
Saturday, June 15, 2013

June Blooms

June is the month for blooms!

A clematis blooming on the entry arbor looks so welcoming.  This poor little clematis has had a hard life.  I have accidentally cut it down with the string trimmer every year for several years.  In fact, I couldn't even remember what color it was going to be until it finally bloomed for me this year.  I am trying very hard not to accidentally cut it down again!

The Casa Blanca lilies have just about finished blooming.  But there are other lilies blooming now, just as lovely.  How I wish I knew the name of this lily.  It has one of the largest and most beautiful blooms I've ever seen.

The daylilies are the star of the show at this moment in time.  They are placed throughout my garden.

Here they are again, scabiosa and asters in front, orange cannas in back.  These daylilies are Pandora's Box.  I bought them because they were inexpensive, as far as daylilies go.  They have done well for me, and their creamy yellow blooms look nice with the other blooms in my garden.

Here they are again with Lady Hillingdon rose.

One last look.  Just because.

Another daylily I love is this red and orange one.  I don't know its name.  But it looks fabulous next to the yellow yarrow.  Yellow yarrow.  Can you say that fast five times?

I also have some old-fashioned orange daylilies.  I love them, too.  Marcia sent them to me.  Thanks, Marcia!  Some may not care for the color combination of orange and pink together, but so far, I'm quite happy with this combination.  La Marne rose is on the far left, the orange daylilies are planted in the middle and Appleblossom flower carpet rose is planted on the right.  Together, they are certainly not an expected combination.  What do you think about orange and pink together?

More blooms - I can't neglect the roses!  Here's Cinco de Mayo.

Prosperity rose is putting on another flush.  (Vitex in the background.)

Lion's Fairy Tale.

Other blooms in my garden include mophead, lacecap, and oak leaf hydrangeas, gardenias, Confederate jasmine, gaura, liatris, Shasta daisies, stokesia, abelia and crape myrtles.

There are a few surprise blooms, too, such as this lovely yellow iris.  It must be shy to be blooming so late!

In contrast, these chrysanthemums are a little early (or maybe they, too, are late, as usually they bloom for me in early spring then again in the fall).  I have firewitch dianthus in front of them, and the combination looks nice.

But the biggest surprise of all are the hellebores that are still blooming!  According to my photo archives, they have been blooming since February 3rd!  I'm amazed!

I hope you have something amazing blooming in your garden, too.

I'm joining Carol at May Dreams Gardens for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.


  1. Beautiful. I think orange and pink are just fine together - if it's good enough for Miss Huff Lantana, it's good enough for me. Might your mystery lily be Silk Road Orienpet?

    1. Silk Road orienpet! Maybe. Although mine is not as white on the edges as in the photos of Silk Road. But I would love to give Silk Road a try! :)

  2. I definitely love the vivid colours of the red and orange daylilies in combination with the yellow yarrow, such a beautiful picture. Your garden is really in full bloom!

    1. I do like that combination - as usual, an accident! :)

  3. Oh lady, you have a lot of purty flowers. For me Oriental lilies like your red and white one are favorites to grow. No care and spectacular. I have begun adding a few day lilies too. Now remember do not attack your clematis this year!

    1. I love the lilies, too. You are right - so easy, yet spectacular. I have been so happy with the daylilies this year. I have planted more (pink ones!), and can't wait for them to grow and bloom in another year or two. I've been trying very hard to remember the clematis. My poor plants - they have to live through a lot here!

  4. Your Lilies are just beautiful. That red-orange Daylily is spectacular. I don't mind the orange and pink combination either. Loved Casa Blanca too. Of course, your Roses are gorgeous as well, and the little surprises are simply wonderful to see.

    1. Thanks for saying that about the orange and pink. I think it has to do a lot with the way the sun hits the garden, and in hot areas, colors get washed out a bit, and don't seem to clash as much as they would in softer light conditions. At least, that is my theory. :)

  5. Beautiful blooms. That is one persistent clematis. It's survived you!
    Really like the red and orange day lily.

    1. I think all that cutting down of the clematis might have actually helped it to become strong! (I hope!) :)

  6. I have oranges and pinks together - I don't mind it either Holley.
    I've a similar clematis - kept getting stood on. I bit the bullet and moved it. It was coming along nicely until it was devoured by slugs!! Maybe it's not meant to live in my garden.
    Daylillies are a very useful plant to have in the garden, isn't it?
    It's been a while since I visited your garden Holley, your roses are looking great and I like that lily too!

    1. Oh, no! I hope my clematis doesn't get eaten by slugs! What a terrible ordeal your poor little clematis had to go through! I've thought about moving mine, but since I didn't remember what color of blooms it was supposed to have, I didn't want to move it and have it clash with something!

  7. Love Lilies, love Daylilies, love it all. I mediate orange and pink with some Echinacea. The gold cones pick up the orange. Well, that's what I tell myself, anyway.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion of adding echinacea. I just may do that! :)

  8. I don’t mind colour clashes as long as they are not too bad clashes, if that makes sense…my garden is full of it! I envy you having daylilies already, mine are not even in buds yet. I also love oriental lilies, have lots of hem, my garden has the most exquisite scent when they are in flower – although it seems to be a long wait for them this year. I can’t believe you still have a hellebore in flower, mine are all shrivelled up and the first one dispersed its seeds the other day. I just about caught them in time to spread them where I want them :-)

    1. I have just been amazed with the hellebores. I keep checking on them, and they just keep on blooming!

  9. Let it bloom! Love all the lilium and daylilies. Mine haven't started yet and now you've got me super excited for when they do. I think we must be almost 2-3 weeks later than you are.

  10. You have an amazing assortment of flowers - hellebores, roses and lilies all blooming at the same time! I have the 'Pandora's Box' daylily too, purchased for the same reason. Although it's supposed to be evergreen, it disappeared last year and I forgot about it, over-planting it with other stuff only to have it reappear this spring. Unfortunately, its going to have to move as its no longer in the right company...

    1. Oh, don't you just hate it when you plant something on top of something else? I do that, too. I hope your daylilies are happy in their new home.

  11. We have some of the same plants in bloom. (In fact, we have almost the same title for our blog posts this month...we must be on the same wave length!) I think clematis are pretty tough plants. Between me and my husband, I think we have cut down Perle d' azur' four times, and it still came back to bloom this year!

    1. I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one that has done that! The last time I felt really guilty. I was so relieved when it sprang back up - and bloomed!

  12. Thanks for thaking us with with you in your beautiful garden.
    Have a wonderful sunday.

  13. Lovely selection as always Holley! Yellow yarrow - yes managed to say it out loud five times...

  14. Beautiful blooms Holley, and I like your orange and pink combo, but there again the beauty of gardening is very much that you can do what you like in your own patch and not be bothered if it doesn't float everybody else's boat! Good luck preserving your poor clematis this year, and thank you for giving me yet more ideas for plants to put with daylillies, they are on my list for next year when I have saved up some more plant money!

    1. Daylilies can be quite expensive. That's why I bought these - they were the cheapest ones! :O

  15. Your Clematis and Roses are lovely. You have lots more Daylilies blooming then me. So far just one of mine is blooming but I do have buds on another one. Can't believe you have Mums that bloom twice a year though. Mine do bloom early Summer and continue though into Fall.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. I have hope now that mine will continue through fall, too. Although not too much hope - our hot weather is just about to hit, and I doubt they will like triple digit heat!

  16. Holley your Cinco De Mayo is beautiful as are those lilies and daylilies...mine have just started. And a hellebore

    1. I can't believe the hellebore. I hope the poor thing doesn't bloom itself to death!

  17. Hmmmph. Your yellow yarrow is blooming. Mine refuses to bloom. I grew them from seed and they should have bloomed this year as this is the second year.

  18. I like combinations that make you stop and think a little. Something out of the ordinary. That orange and pink look nice, but I also like that if you don't expect it, you stop and pay attention to be beauty of each. They'd really be nice with a chair in the middle and some coffee on a morning! As always I love all the roses too!

    1. I am making a spot nearby for a couple of chairs. I hope I enjoy looking at pink and orange every day! :)

  19. I love colors and all mixed together is fine to my eyes! In my garden there are NO Bad Clashes!! It's a wild romp and a party with all colors mixed together in a orgy!!!! So splendid and beautiful like a paint palate. Thanks for sharing your colors!! Just wondering do you do anything special for Lady Hillington ? My Lady seems to stuggle to bloom. I think she has failure to thrive syndrome!!!

    1. Gwen - my garden has no color rules, either! I like it that way.

      Last year I forgot what rose was planted where and pruned Lady Hillingdon - not hard, but just on the tips. She did NOT like that at all! She barely bloomed, and I was worried that she might take great offense and die. I remembered this year not to prune her at all, and she has been very happy. So, my only advice is if you are cutting the tips of her canes at all, she might not like that. Otherwise, I am not sure. Mine usually is happy with me doing nothing. And maybe it's not you - sometimes we just get duds, I think!

  20. Pink and orange look wonderful especially with that little touch of blue. Remember when you see fields of native flowers that reseed by themselves there are all sorts of colors combined to make a magnificent tapestry. I don't think God uses a color wheel ;-)

    I haven't grown clematis - I don't know if it would like the heat here. Does anyone know? I am in the sandy soil, piney woods of east Texas.


    1. Ann - try clematis. I live in east texas (Tyler), although my soil is red clay. They don't bloom as long as in milder climates, I think, but they are worth growing. Good luck with them.

  21. Your daylilies are outstanding. As to orange and pink, I think they are fine. They both have red in them. Perhaps it could be jarring depending on the shade or tint of each.

    1. I think you're right - different shades make all the difference! :)

  22. Beautiful garden and love the combination of daylilies with yarrow...lovely!

    1. I like that combination, too. Red, yellow, orange - they go together well.

  23. And I thought you were going to show us a parade of roses...silly me! I love all your flower combinations and your stunning daylilies. You have really been busy and it shows. Happy GBBD from your Texas friend.

    1. and of know I'm teasing you! The '...and other gardening joys' in your title is an understatement. Happy Gardening. :0)

    2. :) I think all gardens should have a rose, and I think all rose gardens should have other flowers, too! I have more roses in my garden than anything, but I love everything!

  24. I love daylilies too. They are among my favorite flowers. I'm also dabbling in lilies. While they aren't as rock solid here as daylilies, they are so beautiful. The whole garden smells so good because of them. Don't you think?~~Dee

    1. Oh, I just love lilies. I would love to add about 1,000 more to my garden (if i just had the money!) ;)

  25. Your garden is fabulous; so many blooms! I tried saying yellow yarrow five times and I couldn't. Jeannine

  26. Your garden looks fabulous! I love the variety of color, texture, blooms! I would not know how to plant like that to save my life! What a treat it must be to meander in your garden.

    1. I do enjoy walking around the garden looking at the different blooms. As for planting, I believe in the Plopping method! ;)

  27. Absolutely love the red and orange daylily!
