
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 2011 Bloom Day

It's Garden Bloggers Boom Day again!  And unlike last month, when temperatures were cold and buds were unwilling to bloom, this month has been glorious!  Warm spring days, with highs in the 70's, have convinced spring bulbs to come out and show off in a parade of color.

Blooming right now in my garden are snowdrops, daffodils, grape hyacinths, crocus, camellia.

Grape hyacinths (muscari) with crocus

Every day there is a new bloom, a new bud, or new leaves to see.  It is an exciting time for this gardener.

Professor Charles Sargent camellia japonica

But the blooms that make me jump out of bed every morning, the blooms that bring a smile to my face, are the iris.

Irises in the garden

The camellias and early spring bulbs may open the door to spring and say "Welcome", but the iris waves it in and says, "Come on in.  Stay for a while."


  1. Just love your camellia and the white irises. My irises are so far behind, they are just working on regrowing their leaves. No buds in sight, yet. Besides roses irises are my favorite flowers, so I am glad that I can enjoy yours already!

  2. Wow is that a gorgeous camellia! I love it. The iris here are just putting up their flower scapes.

  3. Stunning!!! Your Camellia is just divine! Thanks for sharing these happy snaps of spring (and for the smile it brought) Cheers Julia xx

  4. I am jealous. Iris already. White, no less. Happy GBBD.

  5. I joined in Bloom Day as well, great idea to bring in Spring. Kelli

  6. Yes, those irises are saying hello. I'm looking forward to this year's bloom. Bad weather took mine all out last year just as they were ready to bloom.

  7. So envious... patience. Spring is coming. Your blooms are beautiful.

  8. Love those irises! And that combination in the first photo is stunning. Temps to reach 70º by Friday so things will be happening in my gardens.

  9. Christina - I think these are an early variety. I have other irises that are not anywhere near blooming yet.

    Hoover Boo - I love camellias, too. This one has really nice flowers. Thanks for commenting.

    Julia - It's wonderful that spring is here! I hope it comes to you soon.

    GWGT - I am very pleased with these white irises. They really brighten up the garden.

    Kelli - Glad you joined in! It's fun!

    MotherNature - How sad! I hope yours bloom especially well this year since you missed last year's.

    Carolyn - Yes, spring will get to you soon!

    Marcia - Wahoo! It's always a celebration to have a 70 degree day!

  10. I love crocus and muscari together, such a pretty combination. Your bulb bed is turning out great.

  11. Wow, they're all splendid! Did you see Lula's (On Botanical Photography) photo of Muscari? I'm jealous of both of you. I do have some Hellebores beginning to emerge -- I should have gotten out there to snap the photos. Not really blooming yet, but so close!!

  12. Masha - I am anxious to see how well it does all year. A new bed is so exciting, isn't it?

    PlantPostings - I will go check her blog out! Hellebores are beautiful. And you know that things are beginning to stir when they emerge!

  13. Lovely blooms, especially your camellia. Happy GBBD!

  14. Caroline - The camellia has really done well. I wasn't sure if the freeze would affect the blooms, but they are all opening. It's nice to have something big blooming along with all the small bulbs.

  15. Your blooms are just beautiful and so different than what I seem to be able to grow in Austin. Your crocus is to die for!

  16. Iris - Yes, I am amazed at the difference between here and Austin, too! Texas is such a big state - so many different zones, yet I'm always amazed at the difference in plants.

  17. I especially like the camellia.

  18. Mac - I have to say I'm loving that bloom form. Supposedly a 'peony form' but I love the way the outside petals are open, while the inside petals are all turned in on themselves. Thanks for commenting.

  19. Your "Professor Charles Sargent camellia japonica" - what a delight! PS: I'm enjoying going back into your older posts - learning lots from you - thank you!

  20. GardeningBlog - Thank you so much! My camellias are a delight to me. I have several, and wish to acquire several more!
