
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Excuse Me! You're Intruding!

We have a feral cat that showed up one day, beating up the other cats, and intruding upon their territory.  He was determined to get to the porch where there was ample food, and an abundance of soft chairs for sleeping.

We named him The Intruder.

The Intruder got 'fixed', and he received all the right shots.  He has tamed down quite a bit, although his personality has not changed.  He still loves to intrude.

purple fountain grass

Take my purple fountain grass, for instance.

I loved walking out the front door and seeing the combination of purple fountain grass with yellow Julia Child roses.  It made me smile every time I saw it.

Until this morning.

This morning, the fountain grass was not looking quite right.  It was not standing up straight.  It was hanging down over the urn.

Hmmm....  looks like we have an intruder!

He seems so proud to have found a super soft bed where he is also (partially) hidden.

Looks like he has a friend waiting in line to try out the new bed, too!

Purple fountain grass.  A beautiful accent plant.  Pairs well with yellow.

Just watch out for intruders.


  1. Ahhww bless, the intruder looks cute!

  2. Hilarious! The Intruder looks very at home in a pot of purple fountain grass. On a design point, it might look more balanced if you were to plant up another container for The Intruder's friend ;-)

  3. LOL! The grass still looks pretty hanging down, in fact it looks more like a fountain. Cats have their wiley ways that can be humorous or not. This is on the humorous side, especially with 'friend' waiting his turn to enjoy his turn.

    Enjoy your day ~ FlowerLady

  4. LOL! He looks very much at home in there! The grass still looks pretty though.

  5. Too funny...we have cat visitors too...this morning I remembered it was Wednesday....I ran outside barefoot to take a pic of the sundial overrun with morning glories...coming back...I saw something slither...of course, a snake..but not a poisionous one....looked a skink with no legs....but cats are funny about not appearing guilty...

  6. pretty cute for a wildthing! we have a solid white one that eats her daily bird from my yard...I've kind of fallen in love with her

  7. I'm so glad you adopted The Intruder. I was heartbroken when my original two cats died within a year of each other back around 2005. So heartbroken I did not replace them. In 2012, two "intruders" showed up simultaneously and I took them both in. One was feral but became a different animal after being fixed.

  8. Aargh ! Why can't they sit on the things you DON'T like ! then you would have an excuse to get rid ! Our rather portly (sshh! she thinks she's just big-boned!) border collie lives up to her name by regularly crashing through a border containing hostas and delphiniums. She leaves big border collie type holes !!

  9. Love it lol. That's one cute kitty. I posted about our feral cat a few days ago. It too just turned up decided it liked the food, fought with our other cats and then settled here lol. He's alot more friendlier now but that feral streak is still there if we make sudden moves or try to pick him up - your Black cat looks the spit of our feral one lol.
    I think the war of the poops has to be the worst - they all poop everywhere and despite us having 4 acres it's my lovely veg beds they prefer - Grrrr!
    Gotta love em though!

  10. I'm felling your pain Holley! A neighbours young cat, still a kitten really has now been allowed out to play!! His name is Alfie but I've christened him The Dark Destroyer!! He's a one cat wrecking ball!
    That's a lovely grass, it looks great in that urn

  11. So cute! I guess the fountain grass will bounce back unless kitty makes it a permanent bed?

  12. Ohhh.. I do feel your pain! I have an intruder that gets into my herbs so I never get to eat so many of them for fear my intruder has urinated on them!!

  13. Haha, I love your intruder much more than the fountaingrass.

  14. We once had a bulldog that liked to nibble on the Purple Fountain Grass. I finally moved it to a fenced in area where she couldn't get to it, but I think the frost killed it some years ago. Now that our dogs have passed on, we have cat visitors who actually have homes except for two that decided they like our yard best and seem to live here now. They all pretty much get along. Thankfully I've never seen any of the cats bother the birds. I think your Intruder is very pretty!

  15. He's not an intruder ... he was looking for a family and he found YOU!

  16. I do hope you leave The Intruder just a tad hungry so he will be inspired to do his job of keeping the property rodent free. Wild cats are superior to this work over traps and chemicals. You are tops to have him fixed so that there are not too many cats to deal with. He could also be called Handsome Boy as he is indeed a good looking cat.

  17. You've found some beautiful statuary for your garden. Some experts say that it's not wise to place one's statuary on top of plants but yours sure looks swell and very well integrated into your design!

  18. He is a pretty cat, your intruder, Holly!I think your purple fountain grass will be ok when the cats find another soft place.

  19. What a great display with the urn..cats and all :)

  20. My cats do that, too! Drives me crazy but they are too stinkin' cute to stay mad very long.

  21. Awww...what a cute post and such lovely cats -- children of nature doing what nature wants to be :-).
