
Thursday, October 24, 2013

I've Got a Fever!

I have planted over 100 daffodil bulbs, just as many irises, some ranunculus, paperwhites, even tulips (which are annuals here, but I've decided are worth the expense)!

I've planted scillia, alliums, fritillaria meleagris and fritillaria imperialis.  Doesn't all that Latin sound impressive?  But I'm not through.  Not by a long shot.  I've ordered even more bulbs to plant!

What is the matter with me?  Why can't I stop the madness?

I think it's spring fever!

Yes, I know it's not spring.  It's autumn.  But don't you see?  Autumn is the reason I have spring fever!  I see trees losing their leaves, plants going dormant, and winter approaching.  I know how desperate I'll be to see some signs of spring next year.

And so, I plant bulbs.

Lots and lots of bulbs.

And I said this year I wasn't going to plant any bulbs!  Ha!  That resolution just flew out the window!

I may not be happy when the credit card bill arrives, but I'll be happy that I planted all those bulbs next spring.  Because then I'll undoubtably have spring fever - again.

Do you have spring fever?  Are you planting bulbs?  Now is the time!

(All images were taken last spring.)


  1. I'll plant daffodils at Thanksgiving. Tulips are chilling for end of December planting along with Muscari. Hyacinths come out of chill mid-December for potting for gifts. Amaryllis are already potted, such as they are. I don't allow myself to look at Vendor sites nor catalogs these days. I am susceptible to what you have.

    1. That's the problem - I'm on so many email lists, it's hard to resist them all! I think I have finally run out of money, so this will be the end of the bulbs for me - this year! :)

  2. I am planting well over 300 daffodil and tulip bulbs this autumn. My husband is not happy about the bill ;) Do you shop at Costco? They dropped the price of their spring bulbs to 6.97 at my costco. There are fifty daffodils to a bag so it is a pretty jammin' deal. I can't wait to see your bulbs bloom!

    1. I think you topped me, girl! :) I don't have a Costco, but Lowe's had a bag of trumpet daffodils at about the same price. I got two bags and planted them out in the grass! I can't wait to see them blooming, either!

  3. You do have the fever!!!! Ha!!! What an outstanding selection friend!!! I have been planting bulbs as well...this year I'm focused on the front. Though after reading your post I am tempted to buy more for the back!!!

    1. I am trying to establish a "spring area", and I figure the easiest way to do that is with bulbs. I just love bulbs - unless I dig them up or skewer them by accident!

  4. We'll enjoy seeing all your gorgeous photos next spring too!

    1. Oh, I hope they all come up! Even my husband thought the daffodils in the grass would be pretty!

  5. I have planted a mix too - I think we need the hope of all those spring blooms to get us through winter! Love those iris pictures!

    1. I agree. I have bulbs, but some don't return, and so I like buying some old tried-and-true bulbs, and a few new ones to try, too.

  6. You are planting for happiness, and there's nothing wrong with that! I have about 50 red tulips chillin' in the frig since that's what they say to do if you live where the winters aren't that cold. But I sometimes wonder what would happen if I just planted them without the pre-chilling. Do you need to chill your tulips before planting in your area?

    1. "Planting for happiness" - love that! I have done it both ways (I have also forgotten they were in the fridge drawer until late spring!) Personally, I can't tell much difference, so I just throw them out there and keep my fingers crossed. Not saying you should do that - but maybe you could try 5 or so in a different area just to experiment! We both just might learn something!

    2. Tulips planted where they don't get winter chill may have very short stems -- Grumpy Gardener calls them 'corsages for gophers' lol.

  7. I love spring bulbs - just need to find out what to do to keep the gophers out of them. They don't like daffodils, but sure enjoy everything else! I think you've inspired me to plant daffodils along my new front walk. Thanks! Have a wonderful day.

    1. Just remember about their foliage getting a bit ratty. It bothers some people (not me), so if you're going to plant them out front, and it bothers you, remember to plant something else that comes up and hides the foliage for a while. Good luck with the gophers!

    2. Mama always planted Shirley Poppies over her Tulips. I tuck daffodils behind daylilies in the manner of New York Botanical Garden so the emerging Hemerocallis foliage hides the yellowing daffodil leaves.

  8. Just today I received in the mail my "Allium Purple Sensation" bulbs. It will be weird to plant something now that will not bloom until fall. The only hope I have that the squirrels will leave them alone is that these are in the onion family. Anything special I need to know about my very first attempt at planting bulbs?
    Thanks, Kim

    1. Oh, Kim, you will become addicted after the first time! The "bulb planter" is useless to me (could be my rocky clay soil). I just use a trowel. Plant them pointy side up. And I kind of toss them out where I want them planted, and plant them where they land. (Keeps me from planting them in rows.) Other than that, no special instructions. Good luck! It's so thrilling when they come up. You just might be planting loads of bulbs next year! :) I planted alliums, too, although they don't return well here - I just love their form.

  9. I went crazy last year, planting some 250 bulbs (although some were small and didn't involve much effort). I've put in a few this fall (tuberous anemones) and have other sitting by to go in (more anemones, ranunculus and allium) but I'm not planning to go at it like I did last year (probably).

    1. Oh! I've been wanting some anemones! But they will have to wait until next year. I just can't spend any more money on bulbs this year! And I really did plan not to plant any this year - but once I saw them in the stores and online, I caved.

  10. My bulbs are planted but I didn't do nearly as many as you!!

    1. I know I went a little crazy this year. But I wanted an area full of irises, and daffodils in the grass, and I wanted to try out a few new bulbs - and the tulips were just pretty! :) It just happened!

  11. It's never too early to think of spring Holley! And with all that bulb investment your garden is going to be an even more spectacular floral display next year!!

    1. "Never too early to think of spring" - I like that! Spring is such a wonderful thing to think of - especially in winter!

  12. I always have Iris fever. LOVE German bearded iris. Luckily, so does the hubs, so he doesn't sweat it too much if I splurge once in a while.

    Enjoy your planting!

    1. Oh, I love bearded irises, too. My husband has no clue which is what, so unfortunately, he just sees the ending balance!

  13. We would wish our lives away. I do the same thing. My garden seems so bare now with everything but Mums cut back for the Fall. Already can't wait until next year to see what it is going to bring.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. My mums are not doing well this fall. I'm thinking of replacing them, but can not bear to part with the few blooms they have!

  14. You have spring fever, and I've wide land fever. I always add new collections every time. Actually my thiny land feel narrower and smaller. Sometimes I feel so confuse where should I put the plant, no space more. Hmmm...

    1. Even I'm running out of places to put things - I know how you feel! I have a hard time rearranging so I can squeeze in a new plant or two! Luckily, I have a new bed so I can add some things here and there!

  15. I like the idea of spring fever in Autumn! I have planted lots and lots of bulbs, and I still can not see the bottom of the boxes. I am sure you don't remember your credit card bill in spring. Keep going.
    From Holland,

    1. You're right, Hetty. Come spring, the credit card bill will be long forgotten. And I will be so happy that I planted all those bulbs. Good luck planting all of yours!

  16. The time is now to plan ahead and I'm just never good at it but always regret it...bravo to you!

    1. I alway say I'm not going to, and then I do. My husband wishes it were the other way around!

  17. I agree, Holley, it's a fever. I bought more bulbs to plant everywhere and then bought more to forcing tulips and hyacinths. Have a nice weekend!

    1. I don't force bulbs - but I always regret not doing so when I see bloggers that do and have blooms in January or February! I always forget to plant some in pots, too.

  18. Last year I planted a ton of them....I underestimated the water requirement for them so I feel that they were not at their best...They are still in the ground...I'm not sure they are going to come up...I'm inclined to dig them up if I wasn't so behind..

    1. I am too lazy to dig up tulip bulbs and others that need cold. I am just happy if they come back. It's been interesting to see which bulbs do well here, and which ones do not.

  19. Good heavens Holley, I'm exhausted even just thinking about all that bulb planting, but wow you will have a dramatic show come Spring.

    1. Oh, I hope so, Janet! I always feel that the spring blooms just don't show up as well as they should in my garden. Maybe eventually I'll have enough bulbs planted to remedy that!

  20. Bulbs are the first step in our garden plan (plan used very loosely). It seems a quick and easy way to get some colour next year and actually look like we have done something. Easy as in not having to think too much.

    1. I think that's a great plan. It will allow you more time to come up with the perfect plan for your garden, instead of rushing into it. And you will still have blooms to celebrate!

  21. O yes, I definitely have springfever but over the years I have already so many daffodils, crocusses irises and so on, that I just have to stop. I only buy some tulips because they are annuals here too and sometimes I cannot resist a new or old variety of daffodils which I have not yet in the garden. I also buy hyacints for my collection bulb glasses. Springfever: enjoying is looking ahead!

    1. One day my garden will be full, but thankfully, not yet! I rather enjoy putting out those little promises of spring! Of course, I guess one can always buy more bulbs for pots!

  22. I've ordered bulbs but do not have them in the ground yet. Last year I planted some Avalanche bulbs and loved them. I don't see many daffodils in my neighborhood--but I love them!

    1. I had to look up Avalanche. It is so pretty! I plan on stealing some of my grandmother's tazettas this spring. I had planned to last year, too, but just didn't get around to it.

  23. Go for it! Especially the tulips - I am rooting for them (no pun intended). My tulip bulbs are in the refrigerator now - I'll be planting them right before Thanksgiving and hoping they make a nice display in March. Then out they come!

    1. I am much too lazy to dig them up and replant them every year! I only buy them if they're cheap because I know how I am.

  24. I grow tulips in pots as an annual and have lots of daffodils. I've been so busy with other garden projects that I'm way behind on planting bulbs. But as long as I get them in by mid-November, I'll be ok. Your spring garden is going to be incredible! How many bulbs did you plant?

    1. In total, I'm not sure. I didn't realize that I was ordering/picking up so many, until I started planting them! The 100 daffodils, though, were what really sent me over the top, I think. But, I'm hoping that area looks just like I imagine it come spring!

  25. At the time the garden is going into wintersleep it's so difficult to stop buying springbulbs. Helas no space in my little garden to plant new things.
    Have a wonderful day Holley.

    1. It is hard to stop wishing for spring - thus, buying more spring bulbs!

  26. I totally understand your bulb fever! :) I went a little crocus-mad this's all really the anticipation of the early flowers, it's hard to beat that feeling when they come up in the spring! I also kept some back to force indoors.

    Sheryl @ Flowery Prose

    1. I gave up on crocuses. They have not returned well for me. I'm hoping to have better luck with the other bulbs I planted this year. You are right about the ecstatic feeling one gets when the spring bulbs start blooming!

  27. Not many bulbs this year as I need to take careful stock of what grows in my garden

  28. Hi--I've just re-subscribed...for some reason the first time it didn't take. Alas, I do have bulb fever, but a poor lower back, so I do pots. That said, I managed 40 French and Parrot tulips in pots covered with pansies running amok. It serves a dual purpose. Those pansies are tough as nails in our winters and when the bulbs come popping up through--oh my! I can just sit and stare at them.

    1. Tulips and poppies sound divine - and I love your reasoning behind it, too! I should do some spring planted pots. I can imagine they are wonderful to see.
