
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Lying Down on the Job

I returned from my no-internet-available trip, and I was anxious to see how the garden was faring.  This is the peak time for roses to bloom in Texas, and I was not disappointed when I drove up the driveway.

James Galway

But, that's not the point of this post.  This post is about things other than roses.  The things that were lying down when I returned.  :(

My little man.  Or, you may know him as the statue by the fish pond.  He blew down!  This is one heavy dude, and I was shocked that we had a wind come through that could blow him over.  It looks like the asian jasmine cushioned his fall.  I have not checked, but I'm hoping that he is not cracked on his underside.  For now, he'll just have to wait.

The wind also blew down my spiral obelisk.  :(

It is bent in places, and broken in others.  I looked online and it is no longer available for purchase, so I don't know what I'll do in this space.  I had two in a pair of raised beds, and so, in addition to figuring out what to put in these two spaces, I'll have to find a place for the one obelisk that didn't fall over.  I just hate it when my designs get changed by something other than me!

But, that design change will have to wait, too.

Souvenir de St. Anne

I can't worry about those things right now.  I'm busy enjoying the roses!


  1. Did that cold front over the weekend hit you? Your roses are beautiful!

    1. Yes - It cooled things off here, which was very much appreciated. In fact, the weather today was PERFECT! Very unusual for Texas! ;)

  2. Holley, I admire your positive attitude. So sorry about your obelisk and little man. Hopefully your little man is just having a rest. Enjoy these perfect fall days!

    1. The days really have been perfect lately. So beautiful, and so enjoyable working outside! I'll have to get around to my little man eventually, and I hope he's not cracked. I guess I figure if I don't look, I can pretend he's o.k.

  3. Oh, I am sorry about your obelisk, and I hope the statue is OK. Your roses are incredibly beautiful! I am glad the wind did not harm them! We had a lot of wind with the storms we had Sunday, and after that our temps were much cooler. So maybe autumn has arrived for both of us.

    1. The cooler weather is nice, but I just hate the winds. Seems like nothing much good comes of wind, just damage. Although having my statue blow over was quite a surprise - he's been there for years!

  4. Thanks goodness for the cheerful roses! Sorry to see some of the damage, poor obelisk and I hope the statue is ok. That must have been a very strong gust of wind to do all of that.

    1. I wondered what kind of wind could have done that, and since I wasn't home, I guess I'll never know. But I can't imagine how my statue blew over. He's been stuck in a rut for years!

  5. I hope your statue isn't cracked. We're getting windy conditions in Ireland too. The roses are very pretty.

    1. I hope the wind doesn't do any damage to your home or garden, Kelli. To be invisible, it can be very destructive!

  6. Oh, how frustarting, I erally like your obelisk, but your roses are really beautiful which must cushion the blow. Hope your statue is unharmed by his encounter with the ground.

    1. I really do like the obelisk, and it will be hard to replace. Guess I need to get my thinking cap on. Instead of looking at it as a problem, I need to remember that it's an opportunity! :)

  7. Your roses are gorgeous, but it must have been quite a storm to blow your rather heavy statue and obelisk.

    1. I was shocked about the statue. Nothing every moves it - it's so heavy! Must have hit it just right, I guess!

  8. That Galway Rose is beautiful. I love being able to see your beautiful Roses. Sorry to hear about the damage to your obelisk. What a disappointment that you can't get another one. You know they have a liquid weld out now that might help with fixing the broken part. If you can bend the bends back in place and use the liquid weld, it just might be fixed well enough. The liquid weld was easy to use from what I understand.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. Liquid weld! I hadn't thought of that! Thanks for the suggestion! Oh, that would be wonderful if I could fix it! Thanks again!

  9. It must have been some wind to knock over the obelisk - good you were away! I hate watching my garden helplessly when a storm comes by!

    1. Maybe it was best that I wasn't here! Not sure what I would have done if I had seen it come crashing down!

  10. I like the fact that you are looking on the bright side - or in this case, the beautiful side. I had no idea your rose season was now - we live and learn. I hope everything gets back to normal soon and that the statue is completely unscathed. Hurrah for Asian jasmine!

    1. I have never been proud to have Asian Jasmine in my garden, until now!

  11. That's too bad about the damage to your obelisk; hopefully you can fix it or find something you love as well for that space. I hope the statue is okay! It's been windy here as well, all the leaves are falling like mad. Love your photos of the roses in bloom (the James Galway is particularly stunning) - we'll have to wait for months and months and months before we see that again here!
    ~Sheryl @ Flowery Prose

    1. The leaves are not quite falling here yet. Or maybe all the loose ones got blown off by that wind! ;) The rose blooms are not quite the same as in spring - the bulbs, etc. are not blooming alongside them - but sometimes the autumn rose blooms are better than in spring!

  12. Holley, I'm sorry the damage the wind made in your garden. I think you may wait now until the weather is normal or until spring. I remember this nice statue, now is broken, pity!

    1. I may wait until spring to try and repair the obelisk, as I have so many other gardening chores to work on right now. Hopefully I'll get around to the statue in a couple of weeks, and I'm hoping that it's not broken. That would be heartbreaking if it is.

  13. Great attitude... enjoy your beautiful roses!

    1. There are some things one can not change, so it's best just to ignore them and look elsewhere!

  14. Rats! Hope your concrete dude is o.k. and sorry about your obelisk. Must have been the winds of change that everyone's talking about that hit your garden.

    1. The winds of change - yes, I think you're right!

  15. Natural forces running rampant in your garden while you were away. I'd be alarmed! But you are right, the sight of the beautiful roses makes up for it. They are lovely.

    1. It did make me wonder what when on around here while I was gone!

  16. That must have been some wind to knock over a concrete statue like that. Texas is quite the place. But those roses are divine. At least they are still upright!

    1. It doesn't seem to have harmed the plants at all, just my ornamental decorations. That is kind of odd, isn't it?

  17. We didn't have any wind out here in the piney wood of east Texas. We have so many dead trees that I am concerned any time the wind blows. I am not cutting anything down until spring just to make sure the trees are really dead. Sounds like a trip to Canton for an obelisk is in your future. . .

    1. Well, now, that is something I can look forward to! Love going to Canton! :)

  18. I swear - Mother Nature is getting meaner all the time. I hope the statue is unscathed and that you manage to fix the obelisk somehow. The roses are a nice distraction.

    1. Mother Nature does seem to be a bit harsh these days, doesn't she? Not at all like the lovely woman running through a field of flowers that I imagined as a child!

  19. Roses rebloom here too in fall but not as much as where you are. I am taking in every bloom as they will be gone soon. Most of the garden has been left to its own until can wait but the blooms must be enjoyed now :)

    1. Most of my garden was left on its own this summer - and now is the time to work in it! Enjoy your blooms while they last, Donna. We will both be dreaming of spring soon!
