
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Look up!

I have to admit that I have been a bit obsessed with small blooms lately.  Grape hyacinths and crocus have given me reason to look down and to look closely.  Weeding has given me even more reason to take a closer look at the ground.  Kneeling in the flower beds have become almost an every day chore for me right now.

So completely immersed in the small world of miniature blooms in the garden, I didn't see the big picture.  In fact, I didn't notice the crab apples were blooming until I was inside!  It was there, standing up, looking out, that I finally looked at the garden - instead of looking at the ground.  And there they were - beautiful crab apple blooms.

How could I not have noticed before?  Time to take a look at the garden as a whole instead of inch by inch!  Time to get off my knees and look up!


  1. Your crab apple blossoms are so beautiful, what a lovely tree to have in the garden! I am doing a lot of weeding too lately, since with all the winter rain that we were having they sprout like crazy, but my garden is so small, that I still can't loose sight of the whole picture ;-)! Haven't thought that this might be an advantage at least sometime :-)!

  2. So pretty! I have a couple crab apple too & can't wait for them to bloom - my trees are much smaller (about 6ft & 8ft) than yours and i really look forward to seeing them as large as your beautiful! xoox

  3. Isn't it funny when blooms sneak up on you? We just got an adopted Crabapple from the's just now leafing out...maybe blooms next year.

  4. Christina - I do love my crab apples. They are in the front, and I've been working in the back. I should stop and just enjoy the garden some days. Yeah - like that's ever going to happen!

    Fishtail Cottage - Mine are probably 20 ft. or so. They are pretty while they're blooming, which is not as long as I would like! Hope yours bloom for you soon.

    Darla - You never know. They might bloom this year. They leaf out and bloom around the same time.

  5. Your crab apples are spectacular!! Very envious :)

  6. GardeningBlog - they really are pretty this year. I never know from year to year why something looks good vs. not so good. I guess they're just happy it's spring, too!

  7. Your pink crabapple blossoms are so very pretty and are definitely worth looking up for!

  8. I was thinking that the other day when I took my walks. Also, I had to remind myself to put my camera away part of the time and just enjoy the day! It's hard to do with blog posts to write, but sometimes I need to just soak it all in without trying to document it. :)

  9. One of the joys of spring are the blooms of spring flowering trees (cherries, magnolias, crab apples, etc.) Always a joy to behold, both near and from a distance!

  10. 3dogs - Yes, I am now taking the time to enjoy them!

    PlantPostings - I agree. Sometimes we are looking in macro. We need to enjoy our gardens, something that there is often precious little time to do. Glad you're also remembering to enjoy the beauty of the garden as a whole.

    Petra - I wish I knew. I've had these for some years, before I started keeping labels!

    Mark & Gaz - Yes, the trees can really put on a show at this time. This is just about the only spring flowering tree I have in my garden. I've been looking at the trees elsewhere. Perhaps I should put more spring flowering trees on my ever-growing wish list!

  11. Yep. Gardening is like praying. Time to be on the knees and time to look up.

  12. Mac - Thanks so much! They really are looking pretty this year.
