
Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Changes I Made

Do you remember back in March I changed an area of the walking garden?  (If not, you can click HERE.)  Well, it's looking fabulous now!!!  (Not bragging, just reporting!)  ;)

This bed was supposed to be mainly red and yellow.  Somehow, it had been taken over by pink.  So, I pulled out all the pink and put in different plants.  Now it's red and yellow.  Just like it's supposed to be.

Well, actually, it's red and yellow - and purple, too!  Red, yellow and purple flowers all together may sound horrible to some people, but I just love it!  Somehow, I think the addition of purple compliments the red and yellow combination.  I guess purple is close enough to blue (in plants, at least) to give it a primary color scheme.

Red and yellow flowers include Hot Lips sage, Home Run rose, and yellow cannas.


Even the cannas have a touch of red on them.

Mystic Spires in back

For purple, I have some May Night salvias, a Mystic Spires salvia in back, and even added a purple(ish) ice plant.

Ice plant

The sweet purple flowers in front are angelonias.

Angelonia with salvia

They bloomed all spring and summer, too.  They are such sweet plants, but unfortunately, they are annuals here.

And the white?

Peacock orchid

The beautiful peacock orchids.  Unfortunately, I don't think they will return next year, either.  But I'm enjoying them while I can.

So, a few more changes will need to be made.  Still, I'm so glad I made the changes that I did.  To me, it looks 100% better.  Red and yellow - and purple, too!  Who knew!?

I'm joining Helen at The Patient Gardener for End of Month View.


  1. Your plan came together so beautifully. I think a touch of yellow really offsets the other colors so nicely in a garden. All that work is paying off.

    1. I do like yellow in a garden. It catches the eye, and reminds me of sunshine.

  2. It looks lovely! And that peacock orchid is just gorgeous. I didn’t used to like yellow flowers, thought they looked to garish and kind of stole too much of the glam for all the other flowers, now I have them all over the garden – but I am still a bit careful with which colours I put yellow next to. Your colours work really well!

    1. I used to not like yellow as much, either. Maybe it's my failing eyesight that makes me like brighter colors more and more!

  3. It looks gorgeous! I love that color scheme - my last garden had a red, orange, yellow and purple theme going in the front! It definitely works :) That Hot Lips salvia of yours really pops there!

    1. I was surprised how much the purple really added to the red and yellow flowers. My Hot Lips has reverted back to almost all red, but I still like it.

  4. I think it looks fabulous! All those bright colors together definitely "work." Very nice!

    1. I guess the purple balances the bright red and yellow colors, and gives the eye just enough to rest a bit.

  5. Red and yellow, great combination colors. Really beautiful, lovely garden.

    1. It makes me smile every morning - to me, that is success!

  6. Wonderful color combinations you have in your garden. I hope the peacock orchid comes back next year, what a flower. I also loved your posts I've missed, the 'Garden Pokey'

    1. I didn't realize the Peacock Orchid wouldn't come back when I planted so many! I will have to find another substitute for it.

  7. Beautiful are the photos of your garden!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  8. Don't you just love it when a plan comes together!! I think the purple really helps pull it all together, there is probably some really clever colour wheel based explanation for why, but I can never remember such things.

    1. You're right - I'm no color expert, but the purple really added a lot to the red and yellow!

  9. Looks lovely. You've done a lot of changes this year. I understand that completely. :) Seems like I get something the way I want and then I'm tired of it.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. Oh, Cher - I get something the way I want and then something dies! ;)

  10. You did a lovely job and it all looks beautiful.


    1. Thank you, Lorraine. It's nice to be pleased - at least for a season!

  11. I agree with Janet at Plantalicious...the purple/blue pulls it all together. I think it's that the colors are exact opposites on the color wheel, so they are the most pleasing combinations to the eye. Of course it's subjective too! Congrats on making a bed that gives you pleasure.

    1. I think I need to look at the color wheel more often when putting in plants! Perhaps I should follow all the advice I read more often!

  12. For next spring, what do you think about Tulip Flaming Parrot? I go plant these next week! Exactely the colors you are looking for. I can not sent you a picture, but on Google you will find it! And in spring, red and yellow, it is so sunny...
    From Holland, Hetty.

    1. I googled it, and OH! how fabulous they are! You are right - they would be perfect for this bed!

  13. You are a bold gardener to put hot primary colors together, and it works! What I especially like is how pleased the gardener is with the result.

    1. I think bold colors work well here, in our harsh sunlight. I do have an area where I have tried to use mostly pastels - but even there I have a red salvia and an orange rose!

  14. I just love the colours together - nature allows us to mix colours that don't normally go together - keeping us on our creative toes! The red salvia is similar to my hotlips salvia.

    1. This is hot lips - but it has reverted back to mostly just red. No more lips! :O)

  15. I love that colour combination! The peacock orchid is just so pretty as well.

    1. I do love the peacock orchids. What is interesting is that they are supposed to bloom in autumn, but mine have bloomed some in June, some in August, and now some in October. I think they're confused!

  16. I'm thinking you've pulled it off Holley :) The purple really does look good. I've just planted some yellow flowering plants in the front garden with a view to adding in spring something to compliment/contrast (haven't quite made my mind up yet) but will keep your red and purple in mind.
    If I manage to create something as good as you have, I'll be reporting too ;)

    1. Oh, I do hope that you add a little bit of red and purple to the mix - and that you love it. I'll be waiting for a 'report'! :)

  17. I love primary colour schemes, your border looks beautiful. You can dig up the peacock orchids and store frostfree, so you can plant them next spring again. I have them too, still flowering in the garden but coming weeks I shall take them out before frost arrives.

    1. I am such a lazy gardener, but maybe I will dig up some of the bulbs. They would look nice in a pot. Thanks for the tip!

  18. I think red, yellow and purple are a great combination. I have managed to overwinter my peacock orchids in the basement. I lift the bulbs, cut off the green and hang them in the basement inside a mesh laundry bag filled with dry wood shavings (from hubby's workshop).

    1. Well, maybe I'll just do this! I planted loads of them. I'm not one to do much digging and replanting, but I could dig some up, put them in a pot, and overwinter them in the garage where they wouldn't freeze. I think my husband would be impressed, too! :)

  19. Looking good! Isn't purple opposite yellow on the color wheel? That's why it works and then the red makes those two pop.

    1. Yes, you're right - I do love the complementary combination of purple and yellow together. And the red does help it pop a bit. Wish I could stumble into more color combinations that work together. I think I'm going to have to start consulting a color wheel!

  20. And it's looking fabulous indeed Holley! An explosion of well coordinated colours and the planting is beautiful!

    1. In our harsh sunlight, an "explosion" of color is needed! :)

  21. I love what you've done. I'm a fan of bold, bright colors, and it would never occur to me NOT to put some blue or purple in with the reds and yellows. It really does work perfectly. Angelonia is among my favorite annuals. Really indestructible, and they bloom forever. Plus they actually like the heat!

    1. I have really enjoyed the angelonias. I will miss them next year. I'm not one to buy a lot of annuals - not sure why I bought these, but I'm glad I did!

  22. Holley I love the colors too and especially complemented by purple.

    1. The purple added so much more than I ever expected. I think I'll start consulting the color wheel from now on!
