
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Vote for A Recall

I've had it!  And I'm voting for a recall!

This past week, temperatures soared to well over 80 degrees (26 C).  Then, we were in danger of getting a freeze!  A freeze!  All I could think about was the freeze we received on March 27th (26 F, -3 C), that damaged all the buds on my roses.

And don't give me the old wive's tale of never having a freeze after reaching 80 degrees (26c), because we reached 80 before the March 27th freeze.

Instead of enjoying a nice spring flush of beautiful rose blooms, I walk around my garden lamenting the lost blooms.  And another freeze was threatening all the newly planted vegetables that have sprung up over the past several days.  I was paralyzed, unable to enjoy working outside because I was so worried about the weather.

Would it freeze?  Would it not?  Would my plants be o.k.?  Would I have to start my vegetable garden all over?  What was going to happen?  All I could do was worry!  This year the weather has been up and down like a roller coaster, and I'm tired of the ride!

And I know I'm not the only one.

I've seen the blizzards that are covering the nation.  Tornadoes.  Hail.  Winter that just won't go away.

Like I said, I've had it!  I'm voting for a recall on Mother Nature.

Sure, sure, she's a sweet old gal.  Brings us butterflies and bees and so many beautiful things.

But she can be nasty, too.  And obviously, forgetful.  I truly think dementia has set in!  Did she forget that spring was supposed to be here already?  I rest my case.

I've been thinking about her replacement.

Not Jack Frost.

Santa Claus would not be good, either.  I'm afraid he would be too busy at Christmas time to do the job properly.

We've seen what Old Man Winter does when he's in charge!  No thanks!

So, I've decided that Father Time would be the best replacement.  He's no diva, instead he's hardworking, and he's been around for a long time.  He knows how the seasons should flow smoothly into one another.

I bet he would order up fewer droughts!  And there would be no more late winters.  Think about it - have you ever heard of New Year's being late?  No!

Father Time is solid, dependable, and consistent.  I think he's a much better candidate for the job.

Are you with me?  Do you vote for a recall, too?


  1. Father Time sounds good to me! Here in middle TN we are in for a full day of severe weather! Rain, wind, tornadoes and hail are expected any time and will last until late this evening. Always scary when tornadoe season arrives!

  2. Apparently it is hotter in PA than it is in Texas. It was almost 90 here yesterday and 85 th e two previous days. I have plants in the garage to protect them from the heat. The day before it started I had plants in the garage to protect them from the cold. I hope this isn't representative of the future.

    1. That is just crazy! After two nights of near freezing temperatures (thankfully, it didn't actually freeze last night, and I don't think it will tonight), we are supposed to get up to 90 this weekend. I'm surprised to hear about the heat there!

  3. Our temperatures have dropped here along the Gulf, but not as drastically as yours. It is so sad to see the new spring growth take a hit. We also finally had some rain, but I am thinking you got the really big storm yesterday.

    1. It is so depressing to see photos of the garden last year at this time vs. now. I hope this summer will be cool, too, although for some reason, I doubt it will be! Of course, rain is always welcomed! (We got about 1/2 inch)

  4. Just when we thought spring had arrived here in scotland we're hit with an icy blast - it's flippin freezing and it's not doing my poor plants any good that had just decided to start peeping through.
    I am a sun worshipper and I would love the temperatures to hit the 80's even in summer - never going to happen though. Once it hits around 55 we'll be donning the tshirts and shorts cos it will feel so hot. Sadly I'm serious about that!

    Thank you for sharing and i hope your temps pick back up for you.


    1. I didn't realize 55 was t-shirt and shorts weather! That's coat weather to me! :) I hope your latest icy blast didn't do much damage.

  5. How about Winnie the Pooh? Relaxing and a few extra pounds are not given a second thought. Besides I've been working with Father Time, he can be pretty tough - I've got the gray hairs to prove it.

    1. Ah, yes, Winnie the Pooh might be very good for gardeners. After all, he does love his bees and honey! :)

  6. I agree wholeheartedly about Old Father Time - Mother Nature is getting too forgetful ! She also has mood swings far too often ! Like you Linda, we are plunged back into winter today (we are in the East Midlands) and the blossoms are just waiting to come out, but hanging back because it is too darn cold .

    I think we must be all be in Narnia, and we have gone through the back of the wardrobe into the Land of the Ice Queen, where spring never comes...

    1. Mood swings! haha - You are right about Mother Nature having a lot of mood swings lately! Maybe she's going through menopause!

  7. It's just not been the same since mother nature let her three daughters, March, April, and May, take over her spring duties! Those three girls are always bickering with each other, like siblings do, about the bathroom, borrowing clothes without asking, and who is hogging the phone. They've neglected the job horribly and I think it's time for an intervention! "Don't make me stop this calendar and come back there girls!"

    1. If that is true, then they should be fired immediately! Mother Nature has been derelict in her duties if she has let those wild and unsettled months - I mean girls - take over her duties. ;0

  8. After a long, long winter, we got summer in a BIG way here for the past three days ... from the 50s and 60s to the 90s! It's as if Mother Nature painted the whole countryside green overnight, and pushed all the flowering trees into bloom in doubletime.

    We gardeners are 'plan ahead' sort of people, we have to be ... sometimes unpredictable weather sure makes it hard to do, tho. My rule around here is that I don't plant anything tender until Mother's Day. That day is safely past the frost date, and the ground has warmed enough so I don't worry about my plants. Roses, tho, get planted whenever I have the time and the ground isn't rock hard or soupy. We're supposed to get another weather system some time tomorrow ... I wonder what weather we'll have when it passes through.

    1. I just can't believe you've already had 90 degree weather! How bizarre! Usually here, after Easter is safe. I don't ever recall a freeze after Easter! So, look out - you may not be safe even after Mother's day!

  9. The whole of Europe is suffering too - it is very frightening - my fear is that it is the melting ice cap.

    1. It really had been odd all over. I'm hoping that this wild spring will settle down into an uneventful summer!

  10. Oh dear Holley. Weather has gone haywire all over! Because we're only warming up just now everything is so unusually behind. A bit disorientating! Yes, bring back Father Time...

    1. I agree - everything here is very far behind what I usually would think is normal. It will be interesting to see what summer and autumn have in store!

  11. I have learned from Father Time in my garden that there is no such thing as "normal". There is "perfect" and "desired" and " wouldn't it be nice", but normal is elusive. It almost never happens.

    Hang in there! It all averages out over a few millennia!

    1. I'm afraid this year is going to be a lot of "desired" and "wouldn't it be nice" going around! Oh, well, there's always next year! ;)

  12. So true. I admit, last year spring came too early but this is ridiculous.

    1. I guess she's trying to make up her mistake of having a early spring last year by having a very late spring this year! I hope she makes up our summer droughts by having a rainy summer season!

  13. We too have been having odd weather. It is very cold, windy and all 2013, no precipitation, now it is flooding. Freezing rain is causing damage. Spring will likely miss us this year and plants will bloom simultaneously. Oh well, take it as it comes.

  14. If only Father Time would take the job. I'm afraid that Mother Nature is retaliating based on years of domestic abuse - maybe if we all just tried to be a little kinder...

  15. Too funny but sad too. Did you get the freeze? We had record temps here on Wednesday 90º+. Today in the 80ºs but front coming in tonight will bring temps back down. Not a freeze though that I've heard.

  16. Every year is different. That's why we keep a Journal or a Blog.

    "... and what will the Robin do, poor thing? He'll sit in the barn to keep himself warm and hide his under his wing, poor thing."

    In a few days, we'll be talking about the heat wave, once we get our heads out from under our wings.

  17. it is the freeze of the peach flowers on March 27th that is going to really hurt the summer eating around here

  18. Amen sister! I vote for father time! They are calling for snow here tonight...UGH! You said it best...the winter that would not go AWAY! BOO! I can't tell you how sick of it I am!

  19. Father Time has my vote. He couldn't do any worse and may even be a little predictable! I can't complain too much as the rest of the nation is suffering much worse weather than us in the Pac NW, but if I had my way, things would be different. ;)

  20. Oh, Holley, you had me laughing throughout your post. Hasn't the weather been bizarre? Yesterday morning I left home in a sleeveless dress and found myself pelted by cold rain mid-afternoon! I am sorry about your lost blooms; that's no laughing matter. Surely Mother Nature has some nice surprises in store?

  21. So funny, but so true! The weather has been abysmal, and spring is definitely on the backfoot this year. The weather has turned a little milder here in the UK so hopefully everything will catch up soon.

  22. Hi Holley! I'm sorry for your roses, it's been weird reading this post, you are supposed to be the warm one and your garden is always ahead of all the others somehow...
    The first picture is very pretty!

  23. Oh no, such a shame. It has certainly been crazy weather all over, I just hope that this isn't the shape of things to come, given that global warming will disrupt normal weather patterns greatly.

  24. One thing is for certain! Mother Nature commands that we work with her, not the other way around! Can be so frustrating! Have you thought about getting crop covers? We can have frost and low temperatures for awhile in Spring, so I keep covers handy and I cover thefragile stuff if need be. It is time consuming but it beats losing everything!

  25. We have had nicer weather and then 30s and 40s with several inches of ran not snow here...just north of me they are getting snow and ice but not as bad as winter would be due to the angle of the sun...the rain we are getting would have meant about 3 feet of next week is supposed to stabilize but we keep getting the jet stream dipping from Canada where it is cold.

    A recall, maybe but is it Mother Nature or is it us messing with the weather. Maybe Mother is teaching us a lesson that Father would teach us too. I need to get several dry days so I can finish cleaning the garden and it can grow in spots instead of being flooded. I always cover my veggies with a row cloth for about a month after I plant them just in case. If you have sheets use them to cover those veggies...

  26. Holley, I do! I'm with you!
    Mather nature forgot about us, we had snow and now forecast promises rains, rains...
    Can't wait to see my roses as you see them.

  27. I so hear you friend!!! We are expecting 28 degrees APRIL 18th...ENOUGH!!!

  28. Good one, Holley! I vote for Father Time, too. I hesitate to complain too much because all we have is cold rain, and we haven't had much mild yet so no warm weather buds had set yet. But it's downright cold outside! Much too cold to spend quality time in the garden. The silver lining: My Crocuses and Snowdrops are holding their blooms for record time! Maybe if we all just blow hot air out at the same time ...

  29. You've got my vote.
    Enough is enough. This yoyo weather is getting old.

    My mother always said, don't plant anything tender, until after Easter.'s after Easter. It would be nice not to have to worry about tender plants.

    Of course, we'll be wanting a little cold, come August.

  30. Count me in too!! I'm well and truly fed up!! No 2 years have been the same for as long as I can remember. Enough is enough old lady!!!!

  31. Such a strange year and we have had a freeze after reaching 100 degrees in February (1996) so that old tale doesn't hold up.

    So how did your plants fare?

  32. No more freezes for us! Our last official frost date is April 15, and I don't think that will happen in the next couple of days, though we may dip into the 40s. My veggies are all planted, and spring is in full swing here. Father Time has kicked old man winter out for the year! I hope!

  33. Sign me up for the recall! We went from the 40's to the 80's and tonight I turned on my air-conditioner because last night I was miserable and ended up with INSOMNIA. Where was my month of balmy weather?

  34. simply beautifully captured shots ...lovely!

  35. The Wicked Witch of the North brings us late freezes. She's Mother Nature's mean step-sister.

  36. Hi Holly, it's terrible when the weather doesn't perform, and precious plants are ruined or their buds you have been waiting ages for are damaged. But plants are resilient and those you have been waiting for will come again.

  37. Ciao, che bel blog! Complimenti, in futuro lo seguirò spesso!

    Un saluto e una buona primavera :)

  38. Holley, an old phrase which is still quoted in these parts is, (don't cast a clout till may is out) translated - keep your wooly clothes at hand until the end of May.

  39. I wouldn't dare say anything against Mother Nature ... just in case. You're a brave lady Holley!

  40. I agree, I think Mother Nature is getting a bit cranky in her old age ;) We were 87 last week, and 38 degrees when I got up this morning. Almost no rain since January 1st either, with our driest January/February on record. The ground is dry, the garden is parched, and it's 38. I've given up on the concept of 'four seasons' in recent years :( The unpredictable weather definitely makes gardening a little more challenging lately!

  41. Hello Holley, I totally agree with you, Mother Nature needs an Attitude Adjustment this year, ha! More snow forecast for us, too.

  42. Perhaps the goddess Persephone is feeling forgotten and unappreciated.

  43. Crazy, that's all I can say... just crazy.
