleasant. (As long as it's sunny!)

  9. I am so envious, I want to have fun in the garden too. Still very cold here, and the scarce days with a bit of sun I run into my garden, just for a few hours fun.

    1. That sun makes all the difference in the world, doesn't it? Makes a cool day seem warm and pleasant!

  10. Holley, the weather, sun and plants give you new themes working in your wonderful garden: fun, joy, happiness!
    have a nice weekend!

    1. You're right! I forgot about joy and happiness! They're certainly there in the garden, too! :)

  11. I am still waiting patiently for weather to do som garden work, up until now I have just been pottering about, inventing work for myself to have an exuse to be outside for a while. It is too cold for a lot of the spring chores, I need a bit warmer weather, soon! Good luck with all your garden work, and enjoy it, that's why we do it!

    1. I hope it gets warmer for you soon. It's hard to just sit and wait!

  12. BEAUTIFUL pictures. I feel garden envy brewing ;) Wish I were outside cleaning up my garden, but as you say, patience.

    1. It's hard to be patient when winter is almost over. Those last few days and weeks drag on!

  13. Ha---I was thinking about all kinds of themes--and FUN wasn't one which came to mind. BUT--gardening is fun, and seeing things sprout in spring is pure joy!!!!!


    1. See the new spring blooms is more than fun - it's pure heaven! :)

  14. I thought the theme was going to be progress - still I don't mind being wrong. As the song goes 'Girls just want to have fun'!

    1. Oh, progress! Hmmm.... didn't quite see that one! Maybe when I get everything trimmed up, I will! :)

  15. Spoken like a true gardener.

    1. :) It's never work when you're doing something you're passionate about!

  16. A passionate gardener, you are Holley. I look at it as work, but that is not so bad when it is finally done.

    1. Well, you do this for a living, right? Makes a difference!

  17. I have chores to do and my mental plant moving list is getting to the point where I feel my head might explode!! But I prefer this time of year to winter when we just wait, and wait
    Thanks for joining in this month

    1. I am now going around the garden, trying to figure out which plants need moving. It's always interesting to figure out what's doing well, what's not doing so well, and what I want somewhere else.

  18. Around this time of year when I begin to get out in the garden I think it is fun, too. There is always so much to do, but the rewards are so great. A fun post, too. :) Enjoy your time in the garden.

    1. You're right - it seems to get cleaned up quite quickly, and it looks so much better. My favorite type of "spring cleaning"! :)

  19. Oh Holley I cannot believe you have Irises in bloom already. How wonderful. I see little bits of growth here and there in my garden now. I will enjoy your rose blooms until mine come on. LOL! Have a lovely weekend.

    1. I need to finish pruning, or my rose blooms will be very late! I never seem to be able to go all around my garden in a timely manner!

  20. What is a chore to some people is the best fun for us gardeners. I got out for some fun about a week ago. Did a lot of trimming and cleaning up. I really enjoyed myself.

    1. It's always fun to get out in the early days of spring. Summer, however, is another thing. That heat can really make the fun turn into a chore!

  21. A walking bed, what a lovely phrase. Sounds like something out of Jane Austen.

    1. It's my dream that one day my garden will be as romantic as that sounds.

  22. My kids have a word they use - it's "funner". Some garden chores are funner than others. For me, planting and pruning are funner than tidying up plant pots and picking up plant prunings.

    It is always reassuring to know that someone else has weeding to do etc. Your garden looks great, by the way.

    1. Oh, I have tons of weeds! :( Every year I hope to rid my garden of most of them, but they obviously have other plans about that!

  23. We've been having fun, too - such a nice time of year!

    1. Yes, it is - not too hot, and not cold. Perfect!

  24. Jealous! Yes, you are having fun while I am stuck inside. Actually, I can't complain because I've had a lot of quality book-reading time. :) Your garden looks so inviting! Some of the photos show the oblique light in such a nice way.

    1. It's funny how the lighting was different in each spot. I walked around and took these pictures all at the same time!

  25. Staring me right in the face (fun) sure is, I have difficulty getting some people to believe me. Usually get told, don't get me wrong now, I appreciate a nice garden but it all seems like hard work!

  26. Oh, you're right - spring is so delightful, gardeners love doing all the fun that's required then! :)
